Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 264 Chapter 264 Cleaning up the Sea Area 1

264 Chapter 264. Cleaning up the Sea 1
This was the first sentence that Sit said after meeting Su You.

Seeing that she was so motivated, Su You naturally had no reason to disagree, so she directly brought Sit to the ranch.

The five little animals in the pasture seemed to sense something, and when the two of them walked to the door, they yelled 'bleat', 'moo' and 'cluck'.

Su You could obviously find that when Sit heard the voices of these animals, a kind of joyful emotion emanated from her body, and then she seemed to have forgotten that there was another person here, and she walked directly into the pasture, Touch and hug each little animal.

After getting acquainted with the animals, Sit turned around and looked back with an apologetic face.

"Sorry, I was a little too happy to see them."

Su You shook her head to show that she didn't care.

Not only did she not care, but this was what she wanted to see, because only those who took care of animals liked animals, and they would take better care of them, and Sit obviously met this condition.

Seeing Su You's actions, Sit breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "I like them, can I live here? If possible, I think I would like to join the Sunset Territory."

Compared with the requirements of other residents, Sitter's request can be regarded as very simple.

As long as she doesn't dislike the noise of these animals and wants to live with them, it's not a problem. It just needs to consume some materials to build a small house here, and the materials for building a house are not worth a lot of money.

"Yes, but it takes time to build a new house. You can live in another place tonight, a post station, or I will take you to an empty residential house later."

[Site applies to join the territory, please review the application and process it in time. 】

Almost at the moment when Su You agreed, Sit directly applied to join the territory.

Sit: "Thank you Lord Lord, don't bother me, I'll just go to the inn to stay later."

She arranged everything by herself, and Su You didn't say anything. She just took out the five random animal cub eggs before and handed them over to Sit.

Sit's first reaction after seeing the egg was to ask Su You what kind of animal's egg it was, because she thought she had taken care of many animals and seen many animals' eggs, but an egg of this size and color, It's really the first time I've seen Sit.

Because she was curious, she wanted to ask what kind of egg it was. With more knowledge, she would know how to take care of herself, but, well, Su You didn't know what kind of egg it was.

After all, it is a random egg, who knows what will come out randomly?
"I don't know either. Someone picked it up outside, but it's still alive inside. You can take care of it normally. Whatever can be hatched is what it is."

Sit: "...That, that's good." It was also the first time Sit heard that there is a saying that "what can be hatched is what it is".

But Su You looked as if she really didn't know, she could only nod to express that she would definitely take good care of the five animal eggs.


Arrangements were made at the ranch, and then Su You went to the library and replaced all the random book cards obtained before with books.

Compared with the size of the entire library, these forty or so books are still too few, but for now, they are still enough.

Su You waited for a while, and after confirming that the other two people recruited would not arrive at the territory today, she returned to the City Lord's Mansion to prepare for a rest.

Back at the City Lord's Mansion, the white sable was still lying on her bed and sleeping very comfortably. Su You poked the white sable and checked its condition. After confirming that there was no problem, she also rested.



[The system task 'Development Territory II' has been completed, you can submit the task at the reward board. 】

Su You was woken up by the system notification sound, and did not continue to sleep after waking up, because it is already [-] o'clock in the morning, and there are only two hours left before departure, and she still needs to organize the things she needs to bring. thing.

When the time was almost up, she went to the assembly point half an hour earlier. When passing by the reward board, she submitted the system task of 'Developing the Territory II' by the way, and then she didn't even have time to look at the reward, so she threw it into the warehouse. , and went directly to the tavern.

There are not many convenient gathering places in the territory, and the tavern is one of them, so the gathering point for this operation is here.

When Su You came to the tavern, it was nearly half an hour before departure, but nearly one-third of the people had already come here, including Duoya, who has always had the habit of getting up early, and they were all here.

"Duoya." Su You beckoned someone to come over, then handed her a sack of things she brought and said, "Follow me to distribute supplies over there, each one has a share, and I have already divided it."

The basic materials for this operation, such as food, water, healing potions, water attribute defense potions, etc., are all provided by the territory for free.

Although this cost a lot, it is also to increase the success rate of this operation, so these efforts are nothing.

Su You and Duo Ya sat on the left and right sides of the tavern counter. Su You could see the information of the npc, so she was in charge of roll call to prevent the small probability of 'impersonation'.

Those who have finished counting can take the voucher given by Su You to Duoya to sign another one and receive a copy of the supplies.

Because it was a free item, everyone was very active. After a while, all the dozen or so people present got their share of the item.

Under the notice of these people, the people who came later took their own things respectively.

About 7 minutes passed, and there were still six or seven minutes before departure. The number of roll call had reached 25, and there were still five people left.

Another 3 minutes passed, and finally all five people arrived, and everyone headed to the southern sea area under the leadership of Su You.



"According to my previous assignment, the people present are divided into two groups, one from the left and the other from the right to explore in two directions respectively. If you hear a strange sound, take the cotton earplugs in the package sent to you as soon as possible. Come out and put it on, and then send someone over to inform about this matter... Do you understand?"

Everyone: "Understood!"

With a neat response, everyone was divided into two groups according to Su You's previous arrangement, without any hesitation or questioning of Su You's arrangement.

After all, Su You had screened all the people, and she rejected all those who had bad tempers and personality problems.

The people present here are either loyal and well-liked residents of the Sunset Territory. These people will definitely listen to Su You, or they will listen to the lord.

As for the other part of the non-territorial participants, most of them are straightforward and honest. Like those in the caravan, although they may have some small thoughts of their own, they will not mess around in the overall situation.

(End of this chapter)

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