Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 267 Chapter 267 Cleaning up the Sea Area 4

But what they didn't expect was that the first sentence Su You said after walking over was not this, but asked them a question.

Su You: "Does anyone know, or have you ever heard of Siren?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Su You asked this, but they also knew that there was a high probability that they would meet a siren during this trip, after all, yesterday's announcement explained everything.

Because they didn't know what Su You's intention was in asking, these people looked left and right without making a sound, and even Vivian just raised her eyelids and didn't speak.

"It's okay if you don't know, let me introduce you briefly."

"The most powerful thing about the sea monster is its mental attack. The means of attack is the sound it makes. Whether it is an ordinary sound or the sound of a song, as long as you hear it, you will suffer mental damage." Although some people don't know what the sea monster is , but everyone knows the power of mental attack.

Because a long time ago there was a famous genius crazy composer, genius lies in his musical attainments can be said to be the pinnacle, madness lies in his doing bad things with his music.

The worst thing, and the one known to the most people is nothing more than "a song was used to make the people of a city lose their minds, and the bustling capital became a devil's paradise within the time of one song. Everyone was full of murderous intentions, and overnight, blood flowed into rivers, devastated, and purgatory on earth was born'.

One person slaughtered one city with one song, without any effort, this incident caused a great sensation in the whole continent.

This song was later listed as a banned song, and all relevant materials were destroyed. This crazy person was also recorded on the villain list, and ranked in the top ten.

And the reason why this piece of music makes people crazy is that it will cause a lot of mental damage to human beings, so that human beings are mentally damaged, their brain thinking is out of control, and they do unimaginable things.

"To avoid mental attacks, there are currently only two ways. One is to block your ears, but the conditions are limited, and spiritual attacks can penetrate, so the earplugs I give you can only reduce the damage caused by mental attacks. Injuries are not completely immune."

Hearing Su You's explanation, no matter if they don't understand at all or half understand, they all understand the power of the sea monster and the reason why Su You prepared cotton earplugs.

But most people still don't know the reason why Su You suddenly mentioned this matter at this time, only a few people's eyes fell on someone who seemed a little indifferent to Su You's words from the beginning to the end.

"The second method is to suppress the voice of the sea monster. As long as the voice of the sea monster can be suppressed, then the mental attack will not exist... In order to ensure the safety of this trip, I have also made corresponding preparations. You need to worry about that and just focus on getting the job done.”

Let's stop here, Su You didn't continue to talk about related topics, but continued to lead everyone to the next place to clean up the monsters.

In the process, someone discovered a stone tablet engraved with unknown characters, and someone joked that it might be the address of the treasure engraved on it.

After Su You read the words on the stone tablet, she glanced at the direction of the sea thoughtfully.



The time came to twelve noon.

Seeing that everyone has been tired all morning, Su You is not a skinny person, she told everyone to eat and rest after cleaning up the area.

During this period, everyone can get back the previous registration fee of one silver coin from her.

At the same time, Su You will give them [-] silver coins in advance as a deposit. As for the remaining [-] silver coins, they will be completely cleaned up in this sea area, that is, they will be released after the task is completed.

Although they only received one-third of the remuneration, everyone was still very excited. Although they didn't think that Su You would not give remuneration, money is theirs only if they get it in their hands, and they will Rest assured, it feels more real.

During the distribution of silver coins, when it was the bard's turn to get the silver coins, although it attracted a lot of attention, no one said much, and no one showed obvious dissatisfaction.

Including the three people who made mistakes before, they were the parties involved. As early as when Su You mentioned the second method to solve the mental attack, they understood the meaning of the bard's existence.

They felt ashamed and annoyed in their hearts, and this shame and annoyance reached their peak when they got the same amount of silver coins as the others, so the first thing they did after getting the silver coins was to find Duoya.

Although Su You didn't know what the three of them were thinking in their hearts, nor what they said to Duoya, but from their expressions, it could be seen that they should understand their intentions.

Su You is not short of money for the fine, she only hopes that this operation can go smoothly.

If they realize their mistakes and make up for their mistakes later, Su You can pretend that what happened before didn't happen.

On the contrary, if they still insist on their own ideas and cause irreparable losses to the team, and even lead to the failure of today's mission, then Su You will make them pay the price.

It is not uncommon for a few people to disappear in such a dangerous place, and no one will deliberately explore it.


The same scene also appeared in another team led by Maker.

According to the Lord Lord's instructions, Lyle let everyone rest and eat first, then refunded the registration fee to everyone, and paid them thirty silver coins in advance.

This handful of sparkling silver coins instantly inspired everyone's fighting spirit.

"Why don't we take a break and continue cleaning, there are still so many places that haven't been cleaned."

"Yeah, I cleaned up early and went home early, I'm full now and feel very strong!"


Hearing everyone's words full of fighting spirit, Lyle hesitated for a while, and finally prepared to obey the orders of the lord.

Lyle: "You guys should take a good rest. We don't lack this time. Everyone is very tired now. If you continue to fight, if someone is distracted due to exhaustion and causes losses, there is no medicine for regret in this world."

Although Lyle is the vice-captain, his superficial identity is just an ordinary person with intermediate melee skills. Although others think what he said is reasonable, they will not listen to them when they have other opinions Lyle's words.

But just when they were about to raise objections, Meke knocked on his magic wand, the sound was not loud, but it was deafening: "Let you rest and rest, why are there so many nonsense?"

Although Meck's words were blunt or even a bit impolite, the effect was obviously much better than Lyle's previous persuasion.

Those who still had objections immediately shut their mouths when they heard what the mage said.

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