Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 283 Chapter 283 Allergies

Chapter 283 283. Allergies
"Then I will trouble Miss Vivienne for another day... I hope that if you want to do something then, please remind us first?"


Hearing the last person's words, Vivian snorted softly: "Do you really think I'm scaring you on purpose? You'll know tomorrow."

This sentence stunned the five people lying on the bed, their faces were full of doubts... What do you mean she didn't scare them on purpose?
Could it be that there is something hidden about this scary thing?

They racked their brains and couldn't think of one, two, three, four, and looked up at Vivian, but Vivian didn't intend to answer them.

At this time, Vivian was talking to Su You——

"The lord should come to see those two people, right? They just woke up today, so I'll take you to see them." Vivienne has already guessed the reason for Su You's visit, after all, these people don't need to pay special attention. It is necessary to come and see.

Su You nodded, and followed Vivian to the cubicle of the medical center.

Although it is a cubicle, this is Vivienne's territory. She has never had any scruples, and she didn't knock on the door, and directly led Su You in.

The moment the door was pushed open, Su You could clearly feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the room.

Vivienne is right. Lin Chen and Lin Mu are both awake. They have already sat up, one to the left and the other to the right. They are obviously two beds, but the distance between them cannot accommodate a single person. .

"Why didn't you drink the medicine?" Vivian looked at the two full medicine bowls on the table, her tone was not very good.

As a doctor, there are two kinds of people that I hate the most. One is those who don't care about their own body. Even if this kind of person dies in front of Vivienne, she will not take a second look, because they really deserve it.

The other type is people who don't follow the doctor's advice. This kind of people is as annoying as the former, and Vivian's attitude towards this kind of people is also unwilling to deal with them.

The state of Lin Chen and Lin Mu at this time, as well as the behavior of not taking the medicine, for Vivienne, these two situations are exactly in line.

Obviously in a weak state, he insisted on moving his body and sitting up forcibly, but there was a straw-like 'knot grass' on the medicine bowl, even if he was lying on the bed, he could drink it by turning his head around. sit up.

As for not following the doctor's advice, let alone taking the medicine instead of taking the medicine, if she didn't know that these two people might still be wary, Vivian would have turned cold and poured the medicine.

You must know that this medicine will be useless when it is cold!What a waste of these two medicinal materials!pity!
The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while, and perhaps she also realized that Vivienne was kind, so one of the women explained with an apologetic face: "Sorry, we have special constitutions, some herbs can't be used, and we are allergic."

Don't care if it's an excuse or not, but after hearing this explanation, Vivienne's complexion improved a lot.

However, she still had some doubts, so Vivienne thought about it, and then reported the names of a string of herbs, which were the raw materials of these two bowls of soup.

After reporting the herbs, Vivian asked again: "Are there any herbs you are allergic to?"

Lin Chen and Lin Mu looked at each other awkwardly, because they found a problem, that is, they didn't know any of the herbs Vivienne mentioned.

The reason why they don't know each other is very simple, the two of them came here illegally, they are not 'locals', so naturally they don't know the local medicinal herbs.

The distance between the two continents is not short, and the cultural gap is not small. Many of the same herbs are in different places, and the names have also undergone huge changes.

But Vivienne didn't know this, so when she saw the two people were silent, she took it for granted that 'allergy' was just an excuse for them not wanting to take medicine.

For a while, the atmosphere fell into a strange stalemate again.

The two sisters didn't know how to explain that they didn't know the herbs. After all, they couldn't just say that they were stowaways, it was too dangerous for them.

And since they knew that they were allergic to herbs, it was impossible for them to tell Vivian that they didn't know any herbs... This was obviously a conflict.

"Vivian, go and get the herbs." Su You also thought for a while before she understood the reason, so she asked Vivian to get the herbs directly.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the name, but it's fine if you know the herbs?
Although Vivienne didn't know the reason, she still hummed to save face, and then left the room.

After she left, Lin Chen heaved a sigh of relief, while Lin Mu looked at Su You thoughtfully.

Su You sensed Lin Mu's gaze, so she looked back in a fair and honest manner, and smiled friendlyly.

Because the medicine brewed for the two of them had been shared long ago, Vivienne returned quickly with a medicine bag.

"That's it." Vivian pouted, put the medicine bag on the table, then looked at the two of them for a few seconds, and then helped to open the medicine bag with a reluctant expression.

"Thank you." Lin Chen quickly thanked, while Lin Mu carefully observed the herbs in the medicine bag.

"We can't use this red gardenia." Lin Mu weakly raised his hand, trying to pick out a small orange flower in the medicine bag.

But her 'dangerous' action was quickly pushed back by Vivienne.

"Didn't I say that before? You two can't move around!" Vivian glanced at her restless hand, then looked at the medicine bag, and asked a question that Lin Mu didn't know how to answer: "Red Gardenia What is the child, I didn't put this thing, did you admit it wrong?"

Lin Chen wanted to say something, but after seeing Lin Mu's expression, he decisively shut his mouth.

"It's this little orange flower. We call it red gardenia in our hometown... I'm kidding you, we two sisters are from a small place, and we named many things there ourselves, so it's a bit different from the outside world. Not the same."

Lin Mu made a good excuse. Although his acting skills were a bit poor, if Su You hadn't known about the stowaways, he probably wouldn't have suspected that the two of them were from another continent.

At most, I wonder if there are any other secrets about the two of them.

But now that I know it, Lin Mu's statement is full of flaws... But Su You will not expose them for the time being, let alone expose them when there is a fourth person.

"Oh, then I'll give you another medicine with similar properties." Red Gardenia... or the 'Siyehuai' from the Sunset Continent.

Four-leaf locust tree is a common herbal medicine on the Sunset Continent. It has mild medicinal properties and is highly replaceable. In just a few seconds, Vivian's mind has more than a dozen alternative herbal medicines.

Even if most of them don't, there are three or four in the medical center.

(End of this chapter)

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