Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 254 Chapter 254 Merger of Relics

Chapter 254 254. Merging the Ruins
With the increase in the number of layers, the damage will not be lower than before. After all, there is vulnerability. Even if a few other people stop and dare not attack, the damage can almost be equal to the output of everyone struggling.

The only pity is the time they discussed. There were only a few seconds left to refresh the shield, so the coral beast finally recovered about 800 points of HP.

However, they have enough output time for the next shield, and before half of the time to refresh the shield, the shield will shatter directly.

Seeing the faint white light on the coral beast gradually disappear, everyone was very excited, so they started stacking debuffs even harder.


Half an hour later, with the wailing of the coral beast, the huge monster crashed to the ground, and at the same time, the others sat on the ground exhausted, without any image at all.

It is worth mentioning that Duoya's output is the highest among all of them.

Not only because her weapon is a red quality weapon made of sycamore wood, but most importantly, the probability percentage damage provided by the Fire Demon Armor she wears is simply a sharp weapon for beating such thick-skinned monsters!
Of course, another reason is that Duoya worked extra hard for this battle, basically it can be said that she played 120% of her original strength.

Output No.2 is Yuai, because when the key to breaking the game was not found at the beginning, he was the only magician outputting, and everyone else stopped.

When he found a solution, the lightning arrow released by the caravan's archer combined with his water magic, and the damage was doubled again in an instant.

Although the damage of the state of electric shock is counted on the archer, the damage of the special combination of water attribute magic and electric attribute is counted on Yuai.

After two hours of fighting, the fighters were exhausted and paralyzed. The mechanism engineer was responsible for helping them take care of them, and Su You called Shan Qing to quickly pick up the fallen objects of the coral beast.

"You pick up things, put them in the package after you've picked them up, and I'll divide the coral beast." The things on the ground are the best to pick up, so hand them over to Shan Qing, while Su You takes out a knife and starts to dissect the coral beast.

Because of an idea of ​​hers, she asked everyone to control the coral beast and kill it in a state of thorns, in order to try to remove the thorns on its body and use them as materials.

Facts have proved that it is possible, but it is a bit useless, because the coral beast is too thick to dig.

But the thorns are blue-quality materials, and if they are slightly modified, even purple-quality weapons and equipment will not be a problem, so Su You drank a bottle of strength potion and started digging thorns.

The people over there had almost rested. Seeing Su You's move and hearing the explanation, they also started to help dig the thorns.

With so many people helping, Su You began to collect materials from other parts.

For example, the coral on the coral beast's body, the outer skin, the animal's paw, the teeth, the aquatic plants, the moss... In short, it just highlights a goose's hair plucking. If it's not for the lack of time, then she really wants to peel off even the skin.

It was still 5 minutes, not a second more, not a second less. With the concerted efforts of everyone, although there was no time to pick the skin, at least everything that could be squeezed out was also squeezed out.

In addition, someone saw a few boxes behind the Guardian Beast, and they also packed them up and took them away.

"Hey! Lord Su, come and have a look, I saw something here."

Su You walked over and found that it was a formation. After squinting for a while, she called Youai over.

"Wash this with water magic." If she read correctly, this is the formation that restrains the dragon.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of formation cannot be moved casually, but for some reason, she wanted to establish a good relationship with the Dragon Clan, so she did it conveniently.

This formation is quite tenacious. Youai rushed once and did not disappear, and tried several times under Su You's gesture. Until the fourth time, the formation was finally washed away with a small hole... Although there is only a small hole with one finger. It's a mouthful, but enough is enough.

"Everyone cover your ears." Su You didn't care if the others reacted, anyway, she covered it herself.

Although those who reacted quickly didn't know why, they still followed suit. As for those who responded slowly... a dragon roar almost made people deaf.

Seeing the victim's resentful eyes, Su You smiled: "I just remembered this, how about I ask it to apologize to you?"

Victims: "It's nothing..." Let Long apologize to them?

Are they crazy or do they think the dragon is crazy? !
Although Long Yin made a lot of noise, it actually only happened for a moment. After the buzzing in their ears disappeared, they packed up their things and prepared to return the same way.

Halfway through, Su You suddenly received several messages about the ruins——

[Congratulations for killing the 'Guardian Coral Beast', the mirror maze has been merged, please find the exit within twelve hours and leave the ruins, otherwise the maze will sink back to the bottom of the sea. 】

[Relic Awareness In order to thank you for allowing the relics to merge, we have left treasures for you at the exit. 】

[The sealing formation in the ruins has been destroyed, and the guardian beast has escaped from the ruins...]


Three pieces of information, each of which is quite informative.

The first rule stated that they only had [-] hours left, and they had to leave within [-] hours, which was still ample time, so there was no need to be nervous.

The second is the purpose of Su You's choice to merge the maze. Facts have proved that they succeeded, but it's not clear what the reward is. It's better to have something than nothing.

As for the third item... isn't the Guardian Beast already dead?How can you escape from the ruins when you are all dead?

Is it possible...

After all, Su You had a lot of experience, so she understood the reason after a little thought.

The guardian beast is indeed dead, otherwise the maze would not be merged, but this maze is different, it has two guardians.

One is the coral beast, and the other is the black dragon just now.

The former is a guardian beast produced by the labyrinth. When the labyrinth lives, it lives, and when the labyrinth dies, it dies. But if it dies, the labyrinth will not die, it will only merge.

Originally, the coral beast was dead, and there was only one black dragon left as a guardian in this maze, but she destroyed the formation that restrained the black dragon. With the nature of the black dragon, it would definitely not stay, so there is no guardian left in this maze .

Since there is no Guardian Beast, wouldn't this maze be their world?

Su You blinked, and suddenly felt that twelve hours was not enough...

"Listen to me first, this maze has now been merged, and it has no guardian beasts. The entire maze is left for us to explore, understand?" Everyone present is not a fool, and there is nothing wrong with hearing Su You say that. understandable?
(End of this chapter)

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