Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 282 282 Little Witches

"Why don't you, my lord, talk to Miss Vivian for us?"


Su You: "..."

So, what exactly did Vivienne do to these people, so that these five big and three thick men couldn't bear it after staying for less than three days?

Just when Su You was full of doubts, she saw the expression on a person's face suddenly became very distorted. His eyes were fixed on Su You's back, and one hand was raised tremblingly.


A slight air flow came from behind her, and Su You suddenly felt a chill behind her. She paused for a moment, then turned her head suddenly, and what caught her eyes was a face with blood from all seven orifices, a long tongue sticking out, and a face full of hideous scars.

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze.

Su You stared blankly at the terrifying face in front of her, then reached out without hesitation and tore off the long tongue that almost reached her waist.

"Vivian, stop making trouble." This is a medical clinic, but Vivian is not here, combined with Vivian's personality characteristics, the identity of the long-tongued ghost in front of him is self-evident.

Sure enough, after hearing Su You's words, the 'ghost' who had lost his long tongue sighed faintly. Hearing this voice, it was clearly a young girl.

"Your lord, why are you not afraid?" Vivian's tone was very regrettable: "That's right, I saw this dress from the book you gave me. It's normal for you not to be afraid."

However, when she saw the strange-looking people lying on the bed, the regret in her heart dissipated a little.


Although it didn't frighten the lord, but it frightened these few people, it seems acceptable?
Vivienne thought so in her heart, and then slowly took off all the messy decorations on her body.

Seeing Vivienne recovering, these people heaved a sigh of relief, and recalling what Vivienne said just now, they always felt that something was not quite right...

"Is this how you take care of them?" Su You glanced at her, vaguely understanding why these people were so eager to leave the hospital.

It is obvious that he is a patient, but in the end he is frightened by a doctor who has his own eccentricity. Who can bear it?

However, Su You also believed that Vivienne was sensible. After all, she could see that although these people were tortured mentally, their physical condition was really good.

To put it bluntly, it is full of blood and mana, and there is no negative status.

You must know that these people lost blood and were weak, drowning, cold and other negative states two days ago, and they can recover in just two days, and there is no sequelae that might have appeared... Can there be such a thing? As a result, Vivian must have put in a lot of energy.

Otherwise, if Vivienne really didn't have any skills and just tortured them, these people are not fools, they must have run away long ago, why would they be begging Su You here?

The feet grew on their own bodies, and their feet were not broken. If they really wanted to run, Vivienne couldn't stop them, and she wouldn't stop them either.

"Hey, it's more energetic to be scared. Otherwise, if you lie on the bed and rest all day, you will slack off. How bad it is~" Vivienne said with a smile, which seemed unreasonable, but in fact it was unreasonable. Reasonable words.

"It's a pity that Lyle recovered too quickly, otherwise there would be one more person to accompany them~"

Su You: "..." No wonder Lyle was so excited when she heard that she was sent to perform a mission. At first, she thought it was the first time that Lyle was the captain to perform a certain activity, so she was so excited. Now it seems , this factor may exist, but it is not the most important.

The main reason is that he can finally escape the mental torture of Vivian, the 'little witch'!
"So what's their situation now?" Anyway, since these people already have the intention to leave, it's not good to force them to stay.

Occasionally, they would play around, and they would think that Vivienne was still young, and she was a healing magician, and she didn't hold them accountable for saving them, but after a long time, it was always not good.

"Well... Actually, it's better to rest for another day, because the medicine they've been drinking for the past few days is a three-day course of treatment, and today is the last day." Su You has already spoken, and Vivian will not stop With interest, she told the situation of these people honestly, and then left it to them to decide for themselves.

"You can hand over the medicine to them and cook it yourself." Su You thought for a while and proposed a compromise.

These few people were obviously very satisfied with this method, and they nodded repeatedly as if possessed.

Vivienne frowned, then shook her head: "This won't work, only I can make this medicine, unless there is a second healing magician in the territory... But, drinking or not taking the medicine for the last day doesn't actually affect recovery Yes, but if you drink it, it will be beneficial."

Just like how Dori combines sewing skills and repairing skills, when a healing magician makes potions or boils medicinal soup, he can also incorporate healing magic into it. Therefore, this medicine must only be brewed by her, and then it will Drink it while it is hot, so as not to lose the efficacy of the medicine.

If other people are allowed to brew the medicine, the medicine will lose its meaning and become an ordinary medicine, and it doesn't matter whether you drink it or not.

"You decide for yourself. Although Vivienne is a bit naughty, you should be aware of her strength." Having said this, Su You also left the decision to them.

There are a total of five people lying here, two of whom were residents of the territory from the beginning, and one who just joined the territory yesterday.

The two people who were originally residents of the territory might have higher loyalty to the territory and a higher affection for Su You, so they hesitated for less than two seconds before saying they wanted to stay.

As for the remaining three people, they actually didn't really care about Vivian scaring them. After all, Vivian was just scaring them and didn't do anything bad. The girl cares.

Especially this little girl treated them so well!
With their weak and half-dead appearance two days ago, they thought they would lie down for ten days and half a month, but they didn't expect that they would be alive and kicking in less than three days.

And all treatments are completely free!

Most importantly, they haven't left any sequelae!
The cost of healing magicians from the healing department is not low. In comparison, it seems like they are nothing if they are frightened by her and provide her with some fun.

"I stayed."

"I'm staying too."

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