Chapter 239 239. Cooperation
"Now, Lord Su, can you tell me what your hole card is?" Tang Lu looked at Su You, not quite able to understand how she had the confidence to say 'I have something to rely on'.

Although she admits that Su You is very powerful, this territory will definitely become one of the best territories on the Sunset Continent in time.

But now is not the future after all, a small territory that has only been developed for less than a month, she really can't imagine what Su You can have.

"My hole it." Su You said while putting a large ball of things in her hand on the table.

The table was slightly cold and hard, not soft enough for sleeping. The little white mink, who was sleeping soundly, was even picked up by Su You and walked half of the territory without waking up. The moment Yu's arm was placed on the table, he finally woke up.

'What? 'The eyes of the white mink who just woke up are still a little foggy, and the fluffy and soft hair moves with the movement of it getting up, and it looks softer and more comfortable.

Resisting the urge to pluck her hair, Tang Lu met Su You's gaze.

Tang Lu: "This is?"

Su You: "It's just a little guy with the blood of a treasure hunting beast."

Tang Lu: "..."

Treasure hunter bloodline?Still 'just'?
Tang Lu was speechless.

But she can understand why Su You said that she has something to rely on... What is the most difficult part of the maze?
In the countless roads with complex winding and indistinguishable!

Looking at the exact same scene around them, it is difficult for normal people to discern the way out.

But the Treasure Hunting Beast is different. The Treasure Hunting Beast finds its way based on its intuition for treasures...

In an easy-to-understand way, each treasure may have its own 'sound' or 'smell', and these sounds and smells can only be discovered by treasure hunters.

Therefore, when they are hunting for treasure, they are positioned according to the position of the treasure itself, instead of walking by looking at the road, so naturally there is no problem of being troubled by the maze.

Although the labyrinth remains are difficult, very difficult, and extremely difficult, but with the Treasure Hunting Beast, the difficulty of the Labyrinth Ruins will be greatly weakened—the Treasure Hunting Beast is the well-deserved nemesis of the maze!

"I really didn't expect Lord Su to have... such treasures." Didn't I expect that, although treasure hunting beasts in the world are not rare, they are also rare. one of.

It's not that Tang Lu has never seen a Treasure Hunting Beast, and there are even two Treasure Hunting Beasts in their caravan, one was bought with a lot of money, and the other was obtained in a special place, which also cost a lot.

The two little guys in their caravan were also eating and drinking as offerings, and they almost had two sticks of incense for them from the caravan, but even so, Treasure Hunting Beast still had its own temper.

They are spiritual, so when you need to trouble them to do something, it usually takes a long time to 'beg' to succeed.

It was the first time for her to see such a treasure hunting beast of a simple and honest family member.

He said simple and honest because the white mink didn't seem very smart no matter what he looked at, and he said relatives because most treasure hunting beasts are not close to humans, but this one in front of him is different. After waking up, he grabbed Su You's hand , even though Su You pushed her onto the table several times, she still got on it sticky.

To be honest, Tang Lu really doubted whether this was a Treasure Hunting Beast. If it was, she wanted to grab the two from her caravan and come over to have a look—to see what your fellow clansmen look like!Learn!
Tang Lu's complex eyes were too obvious, Su You naturally saw it, but she just pretended not to see it, and said another question to herself.

"It was a water magician in the territory who discovered the ruins. When he opened the ruins, he found a string of words." Su You took out the handwriting that Youai had just drawn.

Tang Lu withdrew her complicated eyes. She took the paper, and her expression became a little dignified after just one glance.

"It seems that Captain Tang also recognizes this character." This is an ancient character. Although it is not lost, it is relatively rare and useless. Most people would not learn this kind of thing.

Su You originally wanted to decipher a secret room-like ruin, which contained many books written in ancient characters, so she stayed up all night to study ancient characters.

After she finally learned something, she finally translated the love triangle story of the owner of the secret room, and the books on the entire bookcase were all love dramas, which had nothing to do with the deciphering of the secret room. Su You was so angry that she spent a whole day and night Not on the game.

A day later, the first thing Su You did when he entered the game was to bring a backpack of powerful explosives, and cleared the secret room in the simplest and most brutal way.

When you are angry, you will not easily forget what you have learned, especially after using it a lot of times, so Su You's understanding of ancient characters is second only to this background story.

"I only recognize a few, long time no see, also $deuidGenmmcoRetesiya@@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@@[email protected]@[email protected]@@[email protected]$ forgot. "Tang Lu was a little unsure whether the content she translated was true. If it was true, then this maze should be more difficult than they imagined.

"Pathless maze... only going in and out? No wonder..." No wonder Su You wanted to cooperate with them.

It is said that the Treasure Hunting Beast is the nemesis of the Labyrinth Ruins. Tang Lu was surprised that there was a Treasure Hunting Beast. Even if it is a ruin that is close to the legend, it is not impossible for the other party to act alone. Why did she not hesitate to come to her for cooperation... It turned out to be because of this.

Although it is not certain whether these eight words are true or bluffing, if it were Tang Lu instead, she would find someone to cooperate for the sake of caution.

After all, treasure hunters are not omnipotent.

"Captain Tang shouldn't regret it, right?" Su You smiled, and didn't mention that she deliberately took out this text at the end.

Tang Lu rolled her eyes, and then 'threw' the paper back pretending to be annoyed.

"If you agree, you agree. There's no reason to go back on your word. But since it's cooperation, we have to clarify the interests first..." People like Tang Lu, if they are really angry, will not reveal their emotions so obvious.

Responding to Su You so bluntly now can only show that she is not really angry, but there is still a trace of unhappiness, but this kind of emotion dissipates quickly, it is nothing.

After all, it's because she didn't find out that Su You hid the information, and she didn't ask Su You about triggering the ruins. No wonder Su You concealed it... Besides, she just concealed it before, and finally took it out.

Since she didn't see Su You's concealment before, Tang Lu naturally wanted to get more points in terms of benefits.

After some discussion, Tang Lu sent out ten people, and they brought their own items.

(End of this chapter)

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