【Lin Chen】

Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 35
Favorite: 10
Talents: Brewing (90), Planting (65)

Skills: Intermediate Brewing (Bottleneck), Primary Planting

Traits: [The character is in a stowaway state, and this information cannot be displayed. 】

Introduction: [The character is in a stowaway state, and this information cannot be displayed. 】

【Lin Mu】

Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 40
Favorite: 10
Talents: Gardener (85), Husbandry (80)

Skills: Intermediate Gardener, Primary Animal Husbandry (Bottleneck)

Traits: [The character is in a stowaway state, and this information cannot be displayed. 】

Introduction: [The character is in a stowaway state, and this information cannot be displayed. 】


Don't look at others, just look at the talents and skills of these two people, they are definitely top-notch.

The former Lin Chen's winemaking talent is as high as 90, and her skill level has reached the mid-level bottleneck. Although her planting talent is a little worse, she doesn't need her to farm, so it's better than nothing.

As for Lin Mu, he is even more powerful. He has double [-] talents, and they are all skills that the territory lacks. One skill has reached the intermediate level, and the other is the primary bottleneck...


But there is a price for being great, and the price is that the initial loyalty and favorability of these two people are extremely low.

Under normal circumstances, the people recruited by the tavern, excluding the traits that increase or decrease the loyalty favor, the initial loyalty is 60-80, and the favor is 10-30.

Even someone as powerful as Maker has sixty percent loyalty!
But the two of them didn't even have fifty!
Are they as good as Meck?
Obviously not!

Meke is also a magician with ninety talents, and he is also a dual-line magician!
But when she saw the information below them, Su You suddenly understood why the value was so low, because the two of them came to the Sunset Continent by smuggling, and they were not from the Sunset Continent at all.

Rather than saying that their loyalty to the territory is low, it should be said that their loyalty to the entire Sunset Continent is very low.

In fact, more than [-]% of the people in the Sunset Continent do not know that there are four continents in this world, namely the Sunset Continent (west, the main continent), the Chaoyang Continent (east), the Glacier Continent (north), and the Barren Continent. Continent (south, dead land).

In the original game, the game did not open the other three continents, but players can find information about the other three continents in some books, texts, illustrated books or legendary story relics.

Although no more information can be seen, Su You reasonably suspects that Lin Chen and Lin Mu are sisters. After all, the names are similar and have corresponding meanings.

A morning represents daytime, and an evening represents night.

Secondly, they are recruited on the same list, and they are both stowaways.

Su You hesitated for a long time before deciding whether to recruit them, because the previous game did not open the other three continents, so there was no smuggling, and she had never seen a smuggler, let alone recruited a smuggler. .

And the other four people are actually not bad. Among these four people, there is also an intermediate winemaker with a single talent (80) skill, and an intermediate animal priest with a single talent (80) skill.

Of the remaining two, one is the owner of the advanced fishing skill with a high talent (90), and the other is a mid-level architect (bottleneck) with a high talent (90).

In addition, the traits of these four people are neither bad nor bad, and will not affect anything. Su You can choose with confidence.

To be reasonable, no one is bad, and when everyone is good, the identities and ultra-low loyalty of these two sisters are the reasons why Su You can't choose them.

Although Su You was even thinking, since it was two out of five choices, if one of the choices was two sisters, would she be able to recruit three people?
Although this is highly likely to be feasible, Su You still gave up, because apart from their low loyalty, they are also smuggled immigrants, and no one knows if they will cause trouble.

Su You sighed, and finally ignored the two sisters, and then chose to recruit a high-talented (90) mid-level architect (bottleneck), and a talented (80) mid-level animal priest.

The reason for choosing an architect is that the territory is about to start a lot of construction projects. Whether it is upgrading or building, with an architect, she can relax a lot.

The reason for choosing an animal priest is even simpler. I only got a few chickens, cows, and sheep a few days ago. As long as the animals are not starved to death, there is nothing else to do.

[Do you want to recruit 'Ain'? 】

[The npc is heading to your territory, estimated time:? ? ? 】

[Do you want to recruit 'Site'? 】

[The npc is heading to your territory, estimated time:? ? ? 】



Sex: Male
age: middle age

Loyalty: 65
Favorite: 20
Talent: Construction (90)

Skills: Intermediate Architect (Bottleneck), Elementary Architectural Drawing
Traits: Ingenuity (often able to have unique inspirations), stubbornness (paranoid, difficult to convince once something is determined)

Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 65
Favorite: 20
Talent: Husbandry (80)

Skills: Intermediate Animal Priest

Traits: Affection (special affinity will produce special effects on small animals and plants), carelessness (will make some unreasonable actions due to personality reasons)


Su You breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the three self-selected intermediate building cards and five random baby animal eggs in her backpack.

The latter, Su You, was going to wait until Sit came to let her handle it, because the egg needed to be hatched. Su You didn't have that time, and she didn't feel at ease handing it over to others. This thing had to be done professionally.

As for the 'self-selected middle-level building card'... She looked at the list of buildings that could be selected, and then directly selected three buildings and put them down.

[Consumed optional middle-level building card * 1, choose the second-level wishing pool. 】

[Consumed optional middle-level building card*1, choose the second-level water storage tank. 】

[Consumed optional middle-level building card*1, choose the second-level water storage tank. 】


Whether it is the wishing pool or the water storage tank, Su You currently lacks materials and cannot build buildings.

The function of the wishing pool is similar to that of the gods, except that one is to worship and give buffs, and the other is to give coins to make wishes to give buffs.

The water storage bin is actually a reservoir, which is prepared for the possible drought at that time.

The water output of the first-level water storage warehouse is equivalent to [-] bottles of water, the second-level water storage is [-] bottles of water, and two is [-] bottles of water. Based on a person's minimum of three bottles a day, two second-level water storage warehouses are enough for everyone in the setting sun territory to drink close to a month.

What's more, there will be wells to fetch water by then, and berries and other food to replenish water, and the drought will not last that long, so the preparations before the natural disaster can be regarded as one-fifth of the completion.

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