Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 241 Chapter 241 Exploring the Underwater Maze 1

But when it was about to climb, it turned its head and saw Su You's not very good face... Isn't it just bad, tired all afternoon, making things non-stop, the eyes are almost glued and can't open!
Seeing this, the white marten, who considers himself considerate, wanted to post it, but in the end he didn't. Entered the city lord's mansion in the setting sun territory.



Data No. 20 In the early morning of the [-]th day, ten people from the Tianhong caravan plus five people headed by Su You came to the entrance of the underwater maze.

After everyone got to know each other, Su You sent everyone a set of things.

There are five items in this set, namely: an intermediate luck rune, an intermediate recovery rune, an intermediate lighting rune, a bottle of primary water attribute defense potion, and a bottle of intermediate agility potion.

Not to mention the lucky rune and agility potion, Su You used both before.

The function of the intermediate recovery rune is to continuously restore all the physical data of the wearer, including but not limited to physical strength, status, blood volume, magic, etc.

Lighting runes literally mean that they will emit light after wearing them. The higher the level of lighting runes, the longer the duration and the brighter the light source.

The water attribute defense potion is also easy to understand. After wearing it, it can increase the water attribute defense power, and the water attribute defense power can reduce a certain amount of water attribute damage. This is the most suitable prop for exploring the underwater maze.


Seeing that Su You took so many things, Tang Lu was not to be outdone. In addition to the basic supplies carried by the ten people, she also took out two other things - the first was a skill book, and the other The item is a high-level guide rune.

This skill book is a magic skill book exclusive to water magicians. Needless to say who it is for, the name of the skill book is 'Water Magic Shield', because it is a combat skill, so there is no level.

There is no other difference between the water magic shield and the fire magic shield that Meck can cast before, except for the difference in attributes.

The fire magic shield can increase the fire attribute defense, so the function of the water magic shield is naturally to increase the water attribute defense.

The function of the guide rune is to establish coordinate points, and the person wearing the guide rune can sense the position of the coordinate points, and can find the way to these coordinate points when the coordinate points are not destroyed.

A primary guide rune can establish one coordinate point, an intermediate one can establish two, and an advanced one can establish three.

Although it is a relatively unorthodox rune, it is not as versatile as the lucky rune recovery rune, which can basically be used at any time, but it is a high-level rune after all.

Moreover, its versatility is not strong, but it shows that it is highly targeted, and the most restrained way guide rune is the maze. As long as it is used properly, its performance in the maze must not be underestimated.

Su You originally wanted to make a guide rune, but she didn't have enough materials, even a basic guide rune, so she gave up.

But now with this high-level guide rune, the error tolerance rate has greatly increased.

"I bought this skill book. It's okay to give you the money later... or trade it with other things." Su You found that Tang Lu had been staring at her lucky rune, so she directly I gave her the lucky rune that I accidentally drew wrongly before and was reduced from intermediate level to elementary level.

"Then I hope Lord Su won't be stingy with the engraving drawings of lucky runes." Tang Lu wanted to ask about lucky runes a long time ago, because she had never heard of lucky runes before.

It's just that there are more important things to do now, no matter how curious she is, she won't waste time at this time.

Hearing the expected words, Su You raised her eyebrows, but did not answer, but directly led the people to enter the maze.

【Silent underwater maze】

Difficulty: ★★★☆

Number of people: none
Detachable times: 1
Introduction: A maze that appeared at an unknown time was once submerged in the vast ocean. The maze will only reappear in the world when someone triggers the mechanism of the maze...Nowadays, the continent's energy is thin, and the underwater maze can only last for three years. Those who enter the maze must leave the maze within three days, otherwise they will sink into the deep sea together with the maze.

[Do you want to enter the 'sunken underwater maze'? 】



The deep sea... So the bottom of this piece of land is actually not solid?
Su You frowned. She didn't know if she had misunderstood it, or if it was just a simple meaningless introduction.

In any case, I have already prepared for this, and there is absolutely no reason to regret it.

She chose [Yes], and then slowly approached the black hole that sprayed water. The next second, her eyes went dark, and when she opened her eyes again, she had come to a place surrounded by high walls, and there was a passage in the front, back, left, and right sides. It is equivalent to a position in the middle of a 'crossroad'.

"My lord, we seem to be separated from the others." Duoya grasped her bow and arrows with a very serious expression.

Su You looked around - sure enough, there were only her and Duoya here.

It seems that she made the right choice to distribute supplies in advance outside!

Under normal circumstances, there are generally two situations when entering the ruins. One is that everyone is teleported to the entrance of the ruins, and the other is that everyone is dispersed and teleported to four places in the ruins... Obviously, the current situation belongs to the latter.

But fortunately, the white sable was still in her pocket and was not distracted by the maze.

Su You opened her pitch-black map and looked at it, then closed the completely useless map interface, and looked around again.

The size of the maze is unknown, but the path of the maze they are in is very narrow, and can only accommodate three people at most. From this point of view, fifteen people are not too many and not too little, just right, no more than they can move together.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the ruins separated them.

She was about to say something when she suddenly heard footsteps in front of her...

Da da da……

Duoya subconsciously protected Suyou behind her, and skillfully set up the bow to shoot arrows with both hands. When the bowstring was fully drawn, the bow body made of sycamore wood exuded a color like flames.

The target of the arrow pointed directly at the direction that made the movement. Su You had no doubt that as long as the opponent had any intention of attacking, Duoya's arrow would definitely be faster than the enemy.

"Is anyone there?" An unfamiliar voice came from around the corner.

Duoya could hear the other person's words clearly, but the voice was not familiar. At most, she could only recognize that it was a woman.

Thanks to unknown readers for rewarding*1

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