Chapter 261. 261. Team Bounty
She can use all the things that are not needed in certain territories as rewards.

Of course, the announcement does not actually have the task function, its function is only to remind everyone that there is such an action to participate in!

If Su You wanted to gather people, he still had to issue a reward, and it was a team reward.

[Clean up coastal areas] (team offers rewards)

Publisher: Lord
Mission objective: Completely clean up all monsters in the southern sea area (0/1)

Mission rewards: gold coin*1 (basic reward), territory contribution*100 (only for territory residents), others

Registration conditions (you can register if you meet one of the conditions, the registration fee is 5 silver coins, and the original amount will be refunded if you participate in the task on time):

1. Possess at least one combat skill, and the combat skill level is not lower than intermediate
2. Magician, puppeteer and other special combat occupations, registration is not limited to level
3. There is no limit to the level of bards, but only one can be recruited at most (0/1)

4. There is no limit to the level of physicians, but only two can be recruited at most (0/2)

Number of missions: 0/30 (recruit 30 people)

Recruitment deadline: 22 days 20:0:0

Action time: 23 days, 8:0:0


Today is the No.20 day. Although Su You really wants to solve the sea area quickly, it takes time to recruit. If there is not enough time, it is useless if you can't recruit people.

So the deadline for registration is [-]:[-] pm tomorrow, and the action time is [-]:[-] am the day after tomorrow.

Su You was not worried that no one would sign up. After all, the basic reward was too high. One gold coin was equal to [-] copper coins, and ordinary people could only earn forty or fifty copper coins a day.

Although people with intermediate combat skills will definitely make money faster than ordinary people, unless they are lucky or have the ability to solo (one-on-one) tigers like Duoya, otherwise they want to save at least one gold coin It will also take two months.

The territory was only upgraded, and it was when the flow of people was the largest, so there was no situation where there was no combat power in the territory.

Sure enough, within 5 minutes after Su You's bounty was sent out, three applications had already been received. Although one of them was Duoya, the other two were travelers who visited the territory today.

One of these two people has advanced melee skills, and the other has intermediate melee skills, both of them are eligible, and they are also the most common fighters on the mainland.

After agreeing to the registration of these three people, the number of tasks on the reward board changed from '0/30' to '3/30'.

The speed is so fast that people who were still hesitating whether to sign up immediately started to act, for fear of missing the opportunity to make a lot of money.

So in the following time, Su You was almost processing the registration application.

These registration applications can be said to be of all kinds. There are those who have combat skills but do not meet the level requirements, and those who have no combat skills at all... These are actually not meant to cause trouble, because they really want to Participate in missions for money!

One gold coin is really too much!

It is because there are so many that they want to take the chance to sign up and try it out. What if they pass?

After passing through the territory, we can't drive them away, can we?

After all, the territory itself passed their registration, no wonder they, not to mention they paid the registration fee!
Su You could guess their mentality, so she was very careful in the review, for fear of accidentally passing some ghosts' registration.

Although the system can also automatically screen, but that screen is not precise enough.

Some relatively unorthodox skills, although they look strange, can actually be useful in this operation sometimes, such as bards, luthiers, and deep sea exploration.

Su You was even able to screen out some people with good water skills or people with rich marine experience by looking at their characteristics and introductions. After all, the location of this operation is the sea with water.

These are things that the system screening cannot do.

After a lot of tossing, the first batch of applicants was finally screened out, and the current number of missions is 12/30.

Although the number of applicants in the first hour is the largest, the number of subsequent applicants should be less and less, but judging from the normal speed, there is absolutely no problem with thirty people before eight o'clock tomorrow night.

After all, among the twelve people, only one person from the territory, Duoya, has signed up, and Lyle and the others haven't signed up yet.

Leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Su You saw a young girl standing at the door. She wondered if her eyes were dazzled by the registration process just now. She always felt that this girl looked... familiar?
Has she seen?
"Hi Lord Su, I'm Aru. I'm a member of Captain Yunliyun's caravan. We met before." Seeing Su You coming out of the city lord's mansion, Aru immediately stepped forward to introduce him, and Su You finally remembered Where did I see it.

Seeing her here, Su You was a little surprised, but still said hello.

"Are you the only one here? Or are you acting together?"

Aru nodded with a smile: "We came together, Captain Yun and the rest are settling down at the station now, I'm in a hurry so I came here first."

Su You replied that she understood, and then she quietly waited for the next sentence.

More anxious... what are you anxious about?
"It's like this, I'm thinking of renting a shop in the Sunset Territory to open a dessert shop..." Because I've seen it before, I'm familiar with it anyway, and Aru also knows that Master Su is good, so he directly stated his purpose .

As for why Yunli wanted to follow, Aru gave the answer that she didn't know, but Yunli had said that she also had something to talk to Su You alone.

"Of course you can open a dessert shop. The current rent is three gold coins a month. For the time being, you can only rent for a year at most at one time..." Although I have met, but after all, I am not very familiar with people, and I didn't even say anything before. One sentence.

It's impossible for Su You to give people a discount just because they met each other once, and Aru obviously doesn't have this idea either.

"Then I'll rent it for two months first, and then I want to rent a separate house to live in. Lord Su, do you think it's okay?" Because I made a lot of money before, basically everyone got seven or eight gold coins, plus In addition to the money saved in the past, Aru still has a lot of money in his body now.

Of course, if she really rented for two months and rented a house, then she could also say that she had put all her belongings into it.

"Yes, if you want to rent a separate room, you can live in a residential house. There are two rooms inside. The monthly rent for a room is 6 silver (equivalent to 20 copper coins per day). Except for the location where people live, you can Choose yourself in an empty room."

Previously, the allocated housing could not be chosen because it was free, but now people pay rent, so naturally they can choose whatever they want.

 Thank you [Mingbao is lazy] for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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