Chapter 276 276. Luya
If you have experienced these things once, you can tell them and show off your whole life.

After going through all this, they can say that they can die without any regrets... Of course, it's better to be alive if they can live, no one can't think of death!

"Hurry up, go get water." Everyone hurriedly rescued everyone, and then fed water to those who should, and what to do.

The female doctor couldn't help frowning slightly when she saw them in a hurry, but before she was about to remind them, Vivienne spoke first.

"What does this mess look like?" Vivienne snorted, and then continued: "You two go to start a fire, you boil water, and the rest prepare clothes to help them change."

"Also, prepare a few more bowls of the soup and medicine for those two people before, everyone has to drink it!" Originally, Yiweiwei'an's temper, she didn't like to show off, but Meke didn't care, and Yuai didn't care. No, Lyle was lying on the ground, while Suyou and Duoya went to find the bard... So she was the only one present who could speak.

No matter how unwilling to take care of it, she still has to help take care of it when it comes to this kind of time.

Seeing this, the female doctor breathed a sigh of relief, then came to Vivienne and whispered something.

"Pick the herbs if you don't have enough, they have to drink." If it is normal, let alone fall into the sea for a few minutes, even if they are soaked in the sea for a few hours, they may not be in trouble. After all, those who can be on the scene must be physically strong Strong, not so weak.

But this time is different. These people were exhausted first, then they were frightened, and then they almost suffocated, their lives were hanging by a thread, and finally they fell into the sea...

No matter how strong a person has gone through so many things, it is impossible for them to be safe.

Even if you drink the decoction, the probability of going back to be seriously ill is extremely high. If you don't drink the decoction, there may be other problems.

In case there are any sequelae left, it will hurt a lifetime!
"I see, you guys follow me to find herbs." The female doctor didn't expect Vivienne to think so much, but she also understood Vivienne's thoughts and agreed with her thoughts very much, so she and other They went to the forest together to find herbs.

I didn't go before because she was the only doctor and needed to take care of the patients, but now that Vivienne is here and another doctor is here, she can help find herbs. After all, she is a professional doctor and is familiar with the properties of herbs. As well as the growth environment, the speed of finding herbs is faster.

On one side, Vivian was busy, and on the other side, Su You took Duoya to see the legendary mermaid up close.

"Thank you for your help, otherwise we would have lost many players today." Su You thanked her sincerely.

Although she guessed that she had a high probability of summoning a mermaid, she did, and the mermaid helped kill the multi-legged patch, which she did not expect.

She originally thought that it would be all right to ask the mermaid to help save the man, but she didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

The mermaid looked at Su You curiously. For some reason, she always felt that there was an inexplicable aura about Su You that made her want to get close.

The little mermaid touched the dolphin under her body, and then the dolphin slowly came to Su You. She looked at Su You, as if she didn't hear Su You's thanks, and she didn't care how much she saved by her previous actions. people.

She tilted her head, and there was some doubt in her ice-blue eyes: "Do I know you?"

For a moment, Su You didn't understand why the mermaid asked this question. The two of them obviously... didn't know each other!

Mermaids and elves have similar personalities, they are both pure and pure races, one is the master of the sea, and the other is the master of the forest.

Facing the somewhat ignorant little mermaid, Su You's complex thoughts about human beings were relieved a lot. She put away those coaxing thoughts and shook her head slightly: "We probably don't know each other. Why do you think so?"

"Luya." She still didn't answer Su You's question, but said these two words seriously, and then looked at Su You expectantly: "I'm Luya."

Su You felt that she really didn't understand the brain circuit of this little mermaid, or Lu Ya.

But when facing her inexplicably expectant gaze, Su You felt as if he could understand what she was thinking again.

"Hello, Luya, this name sounds nice." In exchange, Su You also told Luya her name.

After the name exchange is over, the conversation between them can be regarded as coming to the point.

"Youyi doesn't know Luya, so how did you know Luya's song?" After Luya finished speaking, she hummed a short tune.

Originally, it was quite strange for Su You to hear Lu Ya call herself 'You Yi', because this title is relatively intimate among mermaids, just like how humans call each other 'Xiao Chen', 'A Ming' and 'Fei Fei'. The name is the same as the other names. If Su You is also a mermaid at this time, then she can also call Luya 'Lui'.

But after hearing the second half of Luya's words, the doubts in her heart were solved.

"I once picked up a conch, and I heard this song in the conch." Su You didn't lie, she did hear the song in the conch, but it's not in this data In the modernized world, but in the previous game.

In the setting of the game, each mermaid has its own tune. When someone plays this tune in the corresponding position, there is a great probability that the mermaid can be summoned.

That's why Lu Ya appeared here, because Su You asked the bard to play this song somewhere, and wanted to solve the big octopus by summoning the mermaid.

Su You has been thinking about why the multi-legged patch is a 'pseudo' ocean overlord, until she remembered the three words on the stone tablet - Mermaid Bay.

"I once heard that the voice in the conch can summon mermaids, and I saw traces of mermaids on a stone tablet not far away. In order to save people, I tried to summon them." But in the sea area where mermaids are located, mermaids should be The well-deserved 'Overlord'.

If you think about it from this perspective, even if they can't beat a fake overlord, then the real 'ocean overlord' must be able to beat it.

So Su You asked the bard to try to summon the mermaid.

Afterwards, Luya heard her own tune. Out of curiosity, she came, and then she saw the multi-legged patch and the captured human being, so she helped save someone by the way.

Everything is such a 'coincidence'.

(End of this chapter)

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