Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 265 Chapter 265 Cleaning up the Sea Area 2

Since it is divided into two teams, there must be two captains. She is the lord and the person who issued the mission for this operation. Naturally, there is no problem as the captain, and there will be no situation where someone is stupid enough to disobey her.

As for the other captain, Su You arranged for Meke to be the captain.

Meke is a magician, and his identity can definitely overwhelm most people. What's more, his magician level broke through the limit yesterday because of the upgrade of the territory. Now he is no longer a junior fire magician, but An intermediate fire magician.

The combat power of an intermediate magician should not be underestimated, so in terms of combat power, he can definitely convince the crowd.

Meck is the captain, and Lyle is the vice-captain, helping to manage the team members.

After all, Meck doesn't have the ability to manage team members. He used to be alone and has a bad temper. He said he was the captain, but he was actually a mascot with combat effectiveness, who helped Lyle suppress the second team.

Regarding the grouping of the team members, because Su You took Vivienne away, Youai went to Meke's side, and the two doctors were also one on each side. The stronger one was on Meke's side, and the weaker one was on Meke's side. On Suyou's side.

The distribution of the rest of the combat power is also even, both melee and long-range, and the 'bard' who has no combat power but is still brought is also on Su You's side.

In the other group, there are two magicians, Meck and Yuai, and Lyle is also there, so Duoya naturally follows Su You.

As for Lake, he helped take care of them in the territory and did not participate in this operation.


The operation to clean up the sea area was relatively smooth at the beginning, because most of the sea creatures hadn't 'woke up' at this point in time, so there were only a few sporadic monsters on the beach.

The most of these monsters were no more than seven or eight of them clustered together. Under the beating of a dozen people, they quickly turned into falling objects on the ground.

In order to be able to 'cut the weeds and eradicate the roots', Su You specially asked them to catch several monsters of different species and tie them up by the seaside, making them howl and call for help.

Hearing the cries of the clansmen, many monsters floated up in the sea to save them, but they were just like gophers, they poked their heads out of the sea, and were knocked out by the well-prepared group. Halo, beat to death.

When it was confirmed that there were no other monsters in this area, Su You asked everyone to move forward with the tied monsters, and then let them howl, and then waited... strange!
Sweeping all the way to the left from the starting point, everything went smoothly. Everyone who was still a little nervous had already relaxed their vigilance, and some even started chatting in private——

"It seems a bit easy... Originally, I saw that the basic reward for this operation was a gold coin, and I thought it would be difficult."

"Who says it's not? Before I make a move, those monsters are already completely dead. There is no room for me to use them!"

"It's easy to make money, isn't that a good thing? Why do you seem to be quite dissatisfied when it comes to your mouth... Let me tell you, it's best to solve it easily, otherwise if something happens to you Trouble, hum, I'm afraid you won't be able to hide in time."

When you think about it this way, what this person said actually makes sense!

Who doesn't want to lie down and make money?
Anyway, they won't be given less money because the task is less difficult than expected, so they naturally have to hope that the simpler the better!

"If you want to say it's easy, I still think that person is the most relaxed... Tsk, I don't know how to choose the person, how can I let a bard who has no combat effectiveness participate in this operation." Team A looked at the side and stood resting The envy in the eyes and the sourness in anticipation are obviously very obvious.

Player B also felt a little sour when he saw a certain person standing next to them and watching them fight monsters without using their hands: "Who knows, they can stand and rest when they earn a gold coin, and we have to work hard to fight monsters, people and people The gap between them is too great.”

At first, everyone was focused on fighting monsters, but few people noticed. Now that they heard what these two people said, their eyes were always turning to the thin young man holding the harp.

Because of such a distraction, those red crab soldiers who were suppressed and beaten by them seemed to have found an opportunity to take advantage of it, and one of them rushed towards them with all its strength.

These people were distracted and their reaction speed decreased. After the red crab soldier broke free, he was going to swing the sharp pincers towards their heads, so fast that they had no time to dodge.


'call out--'

At this moment, an arrow hit the monster's forehead in time, taking away the last trace of its blood.

"I'm dying? Are you still in the mood to chat at this time?" The owner of the arrow, that is, Duoya, frowned and scolded coldly.

The three people whose lives were saved broke out in cold sweat. After realizing it, they hurriedly came to Duoya to apologize and thank them.

"Why are they all around here? There are more and more monsters over there." Although they were divided into two groups, when actually fighting monsters, Su You divided the fifteen people into three groups, namely melee, long-range, and Auxiliary logistics.

She just saw that there seemed to be a problem with the melee team, so she went over to give instructions, but when she came back, she heard Duoya scolding.

She knew Duoya well, and knew that she would not reprimand others without reason, so the only possibility was what these people did, and there was a high probability that they did something wrong.

"What happened?" Su You came over and looked at these people standing in front of Duoya with strange expressions on their faces.

"This..." The three of them looked at each other, and hesitated to speak.

They all know that Su You is the leader of the team, and they know that she is the lord, who can develop a territory to the present level, no one will underestimate Su You because of her age or other factors.

During the execution of any task, there is an unwritten rule that if someone makes a mistake, the person leading the team has the right to deduct part of their remuneration.

Although it is possible to make up for the mistakes, but for the sake of fairness, when the reward is deducted, the reason must be announced to the entire team, telling everyone why they were punished, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes and conflicts in the future.

In other words, if the reward is gone, it will be gone. The big deal is to work harder in the future to make up for the mistakes. There are always opportunities.

But in the process of losing face in the whole team, this cannot delete the memory of other people.

But they also know that Duoya is from the territory, and is obviously the confidant of the lord...

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