If she could really kill it, Su You would only get more than them. She hoped to kill this big octopus more than anyone else.

But if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. Although Su You still has another hole card, she doesn't want to gamble on this luck...

"Retreat, we can't beat it, this multi-legged badger is recovering." In order to make them give up, Su You directly told them about the blood recovery of the multi-legged badger: "Pay attention to the wound on its left side, It's almost gone now."

They couldn't see the data panel, but the disappearance of the visible wounds on the multi-legged badger also showed the fact that it was recovering.

So they fought desperately for a long time, and it turned out that it recovered after just this effort?
Everyone was a little frustrated, and no one could say anything about wanting to stay and fight...

Originally, they were fighting more and fighting less, but now the situation has reversed. This octopus can fight, summon, and recover itself, which is obviously something they can't fight against.

Apart from giving up, their only option is to die.


Just when everyone was about to leave, there was a scream from behind. Looking back, I saw a person suddenly appearing in the center of the beach for some reason.

Because that position was within the attack range of the multi-legged patch, he was rolled up and tied up by the long octopus tentacles, and then brought to a high altitude.

"Save people!" Even though she didn't know what happened, and saving people was not a wise choice, after all, there were so many low-quality water elements around on the beach, Su You still asked everyone to save people Prepare.

When the person has been captured and sent into the air, they cannot attack the tentacle that binds the person. Otherwise, if they fall from such a high altitude, even if the ground below is relatively soft sand, they will not die or be half disabled.

After a while, Su You already thought of how to save this person, but before that, she first found the bard and whispered a few words to him.

"I want you to do something..."

The bard was a little surprised to hear her words, if anyone could read the mouth shape, then they must be able to know that he said 'Are you sure? '.

"Not sure, but there is a high probability that it will succeed." Because Su You saw a familiar mark on the multi-legged patch, combined with her understanding of the digital world, as well as the clues found on the beach and Analysis of this giant octopus data panel...

She felt that the success rate of this matter was as high as [-]%, or even [-]%!
"Okay, I'll go right away." The bard nodded solemnly holding his harp, and then left quickly when everyone's attention was on the captured person.


After he left, Su You began to arrange rescue matters.

Now there are two ways to save people, one is to wait for the tentacles to reach the top of the sea before attacking the tentacles, so that even if the person falls, he will fall into the water and will not fall to death.

But people are at risk of being strangled at any time, and they don't have time to wait for the tentacle to move above the sea water... What if it stays still?
The second method is to find other things to cushion under this person as an air cushion for rescue, and Su You has already thought about the choice of this air cushion.

"Lyle, and the rest of you, go to seduce the low-quality water elements and gather them at that person's feet." That's right, the 'air cushion' Suyou chose is precisely these low-quality water elements.

They themselves are as soft as water polo, and they are the most suitable as air cushions, and their combat effectiveness is not high. In the case of rescue, they have no time to cause any damage to the person waiting for rescue.

Those who were selected immediately followed Su You's orders.

Some of them are going to attract low-quality water elementals, some are killing the excess low-quality water elements, and the last part are keeping a close eye on the multi-legged patch, attacking from time to time to attract the hatred of the multi-legged patch, lest it notice what they are doing.

The rescue operation went very smoothly. When the low-quality water elements were concentrated in a suitable position, all the long-rangers attacked the tentacle frantically, and the multi-legged patch flicked the tentacle in pain and wanted to take it back. Duoya seized the time and quickly fired an arrow aimed straight at the tip of the tentacle.

'Hoo! '

An ugly cry sounded, the tentacles let go of the person in their hands, and the person fell down, right at the center of the low-quality water elemental group!

The people around hurriedly rescued the man who had been suffocated almost out of breath from the low-quality water element group to prevent him from being attacked by the low-quality water element, and then several people carried the semi-conscious man and started to go to the forest run in the direction.

But at this moment, the multi-legged badgers had already discovered their purpose and their location, so it immediately shifted its attack target, preparing to kill these humans who dared to play tricks in front of it. wipe out!
Su You could clearly see that the big octopus stretched out all its tentacles at once. These tentacles grew wildly, and the length was far more than twice the original length.

But these growths are not endless, nor are they costless. The price of overgrown tentacles is that its original 10,000+ blood volume is declining at a rapid rate. It looks like In exchange for blood for the growth of tentacles in general.

"Continue to attack it!" Now that the multi-legged patch has started to lose blood, no matter why it is losing blood, and no matter what the purpose of the blood loss is, what Su You thinks is that it is best to take advantage of this opportunity to kill the multi-legged patch. Kill directly.

Although this possibility is very low, she still wants to work hard, at least to give these people time to escape, and to buy enough time for the bard.

"Meke, stop the tentacles." Meke didn't make many attacks from the beginning to the end, not only because the fire magician's performance here is limited, and letting him use magic casually will only waste his magic power.

The most important thing is that Su You didn't let him make a move because he was hiding him.

As the strongest fighting force present, he was Su You's trump card against Duozubanzhang. She didn't want to expose Meke's existence prematurely, so as to prevent Duozubanzhang from taking other countermeasures.

But now that the most critical juncture has come, Su You doesn't care to think about whether letting Meke take action at this time will irritate Duzu Mozhang.

Because if you don't make a move, you won't have a chance to make a move.

The moment he heard Su You's order, Meke slammed a Pyroblast bomb that had been charged for a long time on the nearest tentacle behind the rescued people.

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