Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 252 Chapter 252 Guardian 3

"Hmph!" Long snorted softly, and finally prepared to cooperate.

If the baby is gone, it will be gone. Anyway, it has a lot of babies, so it doesn't lack these three items, but if it doesn't take a bath, the dragon will really go crazy!
You have to know that the last time it took a bath was 200 years ago...

At that time, a group of people did not enter here, but there were no magicians among them, let alone water magicians, so they could only go to the water collection point outside to fill up the water little by little, and they were not comfortable. It's not comfortable... In short, it's all bitter tears.

When he thought that he could finally wash his whole body at the same time, the dragon was immediately happy, but soon, he couldn't be happy anymore.

Su You over there knew that the dragon should have been willing to cooperate, so she was waiting for these 'black mountains' to disappear, but there was no movement after waiting for a long time. Just when she was wondering if the dragon had backed down again, an angry voice came from her head roar—

"The guy who suffered a thousand knives! He actually gave me a seal! When I go out, I must chop it up and water the trees!"

Su You rubbed her tortured ears, her face numb.

After venting his anger, Long explained the reason to Su You in an angry tone——

It's not actually the guardian here, it's just that a guy stole its treasure, let it help to watch the site in 2000, and after it's done, it will give it more good things.

For humans, 2000 years is a matter of dozens of lifetimes, but for dragons, 2000 years are nothing, so it agreed.

But it didn't expect that that guy actually sealed it. Although most of the abilities can be used, the transformation cannot be used.

Regarding this story, it is unknown whether it is true or not, but what Su You is most concerned about is that dragons are not guardians.

At that moment, Su You had two reactions. One was that it was no wonder that the difficulty was three and a half stars. It turns out that the dragon is not a guardian. The second was, since it is not a guardian, where is the real guardian.

Su You didn't want to waste time either, so she asked Long this question directly. The deceived Long didn't want to abide by the '2000 agreement' with that guy. It glanced in one direction, and its tone couldn't hide its anger: "I You don’t need to take a bath anymore, go and kill the guy inside, when the time comes, I will let you go, and I will give you the three treasures as well.”

As for why the dragon doesn't do it himself, it must be that it can't do it, otherwise the guy who entrusted it wouldn't be able to put it here with confidence, and the dragon wouldn't be bound here for 1000 years without even taking a bath. convenient.

"Then I would trouble you to let them go first." Because the dragon was angry, Su You didn't say anything unnecessary, but let him let Youai and the others go first, otherwise they might not be able to fight because they are not all in one.

Long glanced at her, and then heard a bang, and the chains under the three of Youai's feet all broke.

"Let's go." Su You immediately beckoned everyone to go in the direction indicated by the dragon.

They could finally leave this stuffy place and this terrifying creature. Everyone was walking like flying. With this speed and the agility potion, everyone almost flew over.

The place indicated by the dragon was another cave. The tunnel in this cave was very short, but after walking for about 3 minutes, they came to a whole new world.

Here, they saw a coral monster covered with tanks at a glance.

【Guardian Coral Beast】

HP: 50000/50000
Attack: 200
Defense: 300
[Coral Guardian (Passive Skill)]: Every 30 seconds, a layer of shield will appear on the coral beast, and the value of the shield is 10% of the lost HP. If the shield is not broken, the previous shield will disappear and the Coral Beast will be healed by the value of the remaining shield.

[Coral Thorns]: When this skill is turned on, the coral beast is covered with thorns and is in a vulnerable state, but every physical attack it receives will reflect back to the attacker, and the damage is 100% of the attack damage.



It's a hard stubble...

This is too hard...

Shields refreshed in a short time, shield healing, and full damage recovery are all standard features of a thick-skinned leader, but any one of them is great, and this guy has them all.

But to say that it is difficult to fight, it is actually not particularly difficult. After all, they have a large number of people, and their combat effectiveness is even higher than that of each other. Not counting Vivian, a nurse and doctor, only Su You has no combat skills at all. And Shan Qing, the inspiration.

Even a mechanism division can set up a mechanism array to attack.

Because Su You carried a lot of potion runes in her backpack, there was no space to place materials, so she naturally had no way to place offensive buildings.

"Listen to me carefully..." Su You roughly explained the information about this coral monster, and then asked a problem that needs attention. For example, when thorns appear, everyone stops immediately, and only soldiers wearing heavy armor are responsible. Pull the monster so it doesn't attack randomly.

Other than that, there is nothing else for the time being.

After discussing a general battle idea, Su You took out all the things in the backpack and divided them up. After everything was ready, everyone launched the attack directly.

From the beginning, everything went smoothly.

After all, those who can be picked out by Tang Lu are all excellent fighters.

They have a wealth of combat experience, and Su You doesn't need special and meticulous command. They can pull monsters skillfully, avoid attacks, and take advantage of the coral beast's attack to take time to attack.

When the coral beast's blood volume dropped to about half, it suddenly let out a roar, and then waved a hand, knocking a person beside it into the air.

Su You told the melee personnel to retreat, helped the person up and let the doctor heal immediately, and then saw that the coral beast stopped roaring and suddenly hammered the ground violently. spikes.

"Except for Yuai, stop all of them! You continue to pull the monster, but don't attack it." Su You didn't even need to look to know that this must be the coral beast with the 'coral thorn' status turned on.

While ordering everyone to act, she also opened the information panel of the coral beast again, and found the corresponding status——

[Thorns]: In this state, any physical attack received will be 100% counterattacked to the attacker (countdown: 150 seconds).

[Vulnerability]: The attack damage received is doubled, the critical strike rate is doubled, and the critical strike damage is doubled (countdown: 150 seconds).


Three doubles, this vulnerable state is a bit powerful...

But it’s useless to be powerful. As long as there are thorns, the more vulnerable they are, the faster they will die after attacking. After all, 100% anti-injury is actually full anti-injury.

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