Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 272 2723% Winning Rate

Chapter 272 272. Thirty percent win rate
It is said that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Although the people present may not be brave men, they still want the ten gold coins very much.

But Su You's next words can be said to have poured a basin of cold water on them.

"I must tell you, this multi-legged patch is very powerful, even if everyone stays, the chance of defeating it is less than [-]%!"

Thirty percent?

Not even [-]%? !

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and their minds that were dazzled by the ten gold coins instantly sobered up.

The desire for life surpassed the desire for money at this moment, and the balance in my heart began to falter, and finally tilted slightly towards the side of life.

"Although there is a lot of money, you have to spend it with your life. If you want to leave, the remaining reward of one gold coin that was originally agreed will also be given to you. But if you choose to stay and fight, you must obey my orders. I will not let you leave." You are sent to die, if you really can't fight, I will also arrange for you to evacuate as much as possible."

"You only have 1 minute to think."

Su You just checked the bard's status, and the bard himself said that he can last three to five minutes, so 5 minute of thinking time can still be given.

But the three to five minutes was not because the bard was so powerful, he was able to PK with such a powerful multi-legged badge for so long, and was even recognized by the system as the overlord of the ocean. Don't want to get rid of the bard so quickly.

It doesn't want to get rid of him so quickly, it just wants to watch him being played around by itself.

Although the bard still had enough power, he also had self-knowledge, so he didn't continue to irritate Ban Zhang. Instead, he pretended to be being teased and started to delay for everyone.

But the patience of the multi-legged badger is also limited. After getting tired of playing, the bard will be in danger.

"During this 1 minute, those who choose to leave can leave at any time. After 1 minute, if there are more than [-] people here, then I will assume that you are all willing to participate in the battle." Su You said the last sentence quickly, and then quietly Quietly waiting for the choices of these people.

Almost when Su You said these words, Duoya was the first to walk up to her and made it clear that he wanted to stay and fight.

Followed by Yuai, Lyle, Vivienne and two residents of the Sunset Territory.

Meke didn't go over, he leaned lazily against the tree and didn't move, but judging by his indifferent appearance, [-]% of them are not planning to leave.

Otherwise, as an intermediate magician, even if he leaves immediately, no one dares to say anything, including the lord Su You, who can't say anything.
After more than ten seconds, a person stood up and bowed apologetically to everyone: "I'm sorry, if I was only one person, I would definitely stay, but I still have family and children, and they need me."

"It's okay, you can go to the reward board to get the rest of the money, it's what you deserve for helping to clean up the sea area." Su You waved her hand, not caring.

She has already said that if she chooses to leave it to everyone, she will not regret it.

People who really want to quit, even if they stay forcibly, will only harm everyone. What she needs is someone who has the will to fight, not just for money.

They can do it for money, but they must have a fighting spirit, otherwise such teammates are useless.

"Sorry, I'm leaving first." He wanted to say something else at first, but he also knew that he left as soon as he left, and there was no need to say other words to shake other people's minds, so he apologized again, then turned and left directly .

With the first person taking the lead to leave, the inner balance of the others also began to shake violently.

The time of 1 minute was up quickly, and unexpectedly, except for the first person who left, no one else chose to leave.

She thought that at least two or three people would leave, maybe even just five people, or less than 25 people, and everyone would return to the territory directly.

But since only one person left, this is also a good thing.

During this 1-minute period, Su You also thought of many ways to deal with the multi-legged patch. Now that everyone's choice has been decided, she directly made arrangements for everyone according to her own thinking.

Because there are no obvious attacks and skills that can be completely resisted by any skills in this multi-legged patch, so Su You first let everyone try it out.

Although Yiqian's attack power was already weakened, everyone present still couldn't bear it, so Su You directly arranged five melee attacks to attract hatred and share the damage with the multi-legged badger's frontal attack.

In this way, the average damage to each person is only [-] points. After deducting the damage of defense resistance and the attribute defense power of the water magic shield that Yuai cast for them, the attacks received by these five people in each round are even higher. Not even five hundred points.

"Temporarily disperse the long-distance rangers. When attacking, everyone pay attention to the multi-legged tentacles. If there are tentacles ready to catch people, immediately concentrate on attacking the tentacles." This arrangement is mainly for the skill [Foot Touch Dance].

Su You is not sure whether this method is completely effective, but it is better to try than to do nothing.

If it really doesn't work, then you can only wait for someone to be arrested, and send someone with sharp weapons such as swords and daggers to find a way to cut off the tentacles!

"Stand on the side of the multi-legged badge for the rest of the melee. Don't get close to the front of the multi-legged badge. If you see someone who can't hold it, then replace it." It is necessary to restore blood to five people at the same time, so someone replaces it, which can give her enough time to operate.

At the same time, the replaced person can also be treated by the doctor, reducing Vivienne's pressure.

No matter what kind of battle it is, the nanny is always the most important, and she is the most important backing during the battle.

Su You's arrangements were orderly, her calm tone and clear thoughts gradually dissipated everyone's tension, and now there was a strong fighting spirit in their hearts.

At the moment of the official attack, the bard used his remaining strength to counterattack the multi-legged badger's mental attack. This time, the counterattack caused the multi-legged badger who underestimated him to pay the price of short-term confusion.

But the multi-legged patch is a leader-level monster after all, this chaotic state only made it stop for a few seconds at most, and soon, it regained its mobility.

But when it woke up and wanted to take revenge on the bard, it found that it couldn't find the bard. At the same time, many humans appeared in front of it, and the pain from the attack made it utter There was a sound of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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