Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 229 Chapter 229 Enchanting Shop

Chapter 229 229. Enchanting Shop

The conversation with this enchanter was actually not smooth, because he wanted to buy the land of a shop, but Su You didn't plan to sell the land for the time being, she just wanted to rent the land for them to build a shop.

The reason is simple. With the development of the territory, the rent will become higher and higher, and the land will become more and more expensive. This enchanter must also value the potential of the sunset territory and understand this, so he wants to buy it in advance. Down.

He understands that Su You, as a lord, understands this better, so she will naturally not be willing to suffer.

If it's their own family, such as Duoli Duoya, it's not impossible to sell a piece of land. Even Su You is willing to pick a piece of land with a good location for them.

But this person is different, he is not a resident of the territory, and he has never even thought about joining the territory.

If he chooses a golden location, when the sunset land is upgraded to two levels at that time, the value of this land will be multiplied several times, not to mention that if the other party doesn't want to open a shop one day, Suyou won't even be able to collect taxes arrive!
Taxes in prime location!There are probably more shops in one store than in a remote street!

All in all, want to rent?Can!want to buy?no!
The other party also seemed to understand that there was no benefit to be gained from Su You, so after struggling a bit, he thought about extending the lease term to achieve his goal in a disguised form.

After all, the rent is low now, if you rent it for ten or eight years at a time, then the level of the territory will be higher, and he will earn more, but the rent will still be at the level of a few years ago, and then he will be more competitive than others many.

If there are peers, he can fight price wars to maintain his stable position - anyway, his rent is low, and the cost is naturally much lower than that of the other party. At the price of the other party's loss, he can still make a profit.

It’s just that he thought well, but Su You still refused, because she only accepts short-term rentals for one year, and every upgrade of the territory will increase the rent by a certain amount, but the increase rate will be lower than the rented shops later. part.

Neither this nor that, the other party was obviously a little annoyed.

Although the status of enchanters on the mainland is not as high as that of magicians, they are relatively rare existences. Their status is similar to that of Dolly, a restorer, and even higher.

This kind of person has been used to being sought after since he was a child, so he naturally couldn't accept Su You's attitude.

It's just that it's useless even if he is dissatisfied, because Su You's attitude is very firm, with an attitude of 'If you don't agree, the big deal is to stop renting'.

Judging from the current situation, Su You really has no shortage of someone to rent a shop. She is not asking for someone to rent, so there is no need to compromise.

The party without pressure tends to gain the upper hand in the process of transactions or negotiations, and in this negotiation about the lease of the shop, it is obvious that Su You is the winner.

In the end, both parties took a step back, and the lease period was increased from one year to two years, and the rent increased by 10% over the same period, but the increase in rent for each territorial upgrade was only 70% of the original.

In addition, the shop cannot be sub-leased, and other renovations other than commercial use cannot be carried out. Once discovered, it will be taken back directly, and the rent will be refunded but the deposit will not be refunded.

Faced with such harsh conditions, although the enchanter was very unhappy, he still gritted his teeth and agreed.

It is said that harmony makes money, Su You made a fortune, and kindly told the enchanter a piece of news. After hearing the news, the enchanter's face became much better.

Compared with this difficult enchanter, the second npc with intermediate management skills is much easier to talk to.

Apart from being picky about the location, he has no other opinions on the rent and the lease period, so he quickly entered the link of signing the contract.

"If you want the territory to help build a store, how much money will it cost?"

There are two kinds of renting shops, one is a ready-made shop, just move in directly, the other is renting a piece of land for construction, you can choose to pay for it yourself, or you can pay money to the territory, and the territory will build it.

The so-called construction by the territory is actually just letting Su You consume materials to build directly, which is very convenient.

Su You calculated the price of the materials he needed at the grocery store, and then quoted a number.

"Two gold coins, including basic furniture. If you need other things, you can go to the shop in front to order." The craftsman's shop, the blacksmith's shop and the sewing shop cover almost all the production of daily items, so if there is a need, go directly to them with money to order The corresponding things are fine, and Su You doesn't need to worry about it.

"Then trouble Lord Su." He first took out the rent, and then took out two more gold coins.

Based on the monthly rent of three gold coins, the other party rented it for a year, which is 36 gold coins, and adding two gold coins is 38 gold coins.

The former enchanter increased the rent by 10% because of the increase in the lease period. Originally, he only needed 72 gold coins for two years, but he had to pay seven gold coins plus 70 silver coins. Make up money in the future, but only need to make up [-]%.

In addition to the rent charged by the territory for this kind of shop, there are also the 'three taxes' that are settled every month.

The names and proportions of the three taxes are: basic tax (3% of total income), income tax (5% of profit, no need to pay if the profit is negative), and maintenance tax (1%).

The first two taxes are submitted to the treasury of the territory, so the shop opened by Su You can pay taxes or not, because hers belong to the territory, and whether to pay or not depends on her own needs.

The third tax is different. It is similar to the maintenance fee. This money is submitted to the system and has nothing to do with Suyou or the territory, so all shops need to pay it.

After signing the second contract, Su You sent the person away, then took the materials to the place he chose, and put down the grocery store.

[Under construction: grocery store, estimated time: 300 minutes]

The enchanter didn't say that he needed to help with the construction, so Su You didn't bother, as long as he built and opened the business within the specified time, she would also take back the land that had been vacant for a long time, and of course, the rent and deposit would be refunded part.

Two of the top five preferential places that had been agreed upon had already disappeared, so Su You naturally had to notify on the bulletin board.

This is not only to inform, but also to tell the hesitant people that someone has already taken action, and the number of offers is limited, if you don't act, it will be too late!
Suyou's preferential treatment is tax reduction and exemption, usually the basic tax is 3%, but the first five cooperative companies only charge 2% basic tax within one year.

As soon as this announcement came out, that night, the City Lord's Mansion where Su You lived received another six or seven applications for cooperation.

Because it was too late, and Su You had other things to do, we arranged for a detailed discussion tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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