Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 230 Chapter 230 The Story of the Wolf Cub

Chapter 230 230. The Story of the Wolf Cub

Although these people are very impatient, they also know that some things cannot be rushed.

But Su You, who was supposed to be in the City Lord's Mansion, now appeared in front of the most remote house in the residential area.

"Lord, do you mean to let me run a pet shop?" The person who spoke was obviously Lilith.

As Su You expected, she looked very excited, and the wolf cubs who had been circling around her rarely calmed down, not disturbing her thinking.

"Well, I want to open a pet shop, and I need a suitable person as the shopkeeper to take care of those small animals. Do you have any concerns..." In the middle of the sentence, Su You's eyes blurred, as if something jumped over her , Then, there was a snow-white fur on her shoulder.

And this white furry was the white mink that Su You had brought back to the territory, which he hadn't seen for many days.

"Hey, why is it here?" Lilith seemed to be attracted by the white sable, so much so that she forgot what they had just discussed.

She couldn't help but wanted to reach out to touch it, but she stopped shortly after a whimper of grievance, and the source of this whimper was the little wolf cub.

Su You tore off the thing from her shoulders, intending to put it on the ground, but when she saw its watery eyes, she paused, and then put it in her pocket casually.

"Be quiet." This sentence was obviously addressed to the white ermine.

The white sable didn't make any progress, seeing that Su You didn't throw himself out, it obediently stayed in her pocket, motionless.

Lilith was still greedy for white sables, but her own wolf cub suddenly became jealous after seeing this scene. The originally quiet and obedient little gray wolf bit her trousers and pulled them back crazily, as if trying to use his own strength to keep Lilith away. Ermine.

It's just that it is a cub after all, and it doesn't have that much strength, but Lilith dotes on it, so after seeing this scene, she squatted down to comfort it.

It wasn't until Lilith repeatedly assured that she would never touch the white mink that the wolf cub calmed down.

Even so, its gaze was still wandering over Su You's coat pocket, and its pair of wolf eyes showed obvious unfriendliness and strong desire to attack.

"Hey, I still have something to discuss, I'll get you some delicious food when I go back later."

The little episode caused by the white sable ended with Lilith's comforting words, and because of this little episode, the previous bad atmosphere was broken up a lot.

While holding the wolf cub, Lilith expressed her concerns: "I like small animals, but I don't like to negotiate with strangers."

What Lilith said, Su You believes, after all, she is indeed an introverted person, but this does not affect her as the store manager.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't like talking with other people, then recruit another clerk to help you. You are responsible for taking care of the small animals, and that person is responsible for entertaining the guests. You can directly order him to do whatever you need." Compare to offer a reward Su You believes that there are still many people who are willing to have a job with a good salary and a very stable job.

She couldn't recruit people before because all she needed were skilled people, but the pet shop only needed one animal trainer, and it didn't matter whether the clerk had skills or not, as long as they were obedient and willing to listen to Lilith's arrangements.

Su You said so, and Lilith has no reason to refuse.

"Okay, after the pet shop is built, I'll go to work there. As for the clerk..." Lilith thought for a while, and then tactfully expressed that she wanted a female clerk with a better personality.

Talking less is because Lilith doesn't like to talk to others, and she wants women because of herself on the one hand, and because of wolf cubs on the other.

When she goes to work in the pet store, she must take the wolf cub with her, and the mother of the wolf cub, that very powerful female wolf, died at the hands of a male torturer...

The so-called massacre is a kind of human being with a strong desire to massacre.

They desire blood, advocate violence, and enjoy bringing pain to other creatures, but they also have reason, knowing that they cannot attack humans... To be precise, they dare not attack humans, so they left their poisonous hands on others. on the creature.

It would be fine if it was just normal hunting, the law of the jungle of natural selection is very reasonable, wild beasts can attack humans, and humans can also hunt wild beasts.

But the torturers are different. In order to satisfy their eccentricities, their methods are extremely cruel, so that they left a serious psychological shadow on the wolf cubs who witnessed all this.

Because of this, wolf cubs hate humans very much and have a strong desire to attack humans.

The wolf cub hid well at that time, and Lilith happened to pass by, the torturer didn't want to be discovered by other humans, so he left quickly.

Later, Lilith and her companions saw the female wolf that had almost turned into a mosaic. Due to the character of the animal trainer, Lilith buried it. During the burial, she found the wolf cub, so she took it in as a matter of course. wolf cubs.

So the wolf cub changed from hating humans to hating humans except Lilith.

After Lilith raised the wolf cub for a period of time, the wolf cub's hatred of humans dissipated a little.

But even so, it will still actively attack men who are close to Lilith. Maybe it regards Lilith as a she-wolf and doesn't want her to be hurt, or it may be because of other reasons.


Recruiting female shop assistants is not a harsh requirement, or even a condition. Even if Lilith doesn't say anything, Su You still prefers to recruit female shop assistants, and she must have a good personality and like small animals.

After that, Su You had a brief discussion with Lilith about the salary, and then she received the rest of the house purchase money paid by Lilith.

"All the space on the first floor of this house belongs to you." Su You modified the relevant permissions, and then said goodbye to Lilith.

After that, she went to An Jie again. An Jie was still making parts in the blacksmith shop at this time, and Cang Lan was also forging weapons.

Although the two are in the same room, they seem to be from two worlds. Neither of them chats with each other. They only communicate briefly when An Jie encounters problems.

When An Jie learned that he would own a machinery shop soon, he fell into a state of incomparable excitement, and the way he expressed his gratitude in this situation was to bow crazily to Su You.

If it wasn't for Su You's delusion, she even felt that An Jie wanted to kneel down and knock for two just now... It's not necessary, it's just a shop.

Su You twitched the corner of her mouth, stopped An Jie who was about to continue expressing her gratitude, and her expression turned serious.

(End of this chapter)

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