Chapter 284.
Three or four kinds of herbs, Vivian couldn't believe that both of them were allergic to each of them!
Vivienne was very mobile, coming and going in a hurry, and soon came back with four kinds of herbs.

Lin Mu stared at these four herbs, and then chose the first one on the right: "The first herb on the right is the herb with thin leaves, white flowers and short branches. It is called Liuxueye in our place. The two of us can use it." .”

"Liu Xueye... This name is also appropriate." Vivienne lost a little bit of doubts about Lin Mu. It is really not like that she can make up the names of two herbal medicines so quickly, and they fit the characteristics so well. lie.

Vivienne did not hide her voice, so the two sisters naturally heard it. Lin Chen was relieved, while Lin Mu looked at Vivienne with a smile, and was stunned for a moment.

"What about the other three, do you know them? There are two of them that you will use later." Vivienne's tone was a little unnatural, and Su You couldn't help but look at her more with such a rare performance. glance.

Lin Mu: "I only recognize Liu Xueye and that fox whisker like a root. We are allergic to fox whiskers."

One is allergic, and the other two don't know it yet. Just in case, Vivienne said nothing to let them use it... After all, the two of them are not able to withstand the herbal allergy test in their current physical condition.

Although the cold states have disappeared, a bunch of negative states that have sequelae appeared again.

The bodies of the two sisters can be said to be in a critical period, which is why Vivienne is so careful. She must slowly eliminate these negative states.

"Forget it, I'll boil the medicine first, you guys have to drink this dose first." Vivienne took the medicine bag and herbs away a little annoyed.

Then, she seemed to think of something again, turned her head and added: "You guys have drank several bowls of decoction in the past two days, and I will bring the herbs for you to see later."

After saying this, Vivian left without looking back, leaving only Su You and the Lin sisters in the room.

Su You could see that apart from needing to go out to make medicine, Vivienne also saw that she had something to communicate with these two people, so she left room for her.

"I know you two have a lot of questions, you can just ask, as long as I can answer, I will tell you." Su You clearly knew what her goal was - she wanted to recruit these two people.

But at the same time, she also knew how difficult it was to recruit the two sisters. Even if she was the savior of the two sisters now, this could not change their status as smugglers.

As long as this identity exists, the two of them will never be able to completely let go of their guard.

So Su You has already made up her mind to take pictures slowly. The first step now is to get closer to build a good impression, start with the most basic, and help these two people understand the current situation.

Seeing that the two sisters were silent, Su You smiled, and first introduced her identity and the location of the two of them.

"I'm Su You. The place you are in is the Sunset Territory of the Sunset Continent. I am the lord of this territory." If it was someone else, Su You didn't need to emphasize that this is the location of the Sunset Territory, but these two people are not from the Sunset Continent. people, so getting to know this strange continent is the first step for the two of them to come here.

Lin Chen: "Then can I call you Lord Su?"

Su You: "Yes, that's what everyone calls it."

"Lord Su, can you please tell us where you found us?" Lin Chen couldn't help but ask.

She was always talkative, although in the relationship between sisters, she was the elder sister who was born a few minutes earlier, but in terms of personality, some people always said that she was like the younger sister who was not stable and needed to be taken care of.

But Lin Mu is just the opposite, her personality is very quiet, and she will be more calm, so she is often said to be like a big sister.

But what outsiders say is their business. The two of them don't care about the prejudices and opinions of others. The relationship between the two of them is very good.

"We found you behind a rock by the sea." As she said before, Su You answered Lin Chen's question, and at the same time gave her own judgment: "Although I don't know that you have ever happened What, but since it will appear in that place, you should have encountered shipwreck on the ship?"

This conclusion does not require the identity of the smugglers, the location where they were found and what happened to them is enough to explain everything, so after knowing that Su You had already guessed what they might have experienced, the two sisters were not surprised.

"Well, originally we went fishing with the fishermen in the village, but we were unlucky..." Lin Mu followed Su You's conclusion and made up a half-truth and half-fake experience for the two of them.

Although Su You knew it was a fake, she didn't expose it. At the moment, doing so doesn't do any good, but it will increase their vigilance.

So Su You also gave reasonable sympathy according to what Lin Mu said.

Afterwards, Lin Chen and Lin Mu asked Su You a lot of questions. These questions may seem common, but if you think about them carefully, you will find that these questions have a common feature-these are very common sense for the Sunset Continent. sex issue.

Although Lin Mu is very calm, she is just a young girl who has just grown up.

The two of them have only experienced life and death, and it is good to be able to maintain the current state, but the strong sense of insecurity about the unfamiliar environment still makes them want to ask more related questions, and want to understand the situation here. Learn more.

Knowing more, their sense of security will increase.

But Su You still acted like she didn’t know anything, and sat here obediently as an encyclopedia that knew everything, asking questions and answering them, until the two sisters were a little embarrassed, and the favorability value on the invisible data panel also went up It has increased a lot.

"Stop chatting, drink the medicine, and take a rest after drinking."

It was obviously Vivienne who spoke, and she brought the reconfigured medicinal soup, and each of them took a bowl.

This time, Lin Chen and Lin Mu didn't hesitate much, and drank the whole bowl of medicinal soup... It's not that the two of them don't know right from wrong, the person in front of them clearly saved them, if you want to do something to them What, in their current state, they don't need to be so troublesome.

"Thank you." The two sisters thanked obediently, and Vivienne felt much better.

Although Su You still has many problems, she has been delayed for a long time today. Whether it is herself or the two of them, one has to be busy and the other has to rest, so she is also preparing to get up and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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