Chapter 271.

In a conversation with a high content, the big octopus has now flown to a distance of at least two meters above the sea.

While everyone was nervously waiting for the next move of the big octopus, there was only a "plop", and the big octopus fell into the sea so heavily, and the waves aroused by the heavy objects falling into the water slapped on the beach.

Crowd: ...

Everyone: This is... the small wings can't carry the big body, and then... the car overturned?

Before everyone could think about it, the mantis octopus chrysalised a few times, and then returned to the surface of the sea. Afterwards, everyone could hear a sound that wasn't too loud or sharp, but it was very ear-piercing——


Everyone's eyes went dark, their ears buzzed, the alarm bells in their hearts rang loudly, and their minds went blank for an instant. Then, after a burst of intense dizziness, there was only one crazy and terrifying thought left in their hearts——

Kill... kill... kill!

'Zheng——! '

When almost everyone fell into the madness of mental attacks, the young man who had been holding the harp on the sidelines calmly touched the harp in his arms because it was useless, and then he plucked the strings vigorously .

The mental attack of the big octopus was stopped by the sudden messy sound, and everyone who couldn't help but want to attack the people around them froze for a moment, and then their heads became clear for a while.

'babble! One of the tentacles of the big octopus slapped the surface of the sea vigorously, as if to vent its dissatisfaction that its rhythm was broken.

After that, it continued to make voices unwilling to give up, wanting to attack and control these humans, making them kill each other.

But when he was unprepared just now, this seemingly useless bard was able to make a remedy in time, let alone now that he was already on guard?

Ever since, the original unilateral control turned into an imperial city PK of one person and one octopus because of the appearance of bards.

After everyone is fully awake, the first thing to do is to listen to Su You's words and take out all the cotton earplugs in your package. While putting on the earplugs, the originally noisy and annoying voice instantly weakens For the most part, the stuffy and uncomfortable heart was immediately relieved.

"Fuck... what is this person doing?" When he looked up, he saw the scene of the PK in the imperial city, and he was so shocked that he almost couldn't hold the weapon in his hand.

Everyone else was in a state of shock just like him, so no one could answer his question.

After Su You confirmed that everyone had returned to normal, taking advantage of the time the bard could hold on, he began to frantically search for information about the big octopus.

Perhaps it was because the other party's level was so high that Su You had to investigate more than a dozen times before getting its information——

[Pseudo·Ocean Overlord·Many-legged Badge]

HP: 295820/800000
Attack: 1000 (in a weak state, the attack power is reduced by 50%, and the original attack power is 2000)

Defense: 500 (in a weak state, the defense power is reduced by 50%, and the original defense power is 1000)

Status: Weakness (decreased attack power and defense), manic (increased attack frequency), exposed weakness (attacking weak points can cause additional damage), fusion (unknown status), marked (unknown status)...

[Whiplash (ta, passive skill)]: The attack of the multi-legged badger is a splash range attack, and all creatures within the attack range of the multi-legged badger will share all its attacks equally.

[Foot Touch Dance]: The multi-legged patch uses its tentacles to randomly grab 1-3 people within the attack range, and then binds them to the sky with the tentacles. The bondage person will gradually feel suffocated until death.

[Pseudo-Ocean Overlord]: As the ocean overlord of this sea area, Patchouli can summon monsters in the ocean to assist him, and the summoned sea monsters will give priority to attacking enemies outside the attack range of Patchouli.


What a powerful octopus!

This was Su You's first reaction when she saw this luxurious data panel.

However, there seems to be something wrong with this multi-legged patch. Its condition is not good, its blood volume is less than half, and there are many negative states, which reduce its attack power and defense power. Several states for which she cannot see details.

No matter how powerful the bard is, he is just an ordinary person, and it is impossible to keep PKing with the big octopus. All he can do is to delay the time. During this time, they can choose to evacuate directly, or choose to stay behind. Kill this big octopus.

If she hadn't seen the information about the multi-legged badge, Su You might want everyone to stay and kill the multi-legged badge, but after seeing the complete information, she hesitated.

After all, it was a monster with an upper limit of 80 blood and both offense and defense.

Not to mention the combat power of less than 30 people, even if there are three more groups of [-] people in combat power, they may not be able to fight, because these multi-legged badges will still be summoned.

"Lord Su, I think that bard seems to be dying, why don't we go directly?" The person who spoke at this time was one of the three people who made mistakes before.

If we say that everyone's dissatisfaction with the bard at the beginning is that his existence makes everyone feel dispensable, but the dispensable people can get the same reward as them...

But after listening to Su You's explanation, and after the bard broke the mind control and saved his life in a disguised form, their attitude towards the bard changed greatly.

If the bard wasn't busy right now, what they wanted to do the most was to rush directly in front of him and apologize.

It was also like this, they couldn't see a person fighting alone, everyone wanted to step forward to help, but because Su You didn't have any orders, they didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of being sent to death in vain.

It's fine if you just die yourself, but if you anger this big octopus and cause other people to suffer, then you are a sinner!

"We may not be able to beat it." Su You told everyone the cruel truth very bluntly.

But she didn't say anything absolutely, it's just that she can't beat it, and there's still a 'possibility' that she can beat it.

It's just that the probability is too small, no matter how weak this multi-legged patch is, this emaciated camel is still bigger than a horse.

However, even if you can't beat it, Su You can't waste time here because of his hesitation, increasing the possibility of everyone being in danger.

So she shouted out her arrangement: "Ten gold coins! Anyone who is willing to stay and participate in the battle will be given ten gold coins as a reward after the battle is over. If there are more than 25 people who are willing to stay, then we will Give it a try, otherwise just retreat."

Ten gold coins!This is the money they have to work hard to make money for more than a year or even two years!
(End of this chapter)

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