Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 243 Chapter 243 Exploring the Underwater Maze 3

Then, she looked up and looked ahead—they were brought to a fork in the road by the bead, and there were two paths ahead, one left and one right.

Shan Qing's face remained unchanged, she threw another bead just like before, it seemed that she hoped that the second bead would help lead the way.

But unfortunately, after the second bead fell to the ground, it slowly rolled towards the direction of the first bead, rolled, and then rolled to the side of the first bead.

The two beads collided and made a 'ding' sound, and then the two beads stopped moving.

Now, even Duoya, who doesn't know the inspiration at all, seems to be able to see that this should be a failure. After all, the first bead doesn't lead the way, so Shan Qing wants to use the second bead to try again, but the result is the second bead. A bead is the same result.

"Sorry, I tried my best." Shan Qing sighed, and then took the two beads back.

She is just a junior spiritualist with limited abilities, and she is indeed trying her best to be able to lead such a long way.

Although it seemed that they didn't go out and didn't find anything, there was no risk along the way, which also showed that although they might not have chosen the right path, they definitely didn't choose the wrong one.

There are likely to be monsters on the wrong road, and there will be various traps. The degree of danger is definitely at the MAX level... In comparison, nothing happened, which is not necessarily bad.

Shan Qing caressed her bead, her eyes were somewhat disappointed and regretful.

"I can't scout anymore."

The inspiriter can't use the ability to sense the same target again in a short period of time, otherwise the result of the induction will be greatly deviated, so Su You didn't say anything after hearing this sentence.

She looked at the map she drew while walking on the road, trying to figure out what to see from the path, but unfortunately the distance they walked was not too long, and there was no reference point, the map could only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg of the maze, Can't see any clues at all.

Putting away the map, Su You took a look at where they were. There was a road in the back, which was the way they came, and there were two roads in front, both of which had no special features, and looked straight.

According to a certain law, the smooth sailing just now means that there is no room for mistakes in their next choices, because at least one of the two paths must be wrong.

"Lord, which way are we going?" Duo Ya didn't want to ask this question, because it might interrupt Su You's train of thought.

But I don't know why, after staying in this narrow and stuffy place for a long time, she always feels a little impatient.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

Su You on the side was concentrating on thinking. Although she heard Duoya's words, she didn't notice that something was wrong with her.

"I think..." I don't know what to think of, Su You originally said something and stopped abruptly, then she looked at Shan Qing and asked another question: "When you used your ability just now, did you wear the one I gave you?" A lucky rune?"

Shan Qing didn't know why she asked that, but she nodded, and then showed her the lucky rune hanging around her neck.

Although she hadn't heard of such things as lucky runes, Su You took them out after all, and they still represent good meanings. Shan Qing brought it with her as soon as she entered the maze. up.

"It's worn, what's wrong with that?"

"No, there's no problem, you did the right thing...Since you are exploring the road with runes, then we don't have to go any further. Pay attention to check around." Su You said, taking the lead and starting to walk around here Start looking on the ground of the wall.

After Duoya saw it, she didn't ask why she did this, and helped to find it together without saying a word.

Compared with Duo Ya's decisiveness, Shan Qing hesitated for a while, but she couldn't think of a reason for her refusal, and since she couldn't use her abilities, it seemed that she couldn't choose between the two paths in front of her... So she also started to find a way together. .

Her actions were naturally taken into consideration by Su You. Su You didn't care about her hesitation. After all, everyone was unfamiliar, and it was impossible to force others to trust her 100%. It was already very good to be able to choose to help after hesitation.

"I know your doubts. You may think that the lucky rune is useless, but it is a real rune." Su You didn't struggle with the lucky rune for a long time, but continued to explain from a different angle: " Leaving that aside, do you remember what you said at the end of the induction?"

what did she say?
She said - 'she thinks this road will bring them a surprise'.

But as a result, the beads stopped, and they came to a fork in the road. As it turned out, there were no surprises.

For this result, Shanqing is not surprised, because it is not the first time she has made a mistake... The mistake here is not a mistake in the process, but a mistake in the result.

The process is that there is no risk in this road, which is correct, but the result is that there are no surprises that should have been there, so the result is a mistake.

"You don't believe in the results of your induction. In other words, you don't believe in your abilities." When Su You said this, her tone was very firm.

If she believed in herself, then there would be no hesitation.

The so-called surprise must be able to make them feel happy and help to solve the maze. Obviously, from the surface, this place does not refer to surprises, so the only possibility is that this surprise was hidden ' up.

Of course, it doesn't rule out the possibility that there are no surprises, but even if Su You doesn't believe in Shan Qing's strength, she should believe in the lucky runes she made.

"The most important thing for an inspiration is self-confidence. You have to believe in your abilities. If you don't believe in yourself, why do you think your abilities can work?" When using the ability, the result will definitely not be so good, because she doesn't believe in herself.

But with her ability and the blessing of the lucky rune, even though she lacks self-confidence, the lucky rune can also make up for this shortcoming.

Su You didn't continue when she said this, not only because there were some things that didn't need to be said too clearly, but also because she had already found what she was looking for.

"Come here." Feeling the slightly hard bulge under her hand, Su You guessed that this might be the 'surprise'.

"I found a mechanism, you guys should be careful, the movement of the mechanism may be relatively large." Although I know that this mechanism is related to 'surprise', there is a high probability that it will not be bad, but there are some things that are uncertain, so be careful good.

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