It's just that Su You only knows that the mermaid can summon mermaids, but she doesn't know...or in other words, no one has ever known that these melodies were created by mermaids themselves.

She had also summoned mermaids several times, but no mermaid had ever mentioned this, so Su You thought it was just a way for players to summon mermaids in the game.

"So that's the case." Luya nodded suddenly: "Luya did record her own voice with a conch shell, it seems that it was the fate of the Sea God that brought me and Youyi to meet."

In fact, it's not just her, many mermaids have the habit of looking for phonograph conch to record their voices.

Because the mermaids believed that their voices were a gift from the sea god and should be heard by more creatures (not limited to humans), so they would let these conch shells float with the sea water and be taken to various places on the mainland after recording their voices.

But whoever can hear their voices and can still play them, the mermaids will think that this is a kind of fate brought by the sea god, so they will go to the source of the sound to see who is the one who picked up the conch.

"Luya has recorded the conch sound hundreds of times, and Youyi is the first human being Luya saw." After saying that, Luya showed a bright smile to Suyou.

Mermaids are beautiful creatures that are different from ordinary people. Every frown and smile has a unique charm. Even Duoya, who doesn't pay much attention to appearance, can't help but take a second look.

The bard who was completely ignored by the side almost didn't make a gesture of Xizi holding his heart. After being used by Luya as a background board, he felt his heart was about to break.

Obviously it was the tune he played, and it was obviously the mermaid he summoned.

Bard: Crying and cursing.

The profession of bard itself likes to create and write poetry, and then spread poetry everywhere. Every bard has rich literary knowledge and rich experience, and they are also very good at rhythm.

Although he is said to be a bard, he is actually more like a composer, because he prefers to create music rather than compose and spread poetry.

For a music lover, there is nothing more exciting than hearing the sound of nature. If there is, it must be that the owner of this sound of nature is a beautiful mermaid, and he is not just a mermaid. not a composer, but a bard.

He can not only compose poems about the legendary event that he saw the mermaid, but also exchange rhythms with the mermaid...

It's a pity that ideas are always beautiful, but reality is always cruel.

He is obviously the mermaid summoned by him, and it is obviously the stage for three people, but he still has no name... He really doesn't have a name, he is just a bard.




After an unknown amount of time, the dolphin under Luya made a sound. Luya, who had a good conversation with Su You, showed a regretful expression on her face after hearing the sound.

"Lu Ya is leaving?" Su You seemed to have guessed something, and then she saw Lu Ya nodded.

"I'm very happy to meet Youyi, but Luya is going home..." Thinking of the adventure stories she hadn't heard, Luya felt a little regretful, but soon, she made a decision in her heart.

She took out a palm-sized conch, and said something to the conch in the mermaid's language.

"This is for Youyi, please hang it by your side so that Luya can find you." If someone else gave something like a GPS locator, then Suyou would definitely not accept it Yes, because most of this is uneasy and well-intentioned.

Even if there is no other party, she really has no other thoughts, but the existence of this kind of thing itself is dangerous, and she still won't accept it.

But the one who gave this conch was a beautiful and innocent mermaid who also liked Su she finally accepted it.

Not only did she accept it, but she also planned to hang it directly on the window of her city lord's mansion after returning to the territory.

"This is a lucky rune, something that can bring you good luck." Since Lu Ya gave a gift, it is reciprocal, and Su You also gave a rune as a gift in return.

The runes in her backpack are relatively handy, and for the time being, this is the only middle-level lucky rune that was used before.

Although the lucky rune didn't look good, Luya didn't dislike it in the slightest. She happily hung this dusty and inconspicuous stone around her neck.

Wearing such an ordinary-looking stone on this mermaid's body, it seems to be a bit more stylish, and it seems to be quite expensive.

A dozen dolphins swam in the distance, and Lu Ya knew that she had to go. She waved to Su You, and then turned to look at the young man who had been holding the harp.

"You play the harp very well. I hope we can meet again next time." Although Luya ignored the bard for a long time, she has always known the existence of the bard, but compared to the bard, she I still like Su You better, so I chatted with Su You more.

But now that she was about to leave, Luya felt a little embarrassed looking at the person she had been neglecting all this time, so she said these obviously polite words.

But it's obviously not important to be polite, because for the bard, he never expected that this little mermaid would talk to him, let alone that she would even praise him!
She actually praised herself for playing the harp well!

So Luya successfully used one sentence, causing the bard to fall into a smirk.

Su You and Duoya glanced at each other, and they couldn't help laughing.

The little mermaid Luya left, and under Vivienne's command, all the trophies were picked up, and those who fell into the sea should also drink the medicine. Indeed a lot better.

"Go back. After you go back, you should have a good rest for a day, and then you can go to the mission hall to collect rewards. In addition to the ten gold coins you could get, you can also get an extra gold coin as a reward."

"Besides, in the future, if everyone still wants to live in the sunset territory, one month's room fee can be exempted." Although they were not the ones who killed the multi-legged patch, the result was the same. So Su You wasn't going to regret it.

The ten gold coins should still be given, otherwise I will always feel sorry for those who are so obedient, did not run away, and fought hard.

As for the room fee, the accommodation fee in the post station is not expensive at all, and there are not many people here, all added up, it is less than one gold coin in a month, ten gold coins per person, Su You is not bad. A gold coin for the room fee.

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