Chapter 262 262. Spirit Bird

After discussing some details, the two parties directly signed the contract.

In order to open the shop as soon as possible, Aru reluctantly took out the last two gold coins on his body and asked the territory to help build the dessert shop.

Su You took the money, and immediately went to the warehouse to get the materials, and then built the dessert shop at the location chosen by Aru.

After that, she went to find Yunli according to the location given by Aru.


"You mean, you want to join the Sunset Territory and become a caravan in the Sunset Territory?" Su You squinted her eyes. While she was puzzled in her heart, she also had a feeling of 'it didn't happen'.

In fact, when Aru said that Yunli had something to ask her, Su You had guessed this. After all, a caravan captain, looking for a territory, the business that can be discussed is nothing more than cooperation.

Either it is the same as the current cooperation relationship with the Tianhong Caravan, and the other party helps him transport resources, or he joins this territory and becomes the caravan of this territory.

After all, what Yunli led was just a small caravan with no name yet, so he was naturally incapable of taking over the previous business, so the answer was self-evident.

"Yes, I also asked those people about their wishes before. Those who are willing to join the sunset territory with me have followed, and those who are unwilling don't force it." Since they are willing to follow, the initial loyalty The value must be high, after all, it is voluntary.

But Su You's focus now is not on this, but on...

"Does Aru not know about this? Or is it that she is not going to join the Sunset Territory?" If Aru also joins the Sunset Territory, then she doesn't need to rent a house, because she has skills, and Su You can directly assign her a house for free. .

But what she said before was only to rent a shop, she didn't say that she wanted to join the territory, so Su You naturally took the money.

Yun Li froze for a moment, then recalled what was wrong with Aru on the road these past few days, so he thought of the reason.

"...It must have been a misunderstanding. I didn't seem to have made it clear to her before that she has been following us just to protect her." Because of this misunderstanding, Yun Li looked a little embarrassed.

Su You was also speechless: "...she rented residential house 11, you should go over and explain to her, if she is willing to join the territory, then I will refund the rent to her, and if you want to join, you should discuss it earlier. At that time, I can also arrange a closer house for you."

Compared with the rent of a dozen silver coins, a resident with skills is obviously more important. If you can spend money to buy a resident with skills, Su You has already spent the money, and she will definitely not be reluctant to part with the money.

Of course, Su You would not use the method of 'paying money after joining the Sunset Territory' to recruit residents, because the residents who came for the money were not pure in their minds at the beginning. People and money are empty, and losses have doubled.

Having said that, Su You definitely hoped that Yunli and the others would join, not to mention the others, Aru and Yunli, as well as Uncle Feng who helped negotiate the price back then, and Tong Lin who used the dagger, these people must all have skills of.

Su You must be happy to be able to recruit so many skilled residents at once.



The time came to the afternoon of the second day of No. 20. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the [-] places for the team reward announced by Su You were all full.

At the same time, Su You has brought all the items and props needed for this trip, the most important of which are nothing more than two, one is a water-type potion, and the other is specially asked Tang Lu to help bring it. Diving gear'.

There are five sets of diving equipment in total, and Su You plans to bring all of them. After cleaning up the monsters on the beach, you can find some people who are familiar with water to explore the bottom of the sea, not to mention marine treasures, to see if there are any special products.

But before that, Su You welcomed several special guests, and these guests were the elves who came to pick up the elf princess five days ago.

Most of these elves, Suyou, were strangers, and the only one they knew was Lingsi.

"Lord Su, can you see if there is anything wrong here?" Lingsi smiled and pushed three big boxes in front of Su You.

Su You looked at it for a while, and found a box full of red soil and black soil, which was enough for at least 30 yuan farmland to be upgraded to high-grade farmland.

The other box contained the various seeds that Suyou wanted, the wood of special trees, and a planting manual for the elves.

The third box contains 23 bottles, three of which are bottles of white dew, and the other twenty are bottles of ordinary elf spring water.

The function of Bailushui is to upgrade high-grade farmland to a full-scale farm. According to a bottle of 30 drops of dew, ten drops of Bailushui are needed to upgrade a farm. The Bailushui here can also upgrade [-] yuan of high-end farmland to a full-scale farm.

"I have a heart." Such an appropriate amount, obviously the other party deliberately calculated it and sent it to him.

Although she has upgraded part of the farmland, there will inevitably be more red soil and black soil here, but it doesn't matter, anyway, she is ready to expand the farmland.

Yousen recruited two people over there, and he said that the two people are making good progress in their studies, and they will be able to help share part of the work on the farm independently soon.

Lingsi: "As long as Lord Su is satisfied, here is a total of 280 gold coins."

Hearing what Lingsi said, Su You glanced at her, and took out 280 gold coins without hesitation.

Among the 280 gold coins, most of the value is spring water, [-] gold coins, and the remaining [-] gold coins are distributed among the other two big boxes. The price of each item is actually not much.

Su You knew that this was because the elves had a high degree of favorability, so there would be a price reduction, and she saved the elf princess, so even though she said she would pay, the elves couldn't really pay. Sell ​​things to her according to their usual external prices.

"The transaction is over, we will leave first." Lingsi took the money, bowed to Su You, and then took out something similar to an envelope: "This is the elf bird of our elf clan, as long as you Write what you need on paper, then put it in the envelope, and it will bring the letter to the elves to find us."

Su You: "Thank you."

Lingsi took the other elves to thank Su You, and then left the territory.

Su You looked at the envelope in her hand. Originally, the envelope should feel smooth, but this envelope feels rough.

This is not because the envelope is of poor quality, but because it is not an envelope at all.

As Lingsi said, this is the 'spirit bird', and the envelope is just its incarnation, not its body.

She also obtained an elf bird before, and it is said that there are only a hundred elf birds in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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