Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 251 Chapter 251 Guardian 2

But from its point of view, this is indeed no problem. After all, they are intruders, and it is considered pretty good if it is willing to leave a life. Want to leave?

Stay and serve me!
"I'm in a good mood today, I don't care about you, get out of here quickly, otherwise..."

Although the guardian explained that he would let them go, there was no joy on everyone's faces, because they all knew that the guardian only let twelve of them go, and as for the three Youai, it would definitely not let them go.

"Lord Su, do we have another solution?"

Hearing this, Su You frowned, because this matter was quite difficult.

Su You wouldn't feel so troublesome if the guardian was of another race, but why is it...a dragon!
That's right, this guardian is a dragon!And it's an adult dragon!

Not to mention them, even if they called another person from the city, they would not be able to beat them, because for the dragon, killing them was nothing more than a mouthful of dragon flame.

If it weren't for the need to think about countermeasures now, Su You would definitely scold the system.

In two days, compound labyrinth, mutant labyrinth, guardian or a dragon, you call this a copy of the ruins with a difficulty of three and a half stars?
What kind of monsters are those five-star relic dungeons?

Could it be that it is full of ancient gods and beasts, and this is to reproduce the melee of gods and demons, the chaos of gods and beasts? !
No... According to the difficulty of the ghost stone gate before, there should be no problem with the judgment of this difficulty... So there must still be clues that she didn't expect.

Suddenly, Su You's eyes lit up, and she looked up at the Guardian Dragon: "You left them here to help you take a bath, so if you finish washing them, can you let them go?"

Hearing this, the three of Youai showed terrified expressions—it's just such a big guy, let them finish washing?

I'm afraid it's not that they can't finish washing after their lifespan is exhausted!

Others also felt that what Su You said was a little unrealistic. Even if everyone helped, there were no more than fifteen people here, and the guardian was as big as ten mountains. Block 'big mountain' washed?
And it has to be washed carefully one by one!
Although they knew it was impossible, none of them were stupid enough to bother them at this time, because Su You must know things that even fools know, and she must have other thoughts that they don't know about.

The guardian dragon pondered for a moment, then shook the dragon's head: "In theory, it is so, but can you really wash it? As far as I know, this place will sink back in less than a day."

Everyone: ...So you are a little bit concerned about your body shape!

"As long as you cooperate, there will be a solution, but you must first promise to let them go after the matter is over." Su You knew Long's character.

They love shiny things, the palace made of gold outside and those treasures are probably their treasures, thanks to her telling everyone not to touch those things, otherwise if it finds that they are carrying its things, they probably won’t be able to Well stand here to discuss.

Besides, the dragon is also beautiful and clean. As a guardian, it is bound here. This dragon must not have to take a bath. It is rare for outsiders to come. It is not surprising to catch a few to help take a bath.

In addition, the dragon has a bad temper, gets angry easily, has a domineering personality, and is stingy and protective... Having said that, it seems that many of them are shortcomings, but the biggest advantage of the dragon is to keep promises.

But whatever they say, they will definitely keep their promises, and they will definitely not break the contract for no reason. This is probably to reflect a word called 'You have no jokes'.

"No problem, if you can clean them for me, don't say let them go, you can pick up three of my treasures... But as I said before, you must wash them, otherwise you will keep them for me." Come down." It hummed twice, the threat was obvious.

The treasure of the Dragon Clan... Su You, who originally only wanted to save people, never expected that there would be an additional surprise.

Compared with Su You's surprise, the others seemed very flustered, because so far they didn't know what Su You was trying to sell.

Su You also knew their doubts and worries, but she didn't explain them here. Instead, she continued to Long, "Then we're about to start, but before that, please change your body first."

The dragon was stunned at the moment... Transformation?What body?

Before it could react, the human said again: "I've heard that the dragon prototype is mighty, but because of the trouble, it's not usually like this. As long as you can change your body and make it smaller, we can help you take a bath."

And this kind of operation? !
Now everyone can be regarded as understanding what Su You is planning.

But... will this dragon really listen to Su You?

Although the idea is good, if the dragon is disobedient, they have nothing to do with it. They have no ability to put a knife on its neck.

Long also didn't expect Su You's operation, but after it reacted, it was both annoyed and happy.

The annoyance lies in the fact that he didn't think of such a simple thing, otherwise it wouldn't have caught someone to help him take a bath every time in the past thousand years.

Not to mention the trouble of doing this, I still can't wash to my heart's content every time.

After all, human beings have limited abilities, and there are not always water magicians, so they wash part by part... how can there be a bath part by part?

Wash the arms first, then wash the feet after a while, and then wash the body after a while, who can bear this?
But it is also happy, after all, after knowing the news, it also understands what it is going to do.

But when it saw the smiling face of this human being, it immediately became unhappy again.

If I knew it was so easy, why did it promise to give away three of its treasures? !

Although it really wants to take a bath, it also loves its baby!

Seeing that the dragon didn't speak for a long time, Su You guessed that it was unwilling to cooperate, but she was not in a hurry, and continued: "I made it clear earlier, we need your cooperation to help, and you agreed, Now it seems that you don't want to cooperate... If you insist on not cooperating, we have nothing to do with you."

"Hey, I just didn't expect that the dignified dragon clan is also unreasonable..."

"Why am I not being reasonable? Alright, just transform." Long was furious.

It was hesitating which one to give up between taking a bath and its own baby, but when it suddenly heard such a sentence, it was not happy at the moment, and it was a little thoughtless when it spoke, and even called itself "I".

When he came to his senses, the words had already been let out, and it was even more difficult for him to go back on his word.

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