Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 242 Chapter 242 Exploring the Underwater Maze 2

Because the voice was not familiar, and the figure of the other party had not been exposed, Duo Ya did not put down the bow and arrow in his hand.

Not only did he not put down his weapon, but even the bowstring was always in the full moon state.

It was Su You, who seemed to have guessed who the owner of the voice was.

According to her guess, this person should be the woman named Shan Qing from the caravan, and she is not a combatant, but an inspiration.

The reason for recognizing her was simple, because there were only five women on this trip, and she recognized Vivienne's voice, and Duoya was by her side, so she could only be from the caravan.

Before setting off, she carefully observed everyone's attire. Only the hard-soled leather shoes Shan Qing was wearing could make the sound of footsteps. Another female member of the caravan wore soft cloth shoes. Even if you push hard, you will never make such a crisp sound when you walk.

Although this guess is probably correct, there are still some temptations that should be done.

Su You lowered Duo Ya's hand, and asked with a volume that the other party could definitely hear: "Are you Lan Yin?"

The other party's walking voice seemed to pause for a moment, and then replied: "No, I'm Shan Qing, I hear your voice sounds like...Lord Su?"

Hearing Shan Qing's answer, Su You led Duoya around the corner, and saw a woman in a pink-purple robe.

Su You: "That's right, it's me, and the one next to me is Duoya."

Seeing Suyou and Duoya, Shan Qing breathed a sigh of relief visibly, and then she took out the props of the inspiration teacher—a few crystal beads that looked very delicate and round.

"I tried to sense it just now and found someone here, so I came here. It seems that my sense should be right." Inspired is a very complicated profession.

Its complexity is not the complexity related to the difficulty, but everything involved, because there are too many types, so it is very complicated.

Try to be as simple as possible and introduce them from their abilities. They can sense the presence or absence of danger, sense the existence of life, and feel the good or bad of choices... It can be said that it is somewhat similar to divination and fortune-telling, but it is completely different.

Just like what Shan Qing said just now, when she sensed someone here, she actually sensed the presence of vitality here.

To have vitality is to have 'creatures', and just as everyone got separated, Shan Qing, a support with no combat power, could only hope that the 'creatures' she sensed were separated partners, not monsters from the ruins.

Fortunately, what Shanqing didn't want to see did not happen, and she did find a companion, not a monster from the ruins.

"Just right, with you here we might try to choose a path first." Because the light was a bit dim, Su You took out a lighting rune and put it on.

Shan Qing nodded, but did not refuse, because she thought so too.

The ability of the inspirational teacher can be of great help in places like the maze, where it is easy to have no clue.

"Are there only Lord Su and you two here?" Shan Qing moved the crystal-like beads in her hand. Although she was asking a question, she didn't look at Su You or Duoya, but stared at all the people around her. Checked the path.

"Well, it seems so now, everyone should be scattered by the ruins." This is a very obvious thing, but Su You has more detailed clues, such as: "We are fifteen people, if I didn't guess Wrong, it should have been scattered to five places."

Fifteen people were divided into five groups, which happened to be a group of three, so the three of them met here.

Shan Qing didn't think too much about it. After all, she didn't enter many ruins. Even counting this time, she only explored a total of four ruins. Naturally, she can't compare with Su You's experience and self-experience in hundreds of ruins. Summarize the rules of the relics.

These laws are difficult to explain, because some things are the result of purely judging by experience, and Su You really can't say one, two, three, four, but she can infer some results based on the current situation.

"What Lord Su said makes sense, so what are we going to do now, find someone? Or find a way?" Since it is a maze, there must be an entrance and an exit, although the ten people in the caravan heard what Captain Tang said before they came. Eight scaring words, but it is impossible for them to believe this kind of words.

Does it say that there is no road when there is no road?

Does it say that there is no export if there is no export?

If they really believe it, then they are finished!

"Road." Su You chose the latter without hesitation, and gave a brief explanation for this choice: "Since the ruins separate us, there is a reason for it. People will meet sooner or later, but the road It’s what I’ve been looking for.”

In fact, Shan Qing prefers to find someone, but thinking of Captain Tang’s repeated instructions before leaving, and she thinks what Su You said is not unreasonable, so after pondering for a while, Shan Qing decided to follow what Su You said. .

She first turned all the beads in her hand, then took out one of them, and then threw it on the ground vigorously.

'Da da da--'

As the beads fell to the ground, all three of them heard several crisp sounds.

Duoya has never seen the method of an inspirational master's ability, so when he saw this scene, he subconsciously thought that the beautiful crystal bead was thrown on the ground so hard that it might be broken...

But the strange thing is, not only did the bead not break, but it seemed to be pulled by some mysterious and mysterious force, slowly rolling towards the road on their right... But it was clear that Shanqing was not heading in a certain direction just now The beads that were thrown were thrown almost vertically on the ground.

In this regard, Duoya can only understand that this is a special ability exclusive to the inspiration.

Seeing that Zhuzi found the way, Shan Qing seemed a little happy, and her tone of joy could not be concealed: "I think this road will bring us surprises."

The "this road" she mentioned is naturally the road where the crystal glass beads roll. As for the specific surprise, Shan Qing doesn't know, because she can only sense good and bad, and cannot predict the future.

Because the beads roll very slowly, they walk very slowly, and sometimes they even need to stop, wait for the beads to roll for a certain distance, and then they follow up.

I don't know how long they've been walking, but the surrounding scene seems to have remained the same. There are still countless winding roads wrapped in a high dark blue wall, and they are trapped in it like a bird in a cage.

"The beads have stopped." People are curious about new things, and Duoya is no exception, so besides focusing her attention on the surroundings to observe whether there are enemies, she is also paying attention to the beads from the corner of her eye.

After seeing the beads stop, she said this subconsciously.

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