"There's a mechanic shop for sure, but you can't run it until you learn how to make parts."

"No problem, no problem, that's how it should be. I can't even learn how to make parts, and I'm not qualified to run a machinery shop." An Jie grinned, and then showed Su You his achievements today.

Su You vaguely felt that there was something wrong with An Jie's words. When she saw these parts, she quickly realized what was wrong with An Jie's words.

What he said just now was "he can't even learn how to make parts, and he is not qualified to run a machinery shop". This sentence is logically correct, but for An Jie who was deceived by the goblin, this sentence It was almost impossible to get it out of his mouth.

Because of the goblins, An Jie always thought that making parts was more difficult than making machines.

So he now understands that he was cheated?

Su You took a look at Cang Lan, and felt that the Cang Lan in her eyes looked back with doubts... She didn't know about An Jie and the goblin, and naturally she didn't know that An Jie was cheated, let alone that An Jie Have you realized that you have been lied to now?

"Thanks for your hard work. Keep busy." Su You didn't plan to dwell on this issue, anyway, it doesn't matter whether An Jie knows it or not. He is now the mechanic of the sunset territory.

After leaving the blacksmith shop, Su You took the materials and built a pet shop and a machinery shop next to and behind the grocery store respectively.

[Under construction: pet shop, estimated time: 12 hours]

[Under construction: Machinery shop, estimated time: 12 hours]

'Milk? ' A small voice sounded.

"Oh, you're still there." Su You felt the weight of her pocket, and suddenly realized that she still had a little guy with her.

She took the white sable out of her pocket, but in the process of carrying it, she vaguely noticed something wrong...the weight was wrong.

Su You subconsciously looked down, and then found that the small thing that was only the size of a palm has now been bred to be smooth and smooth, especially the flesh, which is full of weight, and has successfully evolved from a thin white mink to a plump one. big pig ferret.

Su You: "..."

White Sable: '...'

One man and one beast, with four eyes facing each other, speechless for a while.

"It seems that your life in the territory is quite good." Su You thought of the white sable before, but she didn't have much time to look at it. She was still wondering if it would be wronged. Now it seems that she It was nothing to worry about.

In less than half a month, he gained several catties, and Piggy didn't grow as fast as him.

'Heck! "The white sable doesn't understand Su You's meaning, it doesn't understand human language, and it perceives the meaning of what she said more from Su You's emotions.

"It's so late, let's go to rest." Saying that, Su You wanted to put the white sable on the ground again, the difference was that this time the white sable was not on Su You's body and was unwilling to leave.

Putting down the white sable, Su You also prepared to go back to the city lord's mansion to rest, but before taking two steps, she felt something behind her, turned her head and saw that the white sable she had put down was following her step by step.

Because of its relatively low sightlines, White Sable didn't notice that Su You had stopped. When it found out, it had already hit Su You's heel with its head, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Su You: "..." Why doesn't this treasure hunting ferret look very smart?
She just muttered something in her heart, and then saw the white mink looking up at her with a pair of misty eyes.

Su You couldn't stand it anymore, so she simply picked it up and put it in her pocket again, and then returned to the City Lord's Mansion with the white sable.



On a new day, Su You originally wanted to meet the NPCs who applied for cooperation in renting shops yesterday in order.

But obviously only six people applied for a cooperation interview yesterday. After one night, the six people became ten people, and the workload almost doubled. The City Lord's Mansion is no longer open.

That being the case, Su You simply made an appointment. At that time, ten people, including her, will have a total of eleven people to discuss together.

It just so happens that they can see each other and put some pressure on each other.

The agreed time was in the afternoon, so Su You could spend the morning at her own discretion. She originally wanted to use this time to recruit some reliable guys, and then arrange them in sewing shops, pet shops, restaurants, post stations, etc. Make them stress.

Otherwise, letting them do everything by themselves is obviously a waste of these people's time.

But not long after Su You set up a table in the old place and sat down, she saw a very luxurious carriage driving in from outside the city gate.

The carriage stopped at the door for a while, and then a few people came down from above. The guard asked some simple information as usual, and then gave each of them a token with their basic information (name, gender, age).

This token was also something Su You fiddled with two days ago, and its function was nothing more than to prevent people from sneaking into the territory.

Whether living in a post station, shopping in other places in the territory, or setting up a stall in the trading area, you need to show a token to indicate that you have passed the inspection of the guards before entering.

Although it seems useless, if there were guards before, then the kidnapping of the elves would have been discovered earlier and resolved more easily.

There are currently three gatekeepers, two of whom were transferred by Su You after they made contributions to the kidnapping of the elves, and the other is the newcomer from yesterday with basic melee skills.

After recruiting another group of people, Su You plans to transfer these three people to the patrol team, and even take Lyle Lake with him. The difference is that Lyle Lake is the captain, and the two of them will lead a patrol team respectively. The territory is then patrolled in shifts.

With the passage of time, many things in the territory are slowly improving. This speed is neither fast nor slow, but it has been steadily advancing...

But after a while, the inspection over there was over. The gatekeeper took a few signs and handed them to those people, and then they returned to the carriage, and then the carriage drove to the direction of Station 2.

Seeing this, Su You silently put away the tables and chairs that she had not set up for a quarter of an hour, and then walked towards Station 2 as well.

On the way to the post station, Su You didn't forget to grab a resident of the territory, first gave some copper coins, and then asked her to help go to the residential house 6 to inform Bu Guo, and asked her to come to the post station 2 as soon as possible.

The reason why Su You did this is very simple, because the post station 2 is the post station where the Tianhong caravan lived.

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