Chapter 235 235. Concrete

What's more, the formula itself is not precious, and there are parts in the required materials, which happen to be things that blacksmiths and mechanics can make.

After leaving the workshop, went to the blacksmith shop, and handed over the formula to An Jie. The only things Su You bought from Tang Lu were some flower seeds, a few sets of diving equipment, a lot of raw materials, and a A well-made treasure hunt needle.

The flower seeds are reserved for flower shops. The function of flowers is to increase the prosperity and the happiness of the residents. At the same time, they can also be used as decorations to increase the comfort of the house.

Because the territory has not yet recruited a gardener, although ordinary people can grow flowers, but it is more troublesome, so these seeds can only be placed temporarily.

The function of the diving equipment is as its name suggests. It is actually the equipment needed for diving. She bought this equipment to use when exploring the southern coastal location, including those potions, which are also prepared for exploring along the coast.

As for the treasure hunting needle, it is naturally for the forest ruins!

The incident about the forest ruins occurred on the ninth day, the day before the dark creatures attacked, but it was already No. 19 days, and she still hadn't found where the forest ruins were.

Since she couldn't find a normal way, she could only use props.

Otherwise, if things like ruins are dragged on all the time, it is easy to cause accidents and accidents. If it is dragged on to double natural disasters, no one knows what will happen.

It just so happened that it was still early, Su You took out the treasure-hunting needle to make the first position determination, and saw that she opened the metal cover on the treasure-hunting needle, and then gently moved the pointer on it with her fingers——

[Whether to use the treasure hunting needle to locate the nearest special building? 】




Accompanied by the sound of 'ding', the pointer that was spinning crazily stopped, and Su You couldn't help but frown slightly as she looked at the direction of the pointer.

She stood up and walked slowly in the direction indicated by the treasure hunting needle. In order to prevent going too far, she stopped to look at it for a few seconds from time to time.

In this way, Su You almost walked in three or five steps, and came to the farmland area again.

Facing You Sen's somewhat confused expression, Su You looked at the creek surrounded by herself and the treasure hunting needle with its pointer dangling, and had some guesses in her heart.

She went to the restaurant to find Youai - Youai was originally in the inn, but after all, her major was not the right one, and Su You didn't want to waste the magician's time, so she recruited two people with high loyalty values ​​to work in the inn.

Without the busy work of the post station, Youai circled around Meke like a follower. Meke was often in the restaurant, so he also helped out in the restaurant...

Just right!It just so happens that the magic of a water magician is very useful for washing dishes!
So Meke, who only likes to cook and doesn't like to wash dishes, left Youai behind, so that when Suyou came to the restaurant, she saw a very precious mage in this world washing dishes with her own magic.

Su You: ...

That is to say, the kitchen of the restaurant is not open. Otherwise, everyone will see that not only the cook in this restaurant is a fire magician who likes to cook with fire magic, but also that the dishwasher in this restaurant is also a magician. And washing dishes with water magic...

Although it is also a good gimmick, it always seems that she has caught some of their handles and then deliberately abused them. I am afraid that it will attract all the people from the Wizards Guild.

Su You took a deep breath, then walked to Youai's side, and asked him to put down what he was doing and follow her.

Although Youai didn't know what happened, he didn't ask any more questions, and after talking to Meke, he wiped his hands and followed.


"What did the lord bring me here?" Youai looked at the stream in front of him in a daze, not knowing what Suyou's purpose was.

But having said that, he was quite curious. He remembered that when he first came, this creek was not fenced, and he even used to fetch water here... Who knows that it was suddenly fenced off one day, especially Sen also often reminded him not to approach here.

"You are a water magician, and you are more harmonious with the water element. Use your magic to explore this stream to see if there is anything." Because Su You didn't know what the thing was here, she couldn't give it to him. Yuai made an accurate judgment and could only let him take a look first.

However, Su You could guess that the 'something' in this creek should be related to Incident III.

III: [Gulu Gulu, there seems to be something up and down? 】

When the answer is known, it becomes very clear when we look at the 'question' - 'gurgling' is the sound of water, and 'ups and downs' also refers to the state of most objects in the water.

What she needs to understand now is 'what' is going up and down.

"Then I'll try." Youai was about to open the fence gate and walk to the stream to check, but Suyou stopped him.

"Just stand here." If Xiaoxi is really the trigger location of 'Locking Event III', then under normal circumstances, there will be a lot of movement when the locking event is unlocked...

Youai did as he said, squatting about three or five steps away from the creek, and then closed his eyes.

Although Su You and You Sen are not magicians, they can vaguely see something blue floating in the air within a certain range centered on You Ai.

Seeing the color of these 'blue substances' gradually darken from nearly transparent light blue, and there was even a tendency to engulf Youai, Yousen looked a little worried.

Yousen: "My lord... will it be all right?"

Su You shook her head, and briefly explained the current situation: "Those are the embodiment of the water element, which is a normal phenomenon."

The phenomenon is indeed normal, and any magician can easily trigger the materialization of elements when exploring the same attribute area.

But what Su You didn't say was that the materialization of these elements would disappear soon under normal circumstances, and these elements around Youai floated in the air like dandelions, and there was no sign of disappearing.

This can explain two points, one is that there is indeed a problem with the creek, she did not come to the wrong place, and the treasure hunting needle is not broken; the other is that the problematic place contains a strong water element.

The inability to persist for too long is due to the lack of elemental magic. Since it can persist for such a long time, it is naturally the opposite situation-not only is there no shortage of elemental magic here, but it is very full.

Su You habitually began to search for similar situations in her memory, but before she could think of anything, a 'gurgling' sound suddenly came from her ear.

(End of this chapter)

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