In addition, today is the No. 19 day, and it is the No. 12 day when Tang Lu left.

Tang Lu should arrive at the agreed time of seven days... If the guess is correct, then the person on the carriage should be Tang Lu.

Although she knew in her heart that basically no one would reject this deal, Su You was still a little worried. However, the worry here disappeared the moment she saw Tang Lu.

"Lord Su." Tang Lu put down her luggage and was about to go out to the City Lord's Mansion, but she turned around and saw the person she was going to find.

"It was supposed to let Captain Tang take a good rest, but I was also a little impatient, so I came here." Su You smiled, seeing her ready to go out, she already understood the other party's choice in her heart.

If it is a refusal, there is no need to go out in such a hurry. In less than seven days, you have been on the road for six consecutive days. You still have to have the necessary rest... Her urgency can only mean that she got a Lingsu when she went back this trip. Yuzu is satisfied with the result.

"Just kidding, I was also planning to go to the City Lord's Mansion. Now that we're here, let's go upstairs to chat? I happened to bring all the things you asked me to bring, Lord Su."

Su You nodded, and followed Tang Lu upstairs.

During this period, Tang Lu also looked behind her: "Where was that little girl last time?"

No matter from what point of view, the little girl Tang Lu mentioned must be Bu Guo.

"I asked someone to call her, and she will come here later."

"I don't know where Lord Su picked up the big treasure. I was surrounded by her several times before. I thought I could win something with 350 gold coins, but she just pulled it up again. It’s close to half of the price.” If it’s only twenty gold coins, it’s fine, the Tianhong caravan has a big business, and there is no shortage of this, but because the price of the space bag has been raised, it has led to a series of price increases. raised.

After all, the price of the formula of this kind of thing is usually ten times that of the finished product, which is equivalent to losing [-] gold coins while losing [-] gold coins.

Although it was just a joke, Tang Lu's tone was still serious.

"If Bugo is here, she will be very happy to hear you praise her like that." Everyone likes to be praised, and they all hope to hear words that affirm their own strength from others, especially when Bugo is still a child, she will Pay more attention to these.

Tang Lu raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Then when she comes, I'll say these things again, maybe the little girl will be in a good mood after listening to it, and I can earn more by then."

When she arrived at the familiar room, Tang Lu opened the box she brought. The moment she opened it, Su You felt a blur in front of her eyes, and then saw a box full of gold coins.

"Lord Su, please count the quantity." Tang Lu stepped aside as she spoke.

Logically speaking, it would take more than half an hour for more than 3000 gold coins to be clicked one by one, and the highest currency in the mainland is gold coins, and electronic payment has not been invented, so there is no way around it.

Although the truth is like this, people are always smart.

Without electronic payment, they invented a container for gold coins. There are three types of containers: small, medium and large, and these three types correspond to the three types of 'ten', 'hundred' and 'thousand' respectively.

Small size containers can only hold up to ten gold coins, medium size containers can hold up to a hundred gold coins, and large size containers can hold up to a thousand gold coins.

So to ask Su You to count the number is actually not counting the number of gold coins, but counting the number of containers.

The size of the box is limited, so it cannot hold large-sized containers. Under normal circumstances, only tens of thousands of transactions will use large-sized containers, so here are 37 medium-sized gold coin containers.

Each container was filled with gold coins, and the seams between the gold coins and the container were tightly sealed without any gaps, and even water could not seep in at all.

37 is not a big number, especially when the other party has arranged these containers neatly, Su You can already count them at a glance.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if there is no container, she is different from the people here, no matter how many things, as long as they are piled up together, as long as she has the right to pick them up, she can know the quantity.

For example, these gold coins, the moment she opened the box, she saw a string of words - can pick up gold coins * 3700!

"This is the formula." Su You took out the formula of the first-level space bag that she carried with her and handed it to Tang Lu. After she checked that there was no problem, she also put away the gold coins. The small treasury went straight to four figures.

So far, the payment has been paid in one hand and the delivery in the other hand, and the transaction has been successfully concluded.

"Captain Tang has also seen the materials on it. They are all simple things. The only thing that is special is this space stone..." Su You said as she took out a gray-brown smooth oval stone from her backpack. : "This is the Space Stone."

Tang Lu had just collected a formula that was worth thousands of gold...or even tens of millions of gold in the future, and then she heard this sentence.

She looked at the stone in Su You's hand, but didn't find anything special.

"Can I take a look?" After all, it's too far away to see clearly, and it's something she's never heard of. She really needs to take a closer look so that she can collect it in the future.

Su You nodded and handed the stone to Tang Lu.

Tang Lu looked around, memorized its characteristics, and then called another member of the caravan while asking for Su You's opinion.

This person is a painter, and he has no other skills, except for the skill of painting. Although the skill level is not advanced, it has reached the bottleneck of the intermediate level.

There is no camera here, so she can only ask someone to draw it in order to prevent her from remembering the features wrongly... Of course, it would be even better if Su You was willing to sell this space stone, but as expected, Su You Refused.

Tang Lu was a little unwilling to give up. She considered the money she was carrying, and then tentatively quoted a price: "How about a thousand gold coins?"

When she was quoting, the painter was still around. The other party was puzzled by Tang Lu's sudden call to draw a stone, but now she heard that her team leader actually wanted to spend [-] gold coins to buy this stone...

"Sorry, my hands shook a little." The painter looked nervous, and he apologized quickly as he looked at the paper that he had ruined by his drawing.

There is really no way around it. Buying a stone with [-] gold coins would be a surprise to anyone, especially since he has been looking at it up close for so long, but he couldn't find anything special about the stone.

However, he was not a talkative person, he would not ask nonsense, and since Tang Lu called him in, it only showed that he could be trusted.

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