"For this mission, Lyle is the captain, and Duoya is the vice-captain. You need to obey the orders and commands of the two of them." Lyle has rich exploration experience and a calm personality, making him suitable as the captain.

Although Duoya is stronger and has a calm personality, but because of her past experience and personal personality, she always likes to keep things in her heart in many cases.

But at present, it seems that this situation has improved a lot, and the incident that happened during the previous task of cleaning up the sea area is the best proof.

There is no difference between the captain and the vice-captain, because since Su You said to let other people listen to the opinions of the two of them, it proves that the two of them have the same right to speak.

It's just that according to their personalities, they won't fight because of this.

Faced with Su You's arrangement, none of these people had any objections. After all, they were all carefully selected by Su You. If there were people who might have objections, Su You would not let them participate in this mission at all.

"Although it's a mission, safety comes first. No matter what happens, you must return to the territory within four days." These were the last and most important words Su You said to them.

Although everyone didn't know why the time was four days, they still kept this in mind and were very cautious.


After sending this group of people away, Su You began to think about getting Dolly to participate in some of the management of the shops in the territory...

But thinking that she has been busy making rainproof props recently, checking whether the things made by the three temporary craftsmen are qualified, and at the same time running the sewing shop, she is busy every day without touching the ground, so Su You can only use Put this matter aside.

So Su You turned a corner, and turned to the ranch as she was about to go to the sewing shop.

After arriving at the ranch, Sit walked over with a smile on his face.

"Lord, what are the arrangements for the two cubs over there?" That's right, the two cubs that were hatched earlier happened to be two ponies!

To be honest, although horses are viviparous and hatched from eggs, it is unreasonable, but as long as this egg is used as a means of providing animal cubs, there seems to be nothing unreasonable.

After all, in some 999-knife [-] games, those pet eggs can even hatch into creatures such as dragons, unicorns, and unicorns.

"Sit, do you want to raise them?" Su You looked at her and asked seriously.

Sit recalled the two ponies. Although she felt a little bit sad, she also knew that she didn't have time to take care of the cubs. After all, besides the cows and sheep, there were dozens of pheasants that she needed to take care of.

Of course, the most important thing is that Sit doesn't know how to take care of horse cubs. She has only raised animals such as cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and pigs, and has never raised horses. She is worried that she can't take care of them well.

It's fine if it's an adult horse, it's not that delicate, but cubs are always difficult to raise, and accidents may happen if you are not careful.

"What do you think, my lord...Of course I want to, why don't I want to?" Said, Sit sighed.

Although she doesn't have the ability and time, if she wants to, she definitely wants to. After all, the pony in childhood is really cute, and she really likes it too much.

And because she was hatched by Set, the two ponies can be said to have regarded her as their mother.

Now when the two of them see Sit, they will slowly walk over to the little guy as high as your calf, staring at you with wet eyes, with a trace of fog in his eyes full of dependence... Sit feels like But if he took one more look, he probably wouldn't have the courage to ask Su You how to arrange them.

"Then you can keep it if you want." Su You could probably guess what Sit was thinking, but she didn't care.

Hire people if you are too busy. Anyway, Su You is not a black-hearted boss who oppresses employees.

Even if Sit didn't say anything, she was still planning to recruit people, otherwise, the hundred pheasants would make a fuss just thinking about it.

It's not a problem if you don't know how to raise horses. Xi Te can't, but Su You can!
Although it is all theoretical knowledge, after all, Sit is a professional animal breeder and has an affinity talent. The ability to learn this knowledge must be stronger, and it is more appropriate to take care of animals.

What's more, although Sit doesn't know how to raise horses, there are no other people in the territory who can raise horses, so it is better to let Sit take care of them than to let others take care of them.

It just so happens that those two ponies also depend on her, and it just so happens that she also likes those two ponies, so it would be inappropriate to separate them.

"If you're too busy, you can recruit people. You can recruit people yourself or I can help you. I will give you a manual for raising horses later." Su You's words directly expressed Sit's two concerns. All cancelled.

"Thank you, Lord Lord, please rest assured, Lord Lord, I will definitely take good care of these two ponies." Not only these two ponies, but also the three unhatched eggs, and other animals in the pasture , Sit will definitely take care of them more attentively than before.

She looked at Su You gratefully, and the favorability value on the information panel soared upwards.

Although Su You didn't know what was going on in her heart, she could also understand that Sit was in a good mood at this time through her expression at this time and the rising favorability data.


After leaving the ranch, Su You was going to go to the medical clinic. She was going to see how the people who fell into the sea were recuperating. Most importantly, she also wanted to see the two 'smugglers' who were rescued by them.

Because she has to take care of others, Vivienne has not been leisurely at all these two days.

But well...

Looking at the terrified faces of the people, Su You felt that it was hard to say whether Vivienne was leisurely or not... Maybe she still had some fun?

The people who fell into the sea saw Su You as if they had seen a savior. Who knew what kind of mental torture they had suffered in this medical center in less than three days.

"Lord Su, I think I'm in good health now. Could you please tell Ms. Vivienne that I can go home and recuperate, really."

Originally, these few people didn't know how to speak, but after this person took the lead, several people nearby also spoke in agreement.

"Yes, Lord Su, look at how energetic we are now, and how bad it is to occupy a bed in the medical center."

"My things are still in the station. I haven't gone back to look at them for several days. I want to go back and look at them too."

"Anywhere in this hospital is good, but I have a bad habit of relying on beds. I think the beds in the residential buildings are more comfortable to sleep in..."

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