Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 253 Chapter 253 Guardian 4

Chapter 253 253. Guardian 4
The guardian beasts have [-] blood, but they are only human after all, and the one with the most blood among the dozen or so people is only worth [-] blood.

The only good thing is that Youai is a magician, and his attacks are magic attacks, not counter-injuries, so Su You still let him continue to cast magic.

Originally, it was only a few dozen points of damage, but after doubling, it went straight to three digits.

But it's useless, the damage is still not enough.

Because the blood volume of the coral beast has reached [-], the shield provided by the coral guardian is as high as [-] points!

No matter how powerful Youai is, it is impossible for one person to deal 30 points of damage in [-] seconds. After all, it takes him [-] to [-] seconds to sing a magic spell.

But if the shield is not broken in time, when the next 30 seconds comes and a new shield is refreshed, the remaining shield will restore the coral beast's blood... Then the coral beast will never be killed?

Sure enough, after 30 seconds passed, the shield on the coral beast disappeared and reappeared, and its blood volume jumped up.

In these 30 seconds, Yuai only caused more than 800 damage even if he was vulnerable, which means that the coral beast can recover a full [-] points of blood later!
And the duration of this thorn is two and a half minutes, which can trigger the coral shield five times. Although the value of the shield will decrease as the blood volume increases, it can still restore more than 1000 blood volume.

After five coral shields, at least six or seven thousand health can be recovered for it!
Although the others couldn't see the blood volume, they could also find that the wound on the coral beast was slowly healing. Someone unbelievingly hacked the coral beast, and immediately let out a scream——

218! (crit)

The two values ​​appear almost at the same time. The former is the damage caused by this person to the guardian, and the latter is the damage caused by the thorns. Most importantly, this retaliation is also a critical strike.

Thanks to the fact that this person has more than 600 health, and the target of the Coral Beast's attack is not him, otherwise Vivian would not have time to recover his blood.

But even so, Vivienne's face was still very ugly, but she didn't have time to do other things now, otherwise she would have lifted her skirt and started scolding.

Does this person think she is too easy?Do you have to find a job for her?

The nanny just looks relaxed, okay?
As a junior healing magician, she has to take care of more than a dozen people at the same time, and she is already out of energy, and this is a very fleshy monster. This must be a long and fierce battle. Even the basic healing techniques can't be used...

Anyway, it's not that they didn't bring their own healing potions. Vivienne didn't plan to heal this person, so go drink the potions by yourself!
The person who wanted to die also knew that he was wrong, so he didn't dare to take the initiative to ask for treatment, but just took two steps back and waited silently.

But after a long time, Vivienne didn't intend to treat him. In the end, the doctor couldn't help but cursed a fool, and then dragged someone to pour him a bottle of healing potion.

Although the doctor can also heal, the function is to improve the effect of the potion, but the effect is not as good as the cure magician, and there is a long cooldown time, but at least it has recovered more than 100 blood.

During this period, the coral beast refreshed its shield again. Although the blood returned this time was less than last time, it still returned more than 500 points of blood. This is obviously not good news, but everyone has no choice.

"No, I can't kill you..." The person who couldn't attack looked anxious and wanted to fight directly, but they also saw the end of that person just now. In order to save their lives and not to annoy the only nurse, they I can only watch impatiently.

Just when the coral beast's shield was about to refresh for the third time, Su You finally thought of a way to deal with the thorn state correctly.

She called all the remotes present, Duoya, another archer, a musketeer and a puppeteer.

"The thorn's anti-injury is only effective for the current attack, so if you have any continuous damage skills like bleeding, burning, poisoning, etc., you can use them, understand what I mean?" Su You doesn't know, but Duoya knows the skill of bleeding arrows.

When using this skill to attack, the arrow damage is extremely low, basically only single digits, even if the critical strike is doubled, the damage is only a dozen points, which is nothing, but there is a very high probability that it will cause the enemy to bleed.

It stands to reason that the musketeer also has a scorching gun technique. Using this skill and then using a musket, the musket will cause extremely low damage, but has a high probability of causing a burning effect.

The same is true for the puppet master's puppet, which has a skill called Shiv.

In this way, bleeding, burning, poisoning, and all the continuous blood loss skills on the mainland are all available.

But the existence of this skill does not mean that they have learned it, so Su You can only ask first, if there are all the best, if not, or if there are a few missing, the damage is still not enough to break the shield, then she can only use the second skill. There is a way.

But fortunately, no matter if they were musketeers or puppet masters, they were worthy of coming from the big caravan, and they would know what Su You reminded them to do.

The only archer who can't bleed arrows gave Su You an even bigger surprise——

"I don't know how to shoot bloody arrows, but I have learned lightning arrows... Is this okay?"

Su You: ...Yes!It's just too good!
In fact, in addition to the three continuous blood loss states mentioned above, there is a fourth continuous negative state, and this negative state is 'electric shock'.

But this state is quite special, because it will not lose blood, but will only paralyze the enemy and reduce the enemy's attack hit rate.


If the object of use is water attribute, or if we have a water magician, this shock can play a role in continuous blood loss. There is no other reason, water can conduct electricity.

Electric shock + water attribute attack/water attribute creature = electric shock (receive electric attribute damage every once in a while)
Shock does not belong to the state of continuous blood loss, but electric shock is. This is one of the few special negative states that need to be formed by combination.

Moreover, the electric attribute is also a magical attack, but there are too few skills that can be added to the state of shock, and Su You didn't expect that there would be someone at the scene.

But this is also a good thing, because the electric attribute restrains the water attribute and can cause more damage.

In order not to waste time, the musketeer with the highest blood volume tried it first. After finding out that the continuous blood loss state does not hurt, everyone let go of their hands and feet, frantically adding various continuous damage to this coral beast. state of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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