Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 270 Chapter 270 Flying Octopus

If it wasn't for Su You who happened to be cleaning up the sea area, and it happened to be cleaning up the sea area today, if it was delayed by one day, these two people would have no chance of being rescued.

But sometimes things are just such a coincidence, even though Su You didn't recruit the two of them, they still met, but the way of meeting was a bit special.

...but is this really a coincidence?
Su You was in a complicated mood, and couldn't give an accurate answer in her heart.

"The lord knows them?" Vivienne finally pulled the lives of these two people back from the edge of the cliff, but when she regained consciousness, she saw Su You squatting beside her, but her expression was very complicated.

She has always been a straightforward character, so after seeing Su You's performance, she asked such a question as a matter of course.

"I don't know them, I just guessed their identities." Naturally, Su You couldn't directly say that they knew each other, otherwise, wouldn't it be revealed when the two woke up?

But if you say you don't know each other, Vivian will definitely not believe it.

Although she shouldn't be dissatisfied because she lied, Su You still chose the information that could be exposed as the answer.

"Oh? So what are their identities?" Vivienne didn't expect these two people to have any special identities. Out of curiosity, she asked such a question.

Su You shook her head, but didn't answer right away: "If you're interested, we'll talk about it when we get back."

"Okay." Vivienne curled her lips, her clever little expression looked like a proud cat looking down at her shit-shoveling officer.

Maomaoan turned around to confirm the situation of the two people, then communicated with the female doctor, and then stood up: "It's fine for now, but we still have to give them the decoction made from lava grass as soon as possible."

"There are lava grasses in the package I brought, and I put them in the hospital. Now I just need to send them back."

Since Vivian said so, the lives of these two people can be said to have been saved.

So what Su You needs to consider now is how they will act next...

Should we stay and continue to clean up the sea?Or take these two people back first?

Or send a few people to take them back, and then the rest continue the mission?
But in a short while, Su You already had the answer in her heart, but the next unexpected situation prevented her from proceeding with the next arrangement according to her own ideas.

"Everyone, look over there!"

"There is a problem with the sea! There are monsters in the sea! Everyone, stay away!"


With two exclamations, everyone subconsciously followed the second speaker and quickly took two steps back.

When everyone evacuates to a distance of eight meters or even ten meters from the sea, everyone will know
On the surface of the sea not far away, the sea water suddenly began to surge, layer after layer of waves superimposed, ranging from tens of centimeters to several meters high.

A huge force that is invisible to the naked eye but can be felt seems to be driving the sea water on the sea surface, forming a huge water curtain. The water curtain is like a barrier, blocking the rear view firmly. No gaps were exposed.

"Yoey, be careful."


As a water magician, although Youai is not the most powerful in the field, and even besides Meck, there are other people with stronger fighting power than him, but he is still the most suitable to deal with the situation at hand.

He doesn't have a magic wand, so he can only use his pure magic elements to explore this water curtain...


"Everyone get out of the way, don't come near me!"

Accompanied by a sound as if something exploded, Youai yelled, and then immediately ran out of the crowd, and then one after another water polo like cannonballs fell fiercely on the path behind him.

Just a little bit, the water polo cannon will fall into the crowd, and just a little bit, the water polo cannon will fall on Youai.

When seeing the visible holes on the beach caused by the water polo cannon, no one would doubt the power of this thing-it can make a hole if it hits the beach, but what if it hits a person?

I'm afraid it's not about directly hitting someone with a pair!
After such a thrilling scene happened, everyone also got ready to fight. In other words, they were already ready to fight when they discovered that there was a problem on the sea surface.

It's just that none of them thought that they would suffer such a serious attack first without seeing the enemy at all!
Who is it?What kind of monster can have such a powerful strength? !
The water polo cannon over there, like a positioning missile, was still attacking Youai. In order to share the pressure on Youai, Suyou let the long-range output spread out, and then began to attack the water curtain to attract hatred.

As for the melee members, they are responsible for guarding the surroundings, lest other mobs suddenly appear to attack.

The others who had no combat power retreated to the end, especially the two who were still unconscious. Both of them had even been brought under a tree at the edge of the forest.

Perhaps the long-range group's attack successfully attracted hatred, so the water polo cannon's attack was no longer aimed at Youai alone, and he also had a space to rest.

But less than five seconds after Youai stopped, the water curtain, which was not affected by gravity at all, seemed to have science again, and fell heavily.

If the dangerous sea surface at this time is a stage, then this water curtain is like the curtains on both sides of the stage. As the curtains are slowly opened, the creatures that are curious and feared by everyone reveal their true colors——

This is a huge red and black octopus. It is surrounded by dozens of tentacles, each of which is several meters long. I saw a pair of miniature wings behind it.

Although the wings are really miniature, only a few tenths of the size of the big octopus, the next scene let everyone understand that the wings are not just for decoration... This octopus can really fucking fly! !
While the pair of transparent little wings trembled violently, everyone watched the octopus slowly leave the sea in dumbfounded...

"Grass... I have lived enough in this life, what the hell did I see? A flying octopus?! Are you kidding me?"

"If I can survive, I will definitely brag about this matter for the rest of my life. Even if I die, I will die without regret... Although I don't want to die!"

"Are you crazy? When is this time and you still have the mood to joke!"

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