Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 255 Chapter 255 The Dragon's Treasure

Just as they were gearing up to search for all the treasures in the maze, Su You reminded again: "But you have to remember that things in the maze can be taken, but things in the palace cannot be taken."

"Why?" A person couldn't help asking.

You must know that except for the three of you who have never seen the palace, when the others heard that the maze could be searched at will, their first reaction was to empty the golden palace.

Su You glanced at the speaker, and warned seriously, "Because it's not something in the maze."

Without the guardian of the maze, they can only take the things of the maze, but if they take the things of the dragon and annoy the black dragon, they may not be able to get out of the maze alive.

And she was not interested in wasting her chance to escape from the dungeon and give up exploring the maze in order to save a mindless person.

Originally, the person wanted to ask, 'The palace is not a labyrinth, so who else could it be? ', but before speaking, his mouth was covered by the person next to him.

"Lord Su, don't worry, we are not fools." Of course, except for the fool whose mouth was covered by him.

Apart from them, there is only a black dragon in this labyrinth, and according to the rumors, the favorite things of the dragon clan are golden...

With so many hints, then the master of the palace is obviously self-evident.

"Okay, let's go. You only have ten hours. After ten hours, no matter what the result is, you have to gather at the exit." Because the maze has been merged, the difficulty has been greatly reduced, so Su You is not worried Someone will get lost.

The other members of the caravan wanted to ask something, but seeing that there was no smile on Su You's face, they were very sensible and didn't say much, and then left here directly, preparing to continue exploring the maze after the merger.

This ruin appears to be two mazes, but in fact there are three, because after the merger, there will be a brand new maze, and all the treasure chests will naturally be refreshed.

After the ten members of the caravan left, Su You led the people from his own territory to find Heilong.

To be honest, Su You was quite surprised when she saw the black dragon. After all, she thought that the black dragon would just run away... But it's fine if it didn't run away. Since it didn't run away, it meant that it was ready to keep its promise.

"Here we come." At this time, the black dragon still looked like it could cover the clouds and the sun. It glanced at Su You, and then smashed a stone in the wall with its own tail.

At the same time, all the 'Black Mountains' in front of him disappeared, and the black dragon turned into a body about the size of an arm, and then flew towards the place where it was crushed.

"Do you want to go in and have a look or stay here to rest for a while?" To be honest, Su You felt that Heilong would not be willing to let too many people see his treasure.

But if they insisted on gaining insight, then the black dragon would definitely not refuse, after all, they had kindness first, and it also had enough confidence that no one could snatch anything from it.

"Don't go to see it, you have no taste, the palace is so ugly, your eyes are going to be blinded." The tone of the speech is obviously Vivienne.

She is really not interested in treasures, because as long as she has seen the palace outside, she can probably know what it will look like inside.

Yuai and Lyle originally wanted to go to the world to learn more about the world, especially Lyle, who used to be an explorer, although he is no longer an explorer, but as long as he can see the treasure of the dragon, it must be a possibility. Show off the talk of a lifetime.


This kind of talk is meaningless, because no one will believe it. If this is the case, it is better not to go.

"Forget it, I won't go. If you see something and can't take it away, it will be too uncomfortable."

Yuai is also not interested in treasures, and if Lyle doesn't go, then he doesn't want to go either.

So Su You just took Duo Ya and followed.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten what I said before, if there is a dragon bone in it, I will definitely take it." The reason why Su You brought Duoya is very simple, it is because of the dragon bone.

Opportunities to come into contact with dragons are rare, so when Su You saw a black dragon, her first reaction was dragon bones, and so did Duoya.

That's why she worked extra hard in the battle with the coral beast, because only after killing it, the black dragon would let them pick things.

But having said that, the Guardian Beast was killed by everyone together, so it would be inappropriate for Su You to choose only one person, so Su You also made an exchange—she exchanged all the treasures of the third maze for the Dragon Clan The three props.

Otherwise, how come only the people from the caravan left, but all five of them stayed here?
The caravan is actually greedy for the dragon's treasure, but it was Su You who negotiated with the Black Dragon, and Su You also discovered the coral beast's flaw, so even if Su You wanted both, they couldn't say a single 'no' 'Character.

But since Su You is willing to exchange all the treasures in the third maze, that's even better!

Some people in the caravan may have been confused before, but it was not a big problem. They understood this kind of thing thoroughly, so they left very decisively.

"Of course I believe in the lord, but if there are no dragon bones..." Duoya originally wanted to say that it would be fine if there were no dragon bones, but Su You didn't think so.

"If you don't have dragon bones, then get in touch with the black dragon and make friends with the dragon clan. There will be one day."


While talking, the two entered the cave. The black dragon had been waiting here for a long time, but because it saw the treasure it hadn't seen for a long time, it missed it very much. came in.

So, when Su You and Duoya came in, they saw a black dragon lying on top of their treasure pile, smiling obscenely and recklessly, rolling around on it from time to time, looking very...funny.

Seeing this scene, Duo Ya looked at the people around her with some inexplicable words, and the meaning in her eyes was obviously: Sir, do the Dragon Clan have the habit of keeping their mouths shut?
Su You also returned a complicated look:'s hard to say.

"Ahem." Su You reminded the black dragon, and the black dragon soon discovered their existence. The dragon's body with long and short arms froze slightly, like a black straight wooden stick.

Afterwards, Su You heard Heilong's pretendingly calm voice: "Choose, you can only choose three pieces, if you dare to take more, be careful, I will kill you!"

If they hadn't seen the stupidity of the black dragon before, then this deterrent might still be useful, but they all saw it...

Of course, you still have to show that you are intimidated!

To save face!

With the words of the black dragon, Su You immediately started looking through things.

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