Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 266 Chapter 266 Cleaning up the Sea Area 3

She saw everything just now, and they naturally had no way to hide it, unless Duoya was willing to help them.

How could Duoya help them?
Facing several pairs of eyes full of pleading and hope, Duoya frowned even tighter.

"It's going to be unbearable over there, you go and help first, and we'll talk about it later." Su You seemed to understand something, so she didn't continue to stay in this state of stalemate.

What she said was not to ease the atmosphere and let them go down the steps, but that they really couldn't resist the attacks of so many monsters.

After all, apart from Su You, there were only fifteen people in total, and only twelve of them were fighting (excluding Vivienne, the doctor, and the bard), and there were only three standing here, a quarter of the fighting strength.

"We'll go there right away." Although the three of them were still worried that Duoya would tell Su You what happened just now, Su You had already given them new orders, and they had to obey them.

So when they left, they could only pray in their hearts that Duoya could help later... But it was obviously impossible.

Just as the three people expected, after they left, Duoya frowned and quickly explained what happened just now.

"So that's the case." It's normal for them to have this kind of thinking. After all, everyone is holding the same money. Some people fish to rest and some fight hard. It is certain that they will feel uncomfortable.

It's fine if it's just a private discussion, as long as it doesn't affect the mission.

But they were almost injured just now. If Duoya hadn't made a timely move and lost three of them in battle, the consequences would have been very serious.

Although Vivienne can save people, her magic is limited, and she must use it sparingly until she has the materials to make magic potions... And even if there are magic potions, this is not the reason for their mistakes.

"Does the lord want to punish them?" Duoya was a little confused, not knowing whether she should say these words, but she also knew that Su You's character would not blame her for saying too much, so she still asked this question .

"Huh? Why do you ask that? I thought you wouldn't care about this." Su You felt a little strange, because she didn't expect Duoya to ask this question out loud.

Did she feel that there was no need to punish them?

After all, with Duoya's nonsensical nature, if she thought it was nothing, at most she would continue to participate in the battle after talking to Su You about it, but she didn't leave, instead she asked this question.

"It's not that I care, I just don't think it's appropriate to punish them now." Duoya's meaning was obvious, and she actually felt that these people should be punished, after all, they did do something wrong.

Su You spent money to hire people to fight monsters, not to chat, not to mention they almost had an accident.

"Tell me what you think." Su You looked at Duoya with interest, her face was very calm, but her heart was full of anticipation.

Doya felt that something was wrong, but she still expressed her thoughts——

Duoya: "I think they should be punished, but not now. Punishing them now will only make them feel dissatisfied and affect the overall mood of the team, because what they said is right, the bard does not seem to have any use."

Even if Duoya knew that since the lord had specially found a bard, there must be her intentions, but she knew it was useless, and others didn't know.

This is probably the longest sentence that Duoya has said since she joined the territory - this was Su You's first reaction after hearing what she said.

Su You asked again: "Then when do you think they should be punished?" Since they said that they should be punished and that they can't be punished now, when is the right time to punish them?
This is the meaning of Su You's question.

Duoya thought for a while and said, "If you want to punish them, it's best after this bard has played his part."

The point of this contradiction lies in the bard who was fishing for fish. As long as he can play a role, then it is only right for them to be punished, and they have to obey.

Even if he refuses to accept it, at worst, he will be kicked out of the team directly, and the others will not feel anything.

Conversely, if the bard is still not playing a role, not only will they be unconvinced, but other people will also be unconvinced, because not saying it doesn't mean that people don't care about this fisherman, in fact, everyone more or less will care.

Afterwards, she smiled at Doya, and said a sentence that was completely different from the current topic: "The monsters here are almost cleared up, go and inform them that they are going to move on."

Duoya froze for a moment, but still nodded, and followed Su You's instructions to inform everyone that they were going to gather and move on.

In fact, what Duoya said was correct. Her thinking was similar to Su You's, but Duoya ignored one problem - Su You was the lord, and she was the issuer of the mission and the one who paid the money.

Don't say whether this bard is useful or not, but as long as she is drawn into the team, even if it is a traitor who might backstab his teammates, this is not a reason for them to chat lazily and almost get hurt.

There are not so many reasons for collecting money to do things, why... just relying on you to collect money, isn't that enough?

Taking a step back, bards are indeed very leisurely, which is true, but their professions are different. If a bard is a combat profession, it must be wrong for him to fish, but he is not.

The professions are different, there is no way to compare them.

For another example, if it was Vivienne or the doctor who was leisurely now, would they be unconvinced?
will not.

Because Vivienne is a healing magician, the doctor's job is to treat wounds. Once they get busy, it proves that many people must be injured, which is something that no one wants to see.

Could it be that someone would intentionally hurt herself in order to keep Vivienne busy?

Su You recruited the bard for the same reason. He exists for insurance purposes. If possible, she also hopes that he can be idle all day today.

But other people don't know this, which is why they feel uncomfortable seeing others rest when they are busy.

Su You hoped that the bard would be idle. If Duo Ya's idea was followed, wouldn't the three of them have no way to be punished?

Duoya's way of dealing with the problem is fine, but her perspective is different from Su You's, so her way of thinking conflicts with what Su You wants.


In less than a minute, Duoya had gathered everyone together.

They put the trophies in the trolley, and then waited for Su You to give orders, and went to the next place to continue cleaning up the sea monsters.

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