Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 268 Chapter 268 Cleaning up the Sea Area 5

All right, take a break and rest... Anyway, it's fishing with pay.

Seeing that they settled down, Lyle breathed a sigh of relief, and then thanked Maker in a low voice.

"Your words seem a little unreasonable. I don't know what the lord means. I'm just a tool to help you suppress these guys." Meke is not a fool, he knows that his temper is not a person. Can manage people.

If this matter is really for him to solve, he will not persuade these people to rest, he will only acquiesce in their thoughts - after all, these people want to kill themselves, and life and death have nothing to do with him, so he is too lazy to talk about it.

Even if something happened to them and the mission failed, he wouldn't think it was his fault... No way, he has such a temper, not only he knows it, but Su You also knows it.

Therefore, if Su Youzhen had only appointed him as the captain just now, and Meke was the first to disagree and let him manage the team, then he would be a more terrifying existence than the enemy.

But after that, Su You arranged for Lyle to be the vice-captain, and Meke kept quiet because he understood his role.

He doesn't care about being a tool person, he only cares about the marine ingredients Su You said, such as octopus, crab, prawn, conch, sea fish and clam...

Small octopus balls, braised prawns, chopped pepper crabs, stir-fried conch... Tonight, a seafood feast is scheduled!

Make glanced at him and said, "Okay, don't worry about it, think about what to do next."

Even though he said that, Lyle was still a little embarrassed. After all, Meck's identity is here, not only the other players, Lyle himself is also full of awe of Meck.

As for Yuai, let alone, if it wasn't for Meke's disapproval, he would have knelt down and called Master.


After resting for a while, after the fatigue on his body dissipated a lot, Meke repeated what Lyle had said to him, and asked everyone to move on.

It’s just that before walking forward for a long time, I heard someone exclaim——

"There are dead people here!"

The word 'dead' is attractive enough to attract everyone's attention at any time, so everyone looked towards the person who made the sound almost instantly.

"Don't look at me! Look over there! Over there!" The man suddenly received all the attention, he was stunned for a moment, and then pointed in a certain direction: "I seem to see two corpses lying behind that rock. "

Since it is behind the reef, it must be invisible from certain angles, which is why he was the only one who discovered the problem.

"Captain, vice-captain, shall we go over and have a look?" Although the dead are scary, after the fear, more curiosity surged up.

But they also knew that they could not act without authorization, so even though their eyes were fixed on that side, they still asked Meck and Lyle for their opinions.

"Let's take a look." Lyle didn't need to say, Meke knew it was time to take a look.

What if any clues can be found from these two people?

You must know that their biggest enemy on this trip is not the ordinary monsters on the beach, but sea monsters!

If the 'dead man' was killed by the Kraken, then they could also send someone directly to find another team, because the Kraken is nearby.

"Everyone go there together. Although it looks like there are no monsters here, you should be more careful. The doctor is in the middle." After all, the doctor is the only person present who has no fighting power, and he is still everyone's life-saving straw, so he must protect him.

Not only did everyone have no opinion on this, but they took the initiative to surround doctors in the middle.

When they got closer, they found that there seemed to be two women lying on the edge of the reef. Although they could not see their faces in the half-lying posture, the long hair like seaweed and the distinctive clothes on their bodies could all explain this. .

It's just that these two people looked a little embarrassed, not to mention their ragged clothes, and they were still dripping wet, and there were many plants in the ocean attached to their clothes, so they looked like they had been fished out of the water.

"Please let me go and see, people are not necessarily dead." It happened that the doctor was also a woman, and she saw these two people in the crowd so miserable, she couldn't help feeling compassionate.

The female doctor is someone who has seen big scenes, so she wouldn't be scared when she sees people whose life and death are unknown, otherwise she would not dare to participate in this event. It is also because of this, so her first reaction when she saw these two people was not to be afraid. Instead, he wanted to save people.

"You two also follow the past to see." The two people picked by Lyle are also two women, the difference is that these two people are both capable of fighting.

Arranging for the two of them to go together is naturally to protect the female doctor.

"Others, watch around and check everywhere to see if there are any fish that slipped through the net." Maybe it was because two people whose life and death were unknown were suddenly found, and everyone's slack heart was brought up again because of the smoothness, so this order from Lyle , and no one raised objections.

Even if he didn't order it, others would.

After a few minutes, the female doctor's examination was over. She seemed relieved, but her expression was still very serious.

Female doctor: "He's still alive, but he won't live long."

She is a near-senior doctor, and her professional knowledge told her two pieces of information during her examination——

First, the current condition of the two people's bodies is cold and damp, as if they have been soaked in water for a long time. Although there is no obvious trauma, just the long-term water vapor exposure and the influence of low temperature are enough. Took their lives.

Second, she felt that the appearance of these two people was a bit strange, and their physiques were also a bit special. During the inspection, she almost made a wrong judgment.

"Start a fire to boil water, prepare clean clothes, does anyone have medicine or herbs to repel the cold? If not, go to the nearby forest to find, I need fire tongue and Baiman." Although the two people are in poor condition, but Out of the benevolence of doctors, the female doctor is still going to rescue her.

Although there are many herbs in the medicine box that doctors carry with them, their negative state is too serious. Not only do ordinary herbs have no effect, but drinking them will only increase the burden for nothing.

As expected, the combatants would not have the herbal medicines that doctors didn't have, so Lyle asked those who didn't know herbal medicine to stay and start a fire to boil water, and those who knew herbal medicine to go back quickly.

In addition, because of the sudden discovery of the existence of two strangers, Lyle had to interrupt the follow-up arrangement, and sent another person to find Su You alone.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Youai came out and looked at the female doctor intently.

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