Under their puzzled eyes, Lyle distributed ten copper coins to everyone. Although it was not much, it was still the money for a meal. It was equivalent to a treat for the things they helped just now.

"This is the Lord Lord's reward for thanking you for your help just now." Lyle handed out the money one by one, and everyone was very grateful after receiving the money.

"Thank you Lord Lord, thank you Mr. Lyle." Although the money is not much, but the most important thing is the heart, not to mention that they didn't help much, they just stood there, acting as a deterrent to those troublemakers That's all, they are already very happy to be able to prostitute a meal for nothing.

If Su You opened the panel of the residents of the territory at this time, you would find that behind the names of these residents, the values ​​representing loyalty and favorability had increased a lot.

Lyle: "My lord, the money has been distributed, and everyone gets ten copper coins."

Su You nodded, and then pointed to the place where the water column was still bursting: "The two of you are responsible for watching this place for the past two days, and don't let anyone else approach here except You Sen and Zhong Tian."

Lyle: "Yes."


Although there was a little trouble before, but because it was dealt with in a timely manner and the aftermath was done well, the appearance of the underwater maze did not cause any derivative situation in the territory.

Everything is in order without any mistakes.

After arranging the people to watch the entrance of the maze, Su You first returned to the City Lord's Mansion to pick up a certain 'little pig' who was sleeping on her bed, and then took it to Station 2.

A few minutes later, in Station 2.

Tang Lu looked at Su You who had gone back and forth, then at the white and fluffy hair on her hand that was still sleeping soundly, and then thought of the words of the two people who just came to inquire about the news, her face remained silent, I already had a few guesses in my heart.

"Captain Tang is interested in the relics?" Su You directly stated the purpose of the trip as soon as she sat down.

Her meaning was obvious, she wanted the Tianhong caravan to also participate in the exploration of the underwater maze.

In fact, this kind of relic treasure is not only accessible to her, other people on the mainland, or other NPCs, the aborigines of this world, as long as they find it, they can also enter.

If someone shares the risk, and the helper who shares the risk is powerful, then the maze may not be unexplorable.

It's just that there are fewer things that can be obtained. After all, while sharing the risk, the other party must also get certain benefits. No one is willing to work for nothing.

"Is it the place where the water column burst out just now? What kind of relic is it?" Tang Lu was not stupid, she thought it was a strange thing for a stream to suddenly spew out from the ground.

It's just that she thinks this is a matter of other people's territory, so she doesn't feel comfortable asking, so as not to be annoying, but since Su You brought it up, and even has the intention of cooperating, Tang Lu also bluntly said all her questions .

"Well, that's over there, a sunken underwater maze."

Su You first answered Tang Lu's question, and then stated her purpose of inviting her straightforwardly: "I'm not afraid to make it clear, the reason why I invited Captain Tang is because the territory is not strong enough, but the baby is right in front of me. Let me give up is really not reconciled..."

"This is an existence close to a legendary relic. It will only exist for two days. If Captain Tang is interested, he must give me a reply before tomorrow, otherwise there is no time to prepare." Level standard This is the player, or the difficulty index converted by the system.

On the Sunset Continent, they have their own way of measuring difficulty.

For example, one star is an ordinary relic on the mainland, two stars are difficult relics, three stars are epic relics, four stars are legendary relics, and five stars are ancient relics, which can also be called ancient relics.

This underwater maze has a difficulty of three and a half stars, so it is naturally an epic relic in essence, a legendary relic in the sense.

"Lord Su confirms that this is a relic that is close to the legend?" Tang Lu raised her eyebrows slightly, as if she couldn't believe it.

Su You nodded, very sure: "Yes, I can be 100% sure." After all, it is the data displayed by the system, and it can never be wrong.

Because the previous transaction was very smooth, and Tang Lu also learned about the cooperation between the caravan and the Sunset Territory and the matter of Cold Wind Valley from the acting captain Bai Qiu.

Therefore, while Tang Lu has a good impression of Su You, she also knows that this is not an easy lord.

Although she didn't know how Su You knew this information, she believed that everything Su You just said was true, because she didn't need to lie to herself.

She doesn't need to invite herself to the low-difficulty ruins, it's just giving out benefits for nothing, and it doesn't do her any good.

And she wouldn't deliberately lower the difficulty of the ruins with high difficulty. Doing so would only harm all the participants, including her own.

"Lord Su is so sincere, it makes me a little embarrassed... But I have to say, I am really moved." If it is just an ordinary ruin, there is no need to explore it, because the benefits are too little.

Although the harvest of ruins on difficult difficulty is good, but because it is divided between two parties, it will not be much in the end.

But this is an epic relic, and it is still close to the legend, but it is not a legendary relic. The difficulty is moderate, and the rewards are generous. Generally, there is no reason to refuse.

But she led a business team after all on this trip, and she didn't bring the kind of talents who specialize in dealing with the ruins at all. This is why Tang Lu was tempted but didn't take direct action.

"Since Lord Su knows the ruins so well, he should also know that the difficulty of the maze ruins has always been much more difficult than other types of ruins. Although they are not legendary ruins, this is a maze, so the actual difficulty should have reached the legendary level. "

"Of course I know, but risks always coexist with opportunities." What Tang Lu said was true. The labyrinth ruins are indeed more difficult than other types, but the rewards are also more lucrative than other types of ruins.

Because there are countless paths to choose from in every maze, and there may be treasures on every path, and the more paths there are, the more treasures there are... Where else can there be more paths than a maze?

No more, only the maze has countless possibilities, and it also has countless risks.

"Since I'm going to invite Captain Tang, it's natural that I'm relying on something." Su You didn't intend to directly explain what the relying on is, after all, Tang Lu hasn't agreed to cooperate yet.

Tang Lu also knew what Su You wanted to hear, so after thinking about it, she nodded slightly to Su You.

"If it is as Lord Su said, the Tianhong Caravan is naturally willing to carry out this cooperation."

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