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Chapter 244 Chapter 244 Exploring the Underwater Maze 4

Duoya looked at the button and suggested, "Why don't I press this mechanism?"

"It's okay, this mechanism is most likely to be that surprise." Su You shook her head, and did not move away.

After Duo Ya's proposal was rejected, she stood beside Su You with a bow and arrow.

And Shan Qing was thinking about what Su You just said, so that when she heard that Su You had found the mechanism, she didn't have too much emotion... She was still immersed in Su You's words.

As the raised button was pressed, all three of them saw the 'ground' on the road opposite the button, that is, the road on the left slowly open, and then a downward step was revealed.

Su You took out the high-level guide runes and set the first coordinates at the entrance of the steps.

"Let's go." Su You walked ahead, leading the two of them down the steps.

Although there is no light source under the steps, it may even be because it is underground, the light is even more dim, and it can almost be said that you can't see your fingers.

But because of the existence of the lighting rune, they can still see the scene clearly——

In fact, there is nothing special, it is exactly the same as above, with dark blue smooth walls on the left and right sides, but the road here goes down instead of a flat road.

When the steps came to the end, there was a long straight road. After going out along this straight road, the three of Su You found that they had actually left the maze directly.

"This is... the entrance of the maze?" Duoya looked at the very obvious maze gate in front of him, and always felt that this trip seemed a bit too easy.

Not only her, Su You and Shan Qing also felt that this seemed a bit too simple.

After all, it is a three-and-a-half-star relic, so why did they come out with the help of a junior spiritual master and an intermediate luck rune?

How could it be so simple!
Su You looked at the bare coral door, then at the tall stone pillars that seemed to be engraved with a series of complicated characters, and a bold idea vaguely emerged in her heart.

"This is a mirror maze." The so-called mirror maze means that there are two mazes. These two mazes are like mirror images and are completely upside down.

This idea is confirmed by the two paragraphs of text obtained by Su You——

The first paragraph is the text Youai saw before, that is, the eight characters of 'a labyrinth without a path, there is no way out'.

The second paragraph of text is what she sees now, and the translation should be 'extending in all directions, without beginning and end'.

The roadless maze corresponds to extending in all directions, one has no road, and the other is unimpeded in all directions, just like a mirror image, with completely opposite meanings.

There is no entry and no exit and no beginning and no end is also corresponding, the entrance of the maze is the 'starting point' and 'beginning', no beginning and no end means there is no entrance, but the meaning of having an exit is exactly the opposite of 'entrance but no exit'.

Sugiharu: "Mirror mirror maze... I seem to have heard of this. It is said that the way to break this maze is to enter from a mirrored maze entrance, then find another mirrored entrance in the maze, then reach the second maze, and then Then go out through the exit of this second maze?"

The cracking method Shan Qing said is actually correct, because the two mirrored mazes are interlinked and can go to each other, and one has an entrance and the other has an exit. Entering from one and exiting from the other, this is considered a pass.

This is the best way to understand, but also the most troublesome way.

After all, the characteristic of the maze itself is that people can't find their way and lose their way. As a result, this method has to find the entrance of the first mirror image, the entrance of the maze, and then the entrance of the second mirror image. Find the exit, and the entrance and exit may be hidden by the mechanism just like the underground passage just now... Isn't this troublesome?

Unless they are extremely lucky and there is no time limit in this maze, after this trip, they are afraid that they will become an 'ocean treasure' with this underwater maze.

But their luck is really good, after all, they have already completed the first step - find the maze with the entrance, and find the entrance.

But Su You is not going to use this troublesome way to pass the level. She has another way, although it is a bit risky, but it can save a lot of trouble to break the mirror maze.

Su You: "The method you said is correct, but I am going to use another cracking method."

If the first method is simply troublesome and time-consuming, then if the second method can be successful, the time required is very short.

The principle of this cracking method is to combine the two mirror mazes into one, so that it has both an entrance and an exit. In this way, they don't even need to look for the entrance, because they are in the maze themselves, and they only need to find the entrance. Just need to find an exit.

Moreover, after the mazes are merged into one, it will be much easier for them to find the exit, because in addition to the merger of the exit and the entrance, there is a high probability that the characteristics of 'no way' and 'extensive' will also be merged.

One has no roads, and the other has roads everywhere. After a little neutralization, although the exit will not be clear at a glance, it will definitely not take much effort to find it.

"I didn't expect that there is such a way..." Shan Qing was a little surprised, but she didn't doubt Su You, because she said it with certainty, as if she had really experienced the mirror maze, and successfully used this The method is the same as passing through.

Not only that, but the person who told her to solve the mirror maze also said that there is more than one solution to this maze.

All he knew was the most troublesome one, which also coincided with what Su You said.

"So what do we need to do to merge the two labyrinths?" I don't know if it's because of the words that reminded her to be "confident" just now, or because of the knowledge and ability Su You has shown so far. I trust Su You very much.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there is no danger involved, as long as Su You has an order, she will execute it immediately without any hesitation.

"The method of merging mazes is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say. The mirror maze is separated because the maze contains too much energy, so it needs to 'split' itself to disperse the energy." In other words, if They can help the maze to 'consume' the excess energy, then they don't need to do anything else, the maze will merge itself.

After all, they are one body, if it is not for carrying too much energy that will lead to the destruction of the maze, no one wants to 'tear themselves in half'.

"...After being dispersed, they will make these energies into guardians who guard the maze. These guardians are the embodiment of the excess energy of the maze."

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