Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 260 Chapter 260 Siren

As for the other four-fifths...

"My lord! It's not good! A lot of wounded people suddenly came to the territory, sister Vivienne can't stand it anymore!" Bu Guo ran to Su You, took her hand and walked towards the medical center .

After Su You came back to her senses, she let go of Bu Guo's hand and rushed towards the medical center by herself.

As for Bu Guo, with small arms and legs, Su You was afraid that she would not be able to keep up with her, so she naturally didn't pull her, so as not to fall to her, and she had other things for her to do.


When Su You arrived at the hospital, she saw the mess inside, smelled a strong smell of blood, and heard many people wailing in pain.

Of course, there are also those who can't howl, either fainted from pain, or fainted due to excessive blood loss. If it's the former, it's okay, but if it's the latter, it will be fatal if you don't deal with it.

Vivienne's complexion is very bad, but it's not because she's uncomfortable, but because she's in a bad mood... Also, the smell of blood is everywhere, and there's still noise in her ears, it's strange if she's in a good mood.

Even so, she was serious about using magic to heal these people.

Although she likes to see strong emotions on people's faces, what she likes is the emotional expression of the other person who is stimulated on the spiritual level, not the emotional expression on the physical level, which is similar to pain.

"The next one." Vivien spit out three words expressionlessly, and immediately someone helped to carry the person who had been treated to the side to feed the medicine, and then someone brought the next one over.

Seeing such an orderly scene, Su You breathed a sigh of relief.

"Concentrate on the treatment, and leave the preparation to me." Although Su You doesn't know how to make medicine or see a doctor, she still knows how to make medicine. After all, she memorizes all the formulas.

Vivienne concentrated on the treatment, did not speak, but nodded slightly.

A few minutes later, Yuai came in a hurry, and Bugo wanted to follow, but Dolly, who heard the news, brought her back to the sewing shop.

The scenes inside are too bloody, so it's better not to watch it for children. Although Bu Guo is a special child, he should have experienced this kind of thing a lot...but he can't watch it or not.

"Are there any wounds that haven't healed yet?" Youai can't recover blood, and can only help treat the wounds, but this can also reduce Vivienne's burden, so that she only needs to focus on recovering blood.

Su You dispensed the medicine very quickly, and at the same time she was able to do two things at once. While dispensing the medicine, she caught someone and asked what happened.

This person was actually injured, but he was only scratched by a sharp object with a wound that was not as long as a finger. Compared with this group of people with almost residual blood, he is already very good, so at this time Su You asked He asked questions, and he also had the spirit to answer.

"We all went to the southern seaside to collect materials for missions, but..." He took a deep breath, as if recalling some horrible scene, his expression was distorted.

"Calm down, you're back now, you're safe now." Su You frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong with his mental state, but she didn't know all about it yet, so she couldn't make random guesses, I can only be patient and appease first.

After about a minute, the man finally calmed down. He apologized to Su You first, and then continued what he hadn't finished speaking.

"Actually, it's because of our greed. The reward board has repeatedly emphasized that we can't take half a step on the beach, but we went anyway..."

He knew what happened next without mentioning Su You.

This group of people has no combat power, at most they can only use some common fighting methods, but this method is useless against monsters.

So they went to the beach, met monsters, and became what they are now.

This all seems reasonable, but is it that simple?

Like, why on earth are they going to the beach?For no reason, one person would risk his life to go to a dangerous place, so what about five, ten, or a dozen people?
They all went to the beach for no reason, and no one dissuaded them... It couldn't be a dozen or so people having brain cramps together, right? ?

And the next words of this person also confirmed Su You's guess, in fact, they didn't 'voluntarily' go to the beach at all!
"It's strange to say that I still can't figure out why I went to the beach, and so did other people. We just saw the beach, and then... passed by uncontrollably..." Not only that, but what are they doing? What happened on the beach, they are not very clear.

They only know that they went to the beach and were injured by monsters, but they don't know more specifically, such as what monster they were injured by, the type and number of monsters.

They don't even know how they got back!
Su You: "..." This is... a million points of horror!
I'm afraid it wasn't hypnotized by someone!
Wait... hypnotized?
"Think about it carefully, have you seen or heard anything?" Su You made a bold guess. If this guess is correct, then she will take someone to the beach as soon as possible to clean up the things over there. .

Otherwise, there is no way to collect the resources over there, especially the sand.

The man frowned and thought for a long time, only feeling a dull pain in his head. Seeing that he really couldn't remember, Su You didn't continue to torment him, after all, he was a wounded person.

"If you really want to seems that I heard something..." The person who spoke was not the person before, but another person who had just taken the medicine. He probably knew that this matter was not simple, so he didn't There is nothing to hide or play tricks on.

"I vaguely heard the sound of some tune, but I'm not sure if I really heard it, because the sound was very short."


It's a siren!
Su You's heart skipped a beat, and then she put away all the medicines she had prepared. Afterwards, she gave a few instructions to Youai and Vivian, and then rushed to the City Lord's Mansion to make an announcement——

Territory announcement: [In recent days, some people have discovered sea monsters in the southern coastal areas. Please be cautious. When going to the south, please bring items or props that can isolate the sound. 】


At the same time as this announcement was released, Su You issued a second announcement. The content of the second announcement was to gather personnel and clean up the coastal areas.

After all, there are certain risks in this task, so Su You's reward is very high, including but not limited to money, territory contribution (only for the territory residents), equipment props and so on.

It happened that the things she brought out from the caravan and the ruins were of many types and quantities.

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