Just like killing the Coral Beast before, the first half of the battle went very smoothly. The blood volume of the multi-legged patch, which was originally less than 30, dropped at a not slow but very steady speed under everyone's attack.

Although there are many people, the defense of the multi-legged badge is too high, and many damages do not even break the defense, and can only cause a little mandatory damage.

After seeing this scene, Su You directly asked everyone to drink all the potions that could increase the combat power that had been distributed in advance. After a short burst, the time came to No. 30 minutes of the battle.

In half an hour, everyone worked hard to increase the blood volume of this multi-legged patch from 29 to 18, which means it caused a full 11 damage.

Calculated at this speed, they only need to fight for at most another hour to kill the multi-legged badger.

But Su You knew that things were not that simple.

Because so far, this multi-legged badger has not triggered a few skills.

In the previous half an hour, it wanted to use its tentacles to catch people several times. According to Su You's instructions, the long-range ones immediately gave up attacking the multi-legged patch itself when they saw tentacles that were about to move, and turned to To attack the tentacle, and then the tentacle retracted because of the pain.

This made Su You almost certain that this should be one of the ways to deal with the [Foot Touch Dance] skill.

But obviously she found a way to crack this skill, but Su You was not very happy, because she had been waiting for the third skill to be used by Duozu Banzhang, but it was never used in this way, which actually gave Su You A strong uneasiness.

This feeling of uneasiness became a reality when the blood volume of Duozu Banzhang was hit to only [-].

"Hey—" Duozu Babazhang yelled wildly, and Su You immediately asked everyone to back away without any hesitation.

At the moment when they were about to evacuate, the sea surged again, and the picture of the appearance of the multi-legged patch reappeared again. It was also a high water curtain, but this time the water curtain did not last too long and fell directly up.

These water splashes falling on the beach did not seep into the sand as before, but landed into a 'monster' just like Nuwa created a human being.

There are as many ice-blue monsters as there are splashes, but within a few tens of seconds, the golden sandy beach in front of me is covered with blue.

"...This...is this the strength of the sea monster..."

"A [-]% winning rate? I don't think there's even a [-]% winning rate! There are only thirty of us with so many monsters, and not all of them are capable of fighting."

"Why don't we go now, we still have a chance to leave now... Fuck, no chance!"


Just when everyone was discussing about leaving, one of them was suddenly entangled by an ice-blue monster flying towards him.

【Inferior water element】

HP: 100/100
Attack: 10
Defense: 10
Introduction: A water element fabricated from water, its own combat power is low, but it will cause a range of explosion damage after death.


"This is a water element pinched out of multi-legged patchwork. Its attack and defense are very low. Basically, you only need to attack once or twice to die, but you must pay attention to keeping a distance, because it will explode." Su You said quickly He recounted the information he saw in text form.

Afterwards, those people who were entangled in the inferior water element subconsciously attacked it with their weapons. After cutting it with a knife, the monster burst instantly like a punctured water balloon.

Because Su You had informed him in advance that he had already prepared himself, so he lay down on the ground just before the explosion to prevent the fragile parts of the human body from being hurt by the explosion.

"The long-range group first attacks the inferior water elements that are farther away, and the others attack at a good distance. Don't get too close, so as not to avoid the explosion."

Ever since they knew that these low-quality water elements would explode, in their eyes, these low-quality water elements that looked soft and cute like jelly were like bombs one by one, and they couldn't avoid them.

But they can't just let it go, because no one knows whether these inferior water elements will follow them all the way when they leave now.

That multi-legged patch lived in the sea, and although it had a strong attack, it never left the range of the sea for half a step from the beginning to the end... It didn't count if it flew before.

While everyone was busy killing hundreds of low-quality water elements, Su You also built a few arrow towers around to reduce the pressure. While building the arrow towers, her eyes were still wandering on the multi-legged patch ——

Two inconspicuous green lights flashed, and Su You was shocked to find that the blood volume of this multi-legged badger had increased by a large amount, and the original blood volume was less than 17, but inexplicably recovered to a full [-]. Ten thousand!

what is this?
Su You couldn't figure it out, even if she repeatedly checked the information panel of Duozu Bubazhang, she couldn't see any clues.

If you really want to say what this multi-legged badger has, it is nothing more than a question-why is this multi-legged badger a 'pseudo' ocean overlord.

What exactly does this 'pseudo' mean?
Pretend to be fake?Or...a replacement?
Hundreds of low-quality water elementals still rushed towards them like moths to a flame.

Everyone accelerated the attack speed in their hands, but these water elementals were producing new ones all the time. Even if they killed one, after killing this one, several low-quality water elementals appeared on the beach.

They simply didn't have time to clean up so many monsters!

Looking at the blue monsters all over the ground, Su You understood one thing - it doesn't matter whether the multi-legged patch is the real ocean overlord, or a fake, or a substitute, because they can't beat it .

Su You: "Retreat."

Although many people were already thinking of retreating when a large amount of low-quality water elements appeared on the beach, but when they actually heard Su You's call to retreat, they were a little hesitant.

Not only for the ten gold coins, but more unwillingly... I have been playing for nearly an hour, and I just gave up in vain. Who can be happy? !

"How about we try again?"

"Yeah... we can take our time and clean up all these low-quality water elements first, and then attack this big octopus."


Su You also wanted to kill this multi-legged badger, because as long as it died, it would not only restore the tranquility of this sea area, but she could send more people here to collect resources in the future.

What's more, the multi-legged patch itself is a powerful monster. After it dies, it will definitely bring Su You many rewards, whether it's the system's treasure chest, or a drop, or other...

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