Chapter 240 240. Three Five Points

Among these ten people, seven are good fighters, and among them are melee and long-range fighters. Although the remaining three people can't fight, they also have the power to protect themselves, and they are people with special occupations.

One is a doctor, one is an inspiration, and the other is an organist.

Tang Lu originally wanted to send a few more people, but Su You said that she didn't need too many people. After all, the maze is so narrow, so many people are not necessarily a good thing, and she is not easy to manage too many people.

After listening to Su You's words, she felt that it made sense, so she only arranged ten people.

On Suyou's side, only four people were sent, namely Duoya, Vivienne, Lyle, and Youai.

I won't say anything about Youai, he is a water magician and the person who triggers it, so he has to go.

Duo Ya is long-range, not easy to trigger the mechanism, and agile, suitable for most actions.

Vivienne is a healing magician, and it was because of her that Tang Lu didn't arrange a healing magician. Otherwise, there would be healing magicians in their caravan.

As for Lyle, take him because he is a good adventurer.

An excellent adventurer has the ability to perceive danger when he has sufficient experience... Not to mention such mysterious things, to put it simply, Lyle's adventure experience can play a role in the ruins.

Besides these four people, Su You also wanted to go.

Because she wanted to take the white sable, and the white sable was really not so obedient in other people's hands, so she had to go just for this.

And when it comes to the experience of exploring the ruins, among these people, she said that she is second, and absolutely no one dares to be the first!

She didn't pass the hundreds of copies of the ruins by luck.

And the most important point is that although this is cooperation, after all, there must be a leader between two unfamiliar parties. Otherwise, in a dangerous place like the ruins, if something happens due to internal strife, it will be a big disaster It's a joke.

Tang Lu also considered this point, so apart from their own outstanding abilities, the ten people they arranged were all good-tempered, and she excluded all the arrogant ones.

Even so, before entering the maze, she talked to all ten people, telling them to obey Su You's orders without risking themselves.

If it is a dangerous order, but they feel reasonable and willing to believe it, they can also choose whether to obey it according to their own ideas.

In the end, it was about the distribution of the spoils. The two sides would "three to five points" first, Tang Lu's side would get [-]%, and Su You's side would get [-]%. If the value is difficult to determine, then use money instead.

Although she has a lot of people, this is Su You's territory after all, and it is also the relic triggered by Su You. All the information is also provided by her... The most important thing is that Su You has treasure hunters.

This treasure hunting beast alone is worth several people, so the large number of people on Tang Lu's side is really not an advantage.

As for the remaining [-]%, it is allocated according to the actual situation.

After all, no one knows what is going on in the ruins. In the ruins, whoever contributes the most will get [-]% of the spoils.

All the things that should be discussed have been discussed. In order to have enough time to explore the ruins, Su You has decided to enter the maze tomorrow morning, and this afternoon, she has to prepare things and negotiate with the original appointment to rent a shop. Those people communicate.

The two-hour 'meeting' was over, and there were three more shops in the territory, namely a teahouse, a furniture store and a steamed stuffed bun shop.

The lease period of the teahouse is three months, and the rent is nine gold coins. The lease period of the furniture store is six months, and the rent is eighteen gold coins.

Besides, each of them also gave Su You two gold coins to help build the shop.

The entry of 69 gold coins, if it was in the past, it must be a lot of money, but Su You just sold the formula and has more than 3000 gold coins in hand, these gold coins are nothing... But the formula is rare after all, valuable Recipes are even rarer.

Although this kind of money can be earned a lot, it is not available every day. It is just wishful thinking to expect this to make money.

However, rents, taxes and fees are different. This is the most stable income that a territory can obtain, and it is also the simplest and basic economic cycle for the development of a territory.


After the matter of the store was settled, Su You took the money and went to the caravan to raid again. Compared with the previous situation where she bought everything she saw, this time her shopping was more targeted, and everything could be used for Raw materials for crafting potions and runes.

Needless to say, Tang Lu's vision, she can naturally recognize the function of these materials, and understand what Su You is going to do, so she also made a concession on the price - after all, they are all things that will be used in the maze tomorrow, The more such life-saving things, the higher the error tolerance rate of exploring the ruins, and the greater the probability of everyone returning successfully.

After buying the materials, Su You saw that the prices were about the same, so she didn't ask Bu Guo to bargain, and took the materials directly to her tool room.

Su You locked herself in the workshop, with materials piled up like hills around her, the same on the table and at her feet.

As time passed, these materials turned into pieces of runes with special patterns and bottles of colorful potions under Su You's hands.

[Get Intermediate Lucky Rune*20]

[Get Intermediate Lighting Rune*10]

[Get Intermediate Restoration Rune*30]

[Get Intermediate Earth Rune*20]


[Obtain Primary Water Attribute Defense Potion*15]

[Acquire Primary Lightweight Potion*10]

[Acquire Primary Stamina Potion*30]

[Get Intermediate Healing Potion*20]

[Get Intermediate Agility Potion*20]


Su You herself didn't know exactly how many potions and runes she made. In short, she didn't even have time to make a list. Every time she finished making something, she just grabbed it and started making whatever material she got.

For most of the afternoon, these materials that cost hundreds of gold coins to buy finally turned into a backpack of various props.

Seeing that she had become 'severely exhausted' and her physical strength had almost bottomed out, Su You shook her limbs and dragged her exhausted body back to the territory.

Seeing that she had finally left the small, narrow room, the white marten was obviously very happy, because it didn't like that kind of dark room at all.

But it likes to follow Su You, and it knows that Su You is doing something, so it doesn't dare to disturb it, so it never comes out of Su You's pocket.

It wasn't until Su You left the tool room that Bai Diao poked out a small head from Su You's pocket, first shook his head left and right, looked around, and then tried to follow Su You's clothes all the way. Climb on top of her.

(End of this chapter)

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