Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 236 Chapter 236 The Sunken Underwater Labyrinth

Chapter 236 236. The Sunken Underwater Labyrinth

The sound was exactly as described in the incident!
At the same time that Su You realized something was wrong, the stream in front of her, which was only a few meters wide and deep, suddenly erupted like a volcano, without giving her a chance to react at all.

The impact of the huge water column was so powerful that it not only directly tore all the ground nearby, but also submerged the nearest farmland.

Yousen has been staring at that side all the time, he didn't care about those submerged crops, he only had time to pull Youai when the water column erupted, lest he be hit by the strong water column, in case he was injured due to the impact force Not good.

"Fortunately...fortunately, I'm standing far away..." Youai panted violently, as if he was frightened, and also seemed a little tired because he had consumed too much magic power.

Now he understood why the lord didn't let him squat next to the stream just now, otherwise he wouldn't be on the ground now, he should be in the sky!

He will be directly rushed into the sky by this strong water column!

He didn't doubt how strong this water column's ability to 'raise high' is!
[The 'sunken underwater labyrinth' has been discovered, and the event has been unlocked. 】

After confirming that Yuai was fine, Su You asked them to disperse all those who were attracted by the huge movement of the water column eruption.

You Sen and You Ai carried out Su You's order, but the execution process was not smooth. After all, it is the nature of most human beings to like to watch the excitement, so most people are unwilling to leave, and instead make a lot of noise.

"Hey, brother, tell me, what happened...don't keep talking."

"Don't squeeze me! Are you annoying? Don't look if you can't see it, don't delay me!"

"Why do you drive me away! We all live here, if we don't explain clearly what happened, what will happen when the time comes!"

"That's right, let me have a look, I'll leave after I finish."


After all, Yousen is not a combatant. Although Youai is a magician, he is a little weak now because he has consumed a lot of mana in the investigation just now.

So if these people insist on staying, they really can't stop them.

At this time, the role of the patrol team is reflected. If there is a patrol team in the territory, this kind of thing will never happen. After all, everyone will be scruples about the patrol team. What's more, even if something happens, there are suitable people who can arrange it. deal with.

Fortunately, Lyle and Lake rushed over in time. Facing these two strong men who looked different from the two thin men before, the noise of the noisy crowd gradually disappeared.

In addition to Lyle and Lake, many residents of the territory came from the rear to help maintain order. When there were more people, these people who wanted to watch the excitement were sent away.

It was said to be dismissed, but in fact it was just that people didn't insist on approaching that side, but there were still many people standing not far away, trying to see what happened there on the tip of their toes.

Lyle and the others also know that if these people really want to see them, they can't stop them.

After all, they are standing there without doing anything else, so it is not easy for them to drive people away. After all, there are many people who do this. They can drive away one or two, but they can't drive away a dozen or twenty, so spread the word It doesn't sound good either.

So these people can watch as long as they want to, as long as they don't take half a step forward and affect Su You.

The movement here is too great, not to mention the curiosity of ordinary people, even the members of the Tianhong caravan living in the 'post station 2' on the other side of the territory, after they heard the movement, they also sent two Personally come to inquire about the situation.

Lyle recognized them, so after understanding the situation, he briefly explained to these two people, and then kept silent.

But in any case, the situation here has stabilized.


On Su You's side, when the system prompted the event III to be unlocked, she opened the information panel of the territory first, and then found the location where this information was originally displayed——

Event III: [It is rumored that the Sunset Continent did not exist ten thousand years ago. This is a world with only oceans... After years of evolution, the ocean has gradually grown to be full of islands. middle.After the emergence of human beings, some took it as their own, and some left traces here, just to benefit future generations... The sunken underwater labyrinth is an opportunity, a gift, and a disaster. 】


How should I put it... I also said earlier about the background of the Sunset Continent. Su You knew it, and even understood it very well. Those contents are basically consistent with the first half of the text of this incident.

As for the introduction of this 'underwater maze' in the second half, although the text looks relaxed, Su You is cautious about it.

Although human beings did not exist with the birth of this world, all things in nature are miraculous, and they can give birth to treasures without human intervention.

If the underwater maze discovered today is really artificial, that would be a good thing. After all, a person's strength is limited, and what he can do and create is also limited.

But if this maze was formed purely naturally, that is to say, no one has ever discovered it throughout the ages, then the degree of danger of this maze is definitely five stars.

But in balance science, danger often coexists with opportunity, just like the event introduction said, this is not only a disaster, but also an opportunity and gift from heaven.

The dangers that humans can create are limited, and the 'opportunities' and 'gifts' that can be left behind are naturally limited... But if it is a maze formed by nature, behind the five-star danger, there must be five-star treasures.

Just when Su You was thinking about whether to take two steps closer to check, two floating messages appeared in front of her eyes——

【The sunken underwater labyrinth (★★★☆) has been opened, and the ruins will be re-sunken underground in three days. 】

[Countdown: 47 hours 58 minutes 54 seconds]


"It's only two days..." Two days are needed to prepare things, to understand the ruins, and to explore and solve various mechanisms in the ruins. This time is simply not enough...

After all, this is a relic with a difficulty of three and a half stars!
But if we say that we completely give up and do not explore, this is also impossible-seeing a golden mountain in front of us clearly, will anyone give up because they are worried that this is a trap?
Most people don't, they only think about how to solve these traps, and then embrace the golden mountain. Su You is also a layman, and she is no exception, she also wants the "golden mountain".

But she looked at the cave in front of her that was continuously gushing water from the ground like a fountain, and fell into deep thought.

After thinking about it, life is still the most important thing, even if you lose your life, it is useless to get something.

(End of this chapter)

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