
After seeing the introduction of ocean mud, Su You immediately took out a small ball of ocean mud the size of a ping-pong ball for experimentation. This ocean mud is somewhat similar to a toy called "Crystal Baby" before, and it also swells when it meets water. It is easy to break when it grows up.

The difference is that this ocean mud can be used indefinitely, and it absorbs a lot of water. A ball of ocean mud the size of a ping-pong ball can absorb a large bucket of water.

Not only that, although it will expand, but the proportion of expansion is not large, and there is no need to worry that it will affect everyone's actions if it takes up too much space.

And after it bursts, as long as the water inside dries up, it will become marine mud that can absorb water again.

With this thing, there will be a solution to the flood at that time. This marine mud can be used as the first and last line of defense against floods, and it can also be used as a material for water absorption and drainage in the territory.

It is also the material dropped by the water element, and there is also a lot of ocean mud, at least enough to enclose the entire territory.

In this way, drought has wells and water storage tanks, acid rain has blue mud, and flood has ocean mud. Now the combination of the five natural disasters is only short of locust plague and forest carnival without a solution.

"This trip to clean up the sea area is worth it!" Isn't it worth it? The materials for the two natural disasters were collected directly, four talents were recruited, and I even met a cute little mermaid...

In comparison, she only paid less than [-] gold coins, and she will do as much as there is in the future for this business!

"Since the other natural disasters have been resolved, and there is still West in the territory, it's time to prepare for the locust plague." Su You said to herself, and returned to the City Lord's Mansion, preparing to release a large number of tasks.

In fact, compared to the other natural disasters, in order of difficulty, the first one is the drought, and the second is the locust plague, and there are "key props" to solve the locust disaster in the territory.

Locusts have natural enemies, and their natural enemies are all creatures that can eat insects, such as birds, frogs, spiders and so on.

Among them, it is obviously unrealistic to catch and raise creatures like frogs and spiders, but there are chickens in the territory.

Chickens also eat insects and locusts, and in the game, chickens have a natural enemy damage bonus buff to locusts. If it is really a plague of locusts, she only needs to "close the door and let the chickens go".

"Start storing water, making anti-acid rain equipment, building dams, arranging drainage areas, and... catching chickens!" These are the pre-disaster preparations for the sunset territory in the next week.

Everything else is ready-made, except that there are not enough chickens to deal with the locust plague. There are only two chickens.

And in a short period of time, it is impossible for the territory to breed many chickens.

However, there are chickens in the forest, as long as the task is issued, people will catch the live ones and raise them. It happens that there are also pastures in the territory, and there are residents with animal husbandry skills.

Everything is perfect, at least so far.

After having plans, Su You began to implement these plans one by one.

[Water storage] (can be recycled [-] times)

Publisher: Lord
Mission objective: Send a bucket of water (1 bucket = 10 bottles = ten liters) to the water storage bin (0/1)

Task Reward: Copper Coin*5
Quest Tool: Bucket

【Construction of dams】(Can be cycled a thousand times)

Publisher: Lord
Mission objective: to help build the dam, every 0.1% increase in construction progress can be rewarded once

Task Reward: Silver Coin*1
Task tools: shovel, hammer, etc.

【Arranging Drainage Channels】(can be cycled one hundred times)

Publisher: Lord
Mission objective: Help arrange the drainage canals, every 1% increase in the progress of the arrangement can be rewarded once

Task Reward: Silver Coin*1
Task Tool: Shovel

【Catch Pheasant】(can be cycled [-] times)

Publisher: Lord
Mission objective: Catch a pheasant and submit (0/1)

Task Reward: Copper Coin*20
Task Tool: None
【Recruit temporary craftsmen】

Publisher: Lord
Recruitment conditions: Can make raincoats, umbrellas, umbrella hats, cloaks and other items and props.

Number of recruits: 3 (0/3)

Reward standard: [-] copper coins for a set of raincoat (clothes + rainproof shoe covers), [-] copper coins for an umbrella, [-] copper coins for an umbrella hat, [-] copper coins for a cloak (others to be discussed separately)



The time came to No. 20 four days. In the early morning, many people saw these tasks, and those who met the conditions immediately accepted these tasks directly.

Because it is something to prepare in a hurry, the rewards of these tasks are extraordinarily generous, and because of this, everyone's enthusiasm for these tasks far exceeds the original ones.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner until the afternoon when Su You met the other two people she had recruited, namely the librarian named Ed and the master builder named Ain.

The process of recruiting Ain was particularly smooth, because Ain's needs were very simple. He wanted to be the captain of a construction team, and he wanted to have the command of the construction team, and he didn't want anyone to dictate to him.

In this regard, Su You said that she has no opinion. After all, he is the only architect in the territory at present, and he is a professional. If you don't listen to him, who else can you listen to?

As long as his ability passes the test, let alone the captain of a construction team, there is a high probability that Su You will hand over the construction of the entire city to him in the future. After all, he is the first architect in the territory. Well, Su You's most trusted architect will always be him.

Ai En was very satisfied with Su You's attitude, so he immediately applied to join the territory.

After Ai En joined, Su You happened to hand over all the dams and drainage projects under construction to him.

With the addition of a professional architect, the progress of building the embankment skyrocketed.

Originally, one morning plus half an afternoon only increased the progress by less than 20%, but in half an afternoon, the progress went straight to [-]%!

In this way, the dam will be built within three days.

Compared with Ain, who is easy to speak and has low requirements, Ed is not so easy to recruit. After all, Ed's personality traits have been clearly displayed on the recruitment panel, and one word to describe him is 'proud'!
He is arrogant, quite a bit arrogant.

There is only one way to convince this kind of person, and that is to be stronger than him. Although it will not wipe out his arrogance, it must be capable enough to hold him down.

Coincidentally, in terms of knowledge, although Su You can't be said to be the number one in the mainland, she is still in the top ten.

After all, she was different from them, and she knew many things that these people might not be able to understand in their lifetime.

Although her experience is not more than theirs, her identity is destined to make her understand far more than people on this continent.

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