Chapter 275 275. The Spirit of the Ocean

The multi-legged patch howled, and flames burned on the tentacles.

Those who escaped could clearly feel the heat behind them like magma, making them sweat all over.

But they still didn't stop, because as long as they didn't run to the forest, they didn't really run out.

Although Meck was there to help, because there were inferior water elements everywhere and tentacles chasing after them, they changed directions repeatedly. Although they were only a dozen meters away, they seemed to have run for a century.

Lyle forcefully pierced his spear through several low-quality water elementals that were about to pounce on him, and made them strung on his spear like candied haws.

Just before the explosion, he cooperated with another soldier beside him to throw all these 'candied haws' out.


The candied haws bomb exploded in the low-quality water elemental group.

Most of these low-quality water elements are residual blood, so when they were blown up again, a series of explosions sounded on the beach.

One after another, continuously, several low-quality water elementals exploded every second, and at the same time they killed the low-quality water elementals next to them, and then even the low-quality water elementals with their remaining blood exploded.

Such a spectacular scene made the movements of everyone's hands pause for a moment.

"There's something under your feet! Run!"

I don't know who yelled this, Lyle and the others hurriedly left their current positions, but it was obviously too late.

At some point, the sand under his feet turned into soft tentacles, and these tentacles jumped out of the ground, tying Lyle and the others together with the rescued person.

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to die."

"Why did we save this man? He disobeyed the command and ran in front of the monster and was caught. In order to save him, we picked up more people..."


Desperation was in the air.

Everyone stopped attacking, not because they didn't want to struggle anymore, but because they all knew that struggling at this time was useless.

Victory is decided.

It was just a joke that they thought that they could fight against this many-legged scorpion. In fact, they were like ants in front of this many-legged scorpion.

From their point of view, the chances of winning are probably just a deliberate disguise for them to see.

From the beginning to the end, they were played and applauded by this big octopus!

The big octopus made a weird sound, because the emotion in the sound was too obvious, so even if they couldn't understand the language, they could still hear the strong joy contained in it.

It waved its tentacles, and then brought the few people tied by itself to the surface of the sea.


The multi-legged patch opened its mouth wide, and those people were suspended in mid-air by the tentacles, and directly below them was a bloody mouth.

As soon as the tentacle is released, they will fall into the mouth of the spotted patch and become the food of the spotted patch.

They looked at this scene in despair, and more people still lowered their heads, not daring to watch...

Just when everyone thought that these people must be eaten by the big octopus, a beautiful singing sound suddenly came from their ears.

[The sound of a conch is heard in the distance, what is it calling for? 】

[The elves of the ocean follow the sound of the sea...]

Su You looked at the two lines of text that suddenly appeared, and the words on the stone tablet appeared in her mind... It turns out that she was right in betting.

It is completely different from the sharp and rough sound of the sea monster before, which can be called the squeak and spin of broken wheels. This sound is like the sound of heaven. For a while, all the negative emotions in everyone's hearts disappeared, replaced by a kind of sound that emanated from the depths of the heart. of tranquility and serenity.

Different from them, after hearing the sound, the multi-legged patch started to go crazy. It started to wave its tentacles crazily. And the suffocated body almost fainted.

"Quick, quick look over there...!" A person looked at a dolphin that suddenly appeared behind the side of the multi-legged patch. Compared with the body of the big octopus, the dolphin was so small, but this dolphin On it, sat a beautiful creature with a fishtail body.

With her eyes closed, a beautiful and melodious tone came out of her mouth, and the relaxed and freehand picture gave people a feeling of "this is just her humming at will".

She is like an elegant and noble princess, every move seems to be carefully portrayed, even if her actions are somewhat random, but in the eyes of others, this is not random, they will only think that it should be so .

But it was such casual humming that calmed their inner anxiety, and at the same time brought great invisible damage to this big octopus.

The bard looked at the mermaid sitting on the dolphin frantically. He picked up his harp and started to play in harmony with the mermaid's singing.

Even though he clearly knew at this moment that his position was less than two meters away from the multi-foot patch!

At such a short distance, he may be attacked by inferior water elements or tentacles at any time,

But his heart was firm and unwavering, and the moving notes floated out of his hands, matching the tune next to him in perfect harmony.

The clearness of the harp combined with the sound of nature, except for Duozubanzhang, everyone was enjoying the performance, so much so that they completely forgot that they were in crisis just a second ago.

After an unknown amount of time, the singing stopped, and the blond-haired blue-tailed mermaid looked up at the octopus. She blinked her ice-blue eyes that were as cold as the fish's tail, and spit out a string of words that the bard could not understand.

But after this passage was spoken, the multi-legged patch fell into the sea as if it had collapsed, and even the people tied up by the tentacles fell into the sea.

At the same time, the remaining low-quality water elements on the beach were like melted ice cubes. Instead of bursting, they directly melted into a puddle of sea water and finally seeped into the beach.


"Cough cough cough...water..." The feeling of choking on water is not good, but none of them felt uncomfortable, on the contrary, they were all very grateful, after all, they survived.

As long as you can survive, what is choking on water?
But having said that, it was unimaginable that they were able to escape from the claws of this many-legged patch, and they even saw... a mermaid!
I saw the siren, I met the bard who competed with the siren, I also saw the mermaid, and I saw the scene where the siren and the mermaid sing...

Although everything that happened today is thrilling, it can definitely be called a great adventure!
(End of this chapter)

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