After a while, Su You looked at Youai, who was beside him, and asked him about the situation.

Su You: "Did you find anything special just now?"

Youai actually wanted to talk a long time ago, but he was frightened by the water jet at first, and then he was arranged to disperse the crowd. When he came back, he saw Su You looking at the water-spraying hole in thought. Can speak.

Now that Su You brought it up on his own initiative, Youai also quickly revealed his discovery.

"Yes! At first glance, this creek looked normal, but I was very deep!" Youai told the story of his exploration process from the beginning, and said it in great detail, for fear of missing anything.

At the beginning, he didn't know what was inside, and the creek was shallow and clear, so it didn't look like there was anything, so Yuai only used a small amount of water magic to explore.

Until he found a problem - when he used magic to investigate, he found that the creek was not as it looked, only a few meters deep.

Because his water magic can go down all the time, and the farther the progress is, the dimmer the surrounding light will be... In Yuai's words, he felt that he was not checking for a piece of news just now, but fell into an abyss.

"...I don't know how deep I went, I only know that I saw a beam of light vaguely, so I followed the light, and then I saw a very magnificent building."

According to Youai's description, Suyou suspects that this building is the so-called 'underwater labyrinth'.

In addition, the reason why Yuai said that he was able to "go down" a very deep distance is because he penetrated the surface material and directly detected the submerged maze. In fact, no one knows what is under the ground.

Using magic and corresponding elements to explore, this is a method of investigation unique to magicians. If Su You is really allowed to do it by himself, as far as what he currently has, unless she digs three feet into the ground, there is really no simple way. There are ways to discover this maze.

"I didn't enter that building, because the moment I opened the door, I felt the earth tremble..." Then there was a scene of 'water and mountain eruption'.

But it's not over here, Yuai hasn't told his special discovery yet.

"It's like this. When the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking, I wanted to stabilize the water element to see the building clearly. Although I failed in the end, I still managed to find a series of notches. This notch is a bit like some kind of text. It’s also kind of like symbols, except I don’t understand these things, but I write them down.”

Hearing this sentence, Su You directly took out the pen and paper that she carried with her, and Youai took it quickly, and then 'drawed' the string of words by relying on her memory and painting.

Su You took the paper, looked at the black and white words on it, frowned, and then said slowly: "The maze without a path, you can only enter and exit."

Youai looked at Su You in astonishment, and was very surprised that she could understand this text... However, considering that the person in front of him is their lord, it seems that there is nothing strange about it.

Even the more the lord knows, the happier he is, because it proves that their lord is more powerful, as long as there is a powerful lord, even the territory will be better and better.

Youai suppressed the urge to flatter, then pointed to the text on the paper and asked tentatively: "Does the lord understand what this means?"

Although it is translated into text, it is true, but what is the content of the text?
If you only look at the literal meaning, it is very simple. It just means that this is a labyrinth without a path, and you cannot get out after entering it. However, it is not known whether these eight words have any other hidden meanings.

Su You didn't know either. After all, she hadn't gone in yet. Just these eight words can't explain anything... At most, it can only show that this maze is extremely dangerous. If she really wants to go in and explore, she must be mentally prepared
—— Be mentally prepared to never return.

"This is a maze with treasures, but it's very dangerous...Let me think..." The 'think' here refers to her need to think about whether she needs to explore this maze.

Although there are rare treasures inside, the territory is booming now, because with the blessing of various card treasure chest rewards, her speed of developing this territory is not slower than the previous one, and she does not have a necessary reason to explore this territory. place.

Without absolute certainty, she will not do something that she might regret for greed. Even if she can not participate and only let these people enter the exploration, she will not do so.

"Take a good rest these two days, and don't let Meke torment you any longer." Although the decision hasn't been made yet, if she is really going to explore this maze, Yuai is the one who must participate.

Both because he is a water magician, and because this is the maze he triggered... In most cases, the triggerer's participation in the event will increase the success rate to a certain extent.

Likewise, Yoey was the one who had to go, and Meck was the one who definitely wouldn't.

After all, he is only a junior fire magician now.

With the restraint of natural elements, the strength he can display after going to the maze is probably not as good as Lyle's.

"Yes, I'll go and talk to Master Meck later." Yuai nodded.

Su You took out materials to repair all the fences that were destroyed by the impact of the water column, and then used some materials to repair the flooded farmland.

Yousen looked at the mess on the ground, and his heart ached - nothing made them feel more distressed than the destruction of the planter's farmland.

Especially this is the farmland that is about to be harvested!

Fortunately, the farmland that Suyou upgraded before was the closest to the place where the water column erupted, so these farmlands did not grow anything in the upgraded state, which was actually a good thing, and the loss was reduced a lot.


After repairing the destroyed buildings, Yousen stayed to tidy up the farmland, and Lyle Lake also helped tidy up the farmland, and reclaimed new farmland along the way, while Youai went back to rest after listening to Suyou's words.

The people who wanted to watch the fun thought that there was nothing to see when they saw that they were all gone, so they also left one after another.

Among the residents of the several territories who came to help, two said that they came here after reading the bulletin board and wanted to do farming work, so Yousen also kept them.

It happened that several pieces of farmland were flooded just now and needed to be plowed for replanting. Yousen also had the opportunity to teach them by hand.

As for the other residents, they saw that there was nothing wrong here, and they were about to leave, but just as they were about to leave, Lyle stopped them.

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