Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 280 Chapter 280 Unknown Map

If she is a more powerful scholar, Su You may still reveal her secrets. After all, her knowledge is more derived from physical memory, unlike them, who have the ability to think, analyze and learn independently beyond ordinary people.

But Ai De is not a university student, he is just an intermediate librarian, although his learning ability is very strong, but his literary talent is only 70, Su You can not only suppress him, but also convince him.

In addition, she used to be an excellent city lord and knew how to teach students according to her aptitude, so in just one day, Ed finally joined the territory willingly.

And when he joined the territory, his loyalty and favorability both exceeded [-], and he became the resident with the fastest growth rate of these two data so far, probably except for Dolly.


No.20 In five days, the construction progress has reached 50%, the water storage work has been completed, three craftsmen have been recruited, and about twenty pheasants have been caught.

It is expected that the construction progress is fast. After all, the money for this task is very rich. Although the work is not easy, it is a physical work similar to moving bricks, but the unit price is much higher than that of moving bricks.

The more money, the more people will do it, and the architect Ai En made some modifications on the basis of the blueprint of the embankment given by Su You.

After his modification, this drawing not only reduced a lot of useless accumulation of dead corners, but also reduced the amount of work without affecting the final effect of the building.

The same is true for the task of storing water, which is also physical work. As long as you have a lot of strength, anyone can take over the task.

There are many wells in the territory, and there are many wells near the water storage tank, so this task is actually very easy.

The threshold is low, the difficulty is low, and the reward is high. These three characteristics can be said to directly put this task in a state of explosion. It is said that it takes a day, but in fact it only took half a day. This cycle of [-] times of water storage All tasks have been completed.

At present, Suyou has upgraded the water storage tank, and is going to wait for the water storage tank to be upgraded to the third level, and when the water storage capacity reaches [-] bottles, the water storage task will be issued for [-] cycles.

So under the same circumstances, Su You valued their seriousness and care more. Su You didn't want to spend money and end up attracting three garbage who only made inferior products.

To say that among these tasks, the slowest to complete must be catching pheasants.

Although there are pheasants in the forest, and there are even a lot of pheasants, and the combat effectiveness of pheasants is not strong, basically anyone with two brushes can kill them, but the most difficult part of this task is that the pheasants that Su You wants are alive .

There is a big difference between those who catch alive and those who catch dead. The former needs to be careful, and must catch the pheasant when it is unprepared, and also avoid accidents on the road that lead to the death of the pheasant.

The latter doesn’t have so much to worry about. As long as they are capable of fighting, they can bring back at least seven or eight pheasants in a day. If they are good at long-range combat like Duoya, as long as they are lucky, they can bring back at least a dozen pheasants a day. only pheasant.

Although dead pheasants can also be used as meat to submit tasks, the price is definitely not as high as that of live pheasants, because there are less pheasants, and the price difference is at least half!
However, the speed of catching live pheasants was only slow at the beginning. After Su You shared a few trap techniques, and these people also became proficient in the skills of catching live chickens, the speed of catching pheasants was not so fast. few.

In the four days of digitizing No.20, the pheasant task was only submitted more than [-] times, that is, more than [-] pheasants.

In the five days of digitizing No.20, the number of completed pheasant tasks has doubled, and the number of submissions has reached 57 times!

According to this speed, within half a day, a hundred pheasants can be assembled.

After the first batch of [-] live pheasants are obtained, Su You will issue another batch of pheasant catching missions, but the rewards will decrease accordingly, but it will still be more cost-effective than ordinary hunting missions.

In addition to these pre-disaster preparations, the key to the locked box brought out of the maze before has also been made and can be opened at any time, and two cub eggs previously given to Sit have also hatched.

In this locked treasure chest, Su You opened a light map.

[Get an unknown map*1]

[unknown map]

Category: Props

Quality: None
Introduction: A map marked with a location. I don't know what kind of surprises the unknown location can bring...or scare?


Knowing that this is a box brought out of the maze, and it is also a locked box, the value of the things opened in the box cannot be ordinary, so Su You also pays special attention to this map and is very interested.

It happened that the place marked on the map was not far from the territory, and it took three or four days at most to go back and forth, which was enough to catch up with the double natural disasters, so she immediately sent people to investigate, and it happened to be able to exercise these newly recruited people during this period .

After all, Su You is the lord of a territory, and it is impossible for her to personally take part in every incident.

Before, it was because there was no one in the territory, so she handled the monster spawner, the underwater maze, and the cleaning of the sea area.

Although as long as she leads the team, the success rate of handling these things will be greatly increased, but it will also waste a lot of her time.

This is why the construction of the territory has been delayed again and again, and it has been somewhat unable to keep up with the level of the territory, because the lord Su You doesn't have much time to stay in the territory for construction and planning.

Even if she stays in the territory, she always has other things that are more important than building the territory to be busy.

But as the number of people in the territory increases, there are more and more people with skills and strength. Therefore, Su You has been consciously training the few people she trusts most.

She hoped that when the time comes, they will be able to take charge of their own affairs, command and lead the team by themselves, and become her right-hand man, instead of being a puppet who only obeys her own command.

Among these people are Duya, there are Lyle and Lake, there are Vivienne Youai, and May... Forget about Meck, he'd better cook for him.

Just bring it with you when you need combat power.

This map can be regarded as a coincidence, because most of the scouting missions are not difficult and the risk is low, but there are many details that need to be observed, so it can be used as the best task for exercise.

So after getting the map, Su You sent Doya, Lyle, Youai, and several other residents of the territory who had combat skills or other skills suitable for reconnaissance tasks.

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