Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 233 Chapter 233 Upgrading Farmland

Chapter 233 233. Upgrading Farmland
"It's okay, you continue." Tang Lu reassured her, then turned to look at Su You: "How is it? If not, the price can still be negotiated."

Although the price of [-] gold coins was already very high, even according to the information Tang Lu knew, it was a bit inflated, but Su You was not ready to agree.

"Sorry, I'm not going to sell this stone." Dolly can use one space stone to make eight first-level space bags, even if the unit price is 350 gold coins, it's worth [-] gold coins here, and it's impossible for Suyou Sell ​​something worth close to three thousand gold coins for one thousand gold coins.

But Tang Lu didn't know this. She thought that one space stone could only make one space bag... Actually, it was true under normal circumstances, but who made Dolly a restorer?

Originally, after making a space bag, the space stone would be broken and could not be used, but Doli got inspiration from the fact that Su You deliberately broke things just for her to repair the items and upgrade them.

So she thought of using space stone fragments to repair the space stone fragments, and then she succeeded, and she got a complete space stone.

Although this space stone will be smaller than the previous one, it is indeed a space stone, and it can still be used as a material.

Repeating this cycle seven times, she made another seven space bags.

Su You was also surprised when she found out the truth, but she was not going to tell Tang Lu about it, because the value of this matter can no longer be measured by money, and telling it out might even put Dolly in danger .

After all, space stones can be repaired, so what about other rare materials?Is it also possible?
But Su You has never heard of the fact that the materials used can be repaired... Does this mean that this ability is only available to Dori in a certain way?

In short, this matter cannot be said for sure, but she will abide by the agreement and tell Tang Lu how to obtain the Space Stone.

"Really we can't discuss it anymore?" Tang Lu wanted to struggle, but seeing Su You shaking her head, she knew that this matter should not be done.

Su You: "As agreed before, I will tell you how to obtain it. I believe that with the strength of the Tianhong Caravan, it should be able to gain a lot."

"Then thank Lord Su." Tang Lu sighed and accepted the reality.

After the painter left, Su You took back the space stone, and then informed him how to obtain the space stone.

"When you kill those large monsters in the wild, they will always drop something. This space stone is one of them, but the probability is relatively low."

"This is the only way I know so far, and I can guarantee it's true, because that's how my space stone came about."

"Of course, there may be other ways to obtain the space stone, or maybe other people in this world have discovered this stone, but they don't know what it is, so you can buy stones with these characteristics."

It's just that the acquisition must not clearly tell others what it is, they must find an excuse to cover it up, and cannot let outsiders know their needs.

But this is not Su You's concern. The big caravan naturally has the means of the big caravan.


After the painting was over, the painter left. However, at about this time, Bu Guo came, and Tang Lu also took out the things that Su You entrusted her to bring.

Tang Lu's trip back was not only about discussing the purchase of formulas, but also entrusted by Su You to help bring some things.

For example, for the flowers used to make the 'Flower Clock', Suyou still lacks vermilion flowers, frost orchids, and daisy flowers. These flowers are not rare things, and with the strength of the Tianhong caravan, they can naturally be obtained.

"These are the three kinds of flowers that Lord Su needs." Tang Lu opened another box, revealing three flowerpots on it. The red, white and purple flowers in the flowerpots were swaying and charming, very moving.

After removing the three potted flowers above, there is still a pile of things underneath.

"Sensing magnetic needles, diving equipment, various seeds, fish fry, several ores, animal hides and tendons, rune materials..." Tang Lu introduced them one by one, and Su You also helped to slowly take out each of them.

After all these bits and pieces on the surface were taken out, there was only a pile of red and black things in transparent bags that looked like dirt.

"Due to the limited carrying capacity, I only brought [-] packs of red soil and black soil... If Lord Su thinks it's not enough, I'll send some more." A lot, first a box of gold coins, and then a box of Suyou's needs, which is already the limit of what they can carry.

Although Suyou doesn't need many things, the red soil and black soil occupy a large space and are also very important.

But Su You also said that these two things are only used to fill the extra space. If there is room left, she can help to bring some, so Tang Lu just tried her best to bring enough red soil and black soil to upgrade five farmlands.

If it wasn't for the carriage, Tang Lu would still be riding a horse just like when she went back, and she couldn't even bring a single box with her.

"Trouble Captain Tang, these are enough." Su You guessed that Tang Lu couldn't bring much red soil and black soil, so she asked the elves for help.

With the soil of the elves, there is no need for Tang Lu's help, and the price of the soil of the elves will be lower.

"Buguo, count the money." Same as before, Su You gave Buguo five hundred gold coins, and then let her play on her own. As for these things, Su You took all of them away.

After all, it was what she ordered, and they brought it with great effort. Even if the price couldn't be negotiated, there was absolutely no reason not to. The transaction would definitely succeed in the end, it was just a question of the final transaction price.

With this pile of odds and ends, Su You first took the fish fry to the fish pond and handed them over to the resident in charge of the fish pond. Then she went to the warehouse and brought enough resources to upgrade the farmland. material, and then went to the location of the farmland.

"Is there any field that will be vacated soon?" Su You glanced at the farmland, then found You Sen and asked.

You Sen didn't know what Su You wanted to do, but he still pointed to an area: "My lord, you came just in time. I just harvested red grass cotton and wind grass in these farmlands, and I'm about to continue planting."

The places Yousen was referring to were a total of six farmlands, just enough to be upgraded, and there was even an extra piece.

"Okay, then don't be so busy, I bought red soil and black soil, and I will upgrade the farmland in the next two days... Only this farmland will be kept, and all the others will be upgraded."

 Thanks to unknown readers for their rewards*1.

(End of this chapter)

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