Chapter 285 285. Listening to the wall

"You guys rest first. This is the medical center of the territory. I will arrange for someone to come and take care of you. If you have any questions, you can ask her."

As for who this person is, don't think too much about it, it must be very deceptive on the outside, but in fact he has more eyes than adults, nine out of ten sentences are false, and one sentence is half-truth and half-false.

Thinking of this, Su You also said with emotion, Bu Guo, this little girl's trick is really worth it, not only can she bargain, but she is also top-notch in deceiving people.

If you know her nature, you may still be on guard. Like two sisters who meet for the first time, basically they will not have too much vigilance against a child. In this way, Bu Guo has more room to play. It's even bigger.


After arranging the work for Buguo, Su You is going to go to see the situation of the sewing shop and the production of defensive props against acid rain, and then go to see the construction of dams and other projects.

Not counting Dori, there are three craftsmen in total. The first person can make raincoats and cloaks, the second person can make umbrellas and umbrella hats, and the third person can make everything except umbrella hats.

Although there is no plenum, three people can add up all the rain gear.

Because she wanted to train Dolly, after she recruited people, she didn't make arrangements for them, but sent them directly to Dolly, and asked them to obey Dolly's command completely.

It has been nearly two days since the recruitment ended, and Su You happened to be able to go to see how the situation was going.

Just when Su You walked to the back door of the sewing shop, she heard voices coming from inside... If it was just voices, that's fine. What's important is that the voices seemed to be deliberately lowered.

Under what circumstances should I lower my voice to speak?

Su You raised her eyebrows, became interested, and prepared to be a 'bad guy' who listened to the wall.

"This boss is really annoying, he has to check everything, this cloak, this raincoat, it doesn't matter if you can wear it, there are so many problems..."

"Okay, don't complain, the price is high, what's wrong with asking for a more detailed one? You really are outrageous, the side of the cloak is cracked, how can you wear it?"

"Tch... Is the cracking my problem? It's clearly a problem with the material! I don't know what kind of soft prickly hula thing, but it's really difficult to handle, and the thread will collapse if you are not careful."


Su You didn't expect that it would be better to come early than coincidentally, and she even listened to an important whisper on the spot.

However, the conversation inside is obviously not over yet, and so far it is only the voices of two men. If she remembers correctly, one of the craftsmen is a woman... She still wants to continue to check the situation, so she still has no choice to open the door and enter .

Because Su You didn't choose to interrupt, the conversation inside was still going on——

"Actually, what you said is true. This material is really strange. I don't think I've seen it before, and I don't know how well it is rainproof... But this is not something we worry about. We just need to do our own thing."

"Heh, that sounds nice, look at that..." The voice suddenly became softer again.

But who made Su You the lord? This territory is her territory. Although it is not so exaggerated, within the scope of the territory, her physical attributes as a lord still have some bonuses.

She approached the window, and was about to continue listening, when she glanced and saw Dolly, who was stunned and in disbelief.

Su You: "..."

#As the master of the territory, what should I do if I was found by the residents of the territory at the foot of the wall, very urgent#
#On how to dig out a city lord's mansion with your toes#
No matter how awkward the atmosphere outside was, the conversation inside was still going on. Su You made a gesture of silence. Although Dolly was puzzled, she still approached slowly under her signal.

"...I don't know what the lord is thinking. Why is it worth [-] copper coins for an umbrella hat? This raincoat and cloak are only [-] copper coins together."

"Look at how relaxed that little girl is. Yesterday she made ten umbrella hats, a total of [-] copper coins! We have to make sixteen umbrellas and nearly thirty cloaks to get as many as she took!"


In fact, there is no need to listen to the following words. Generally speaking, there are two things, both of which are caused by the same person.

The first thing was that he was not convinced by Dolly, and felt that she had too many things to do, but in fact it was just that he made things himself and cut corners, resulting in unqualified finished products. He was embarrassed to tell her face to face when he was returned, so he pulled another person behind his back Speak ill.

The second thing is that he thinks there is a problem with the pricing of this item. The two people talking can only make raincoats, umbrellas and cloaks, and the price is not as high as the umbrella hat that another girl can make.

Dolly was so angry that her little face was flushed, and she wished she could rush in and tell this person to leave immediately.

Su You was okay, she had already guessed that such a thing might happen, so when recruiting craftsmen, she also screened their background stories and personal characteristics.

It's just that the background story and personality are just a representative summary, and cannot explain the other personalities of this person in detail, so it is not surprising that what happened now.

She pulled Dolly back two steps, then pointed to the back door: "Do you want to solve this matter yourself?"

Dolly was taken aback by her question, and the anger in her heart dissipated a lot.

"I..." Dolly looked a little dazed, but after all, she is not a simple girl who doesn't understand anything, so she quickly recovered, and then nodded: "Miss Lord, don't worry, I will take care of this matter ...I just need to trouble you to recruit another craftsman."

A smile flashed across Su You's eyes, and she asked, "Just recruit one?"

What she meant was very simple. There were two people talking inside, and the one who took the initiative to pick things up must not be kept, and he cut corners, and he was still not convinced.

But it's hard to say about the other person. Although he didn't take the initiative to participate, it's hard to guarantee that he also agrees with this person's ideas.

"Well, one is enough, the other person is actually quite serious. I asked the question twice before, and he changed it seriously." He really changed it seriously, because after he finished it, he immediately looked for more Li watched it again.

Dolly didn't think he was pretending, and there was no need to pretend like this, it was too much.

"Okay, then I'll hire another craftsman." Anyway, the person who made the trouble can make raincoats and cloaks, and if he can make it, so can the other man, and the umbrella hat he doesn't know, the female craftsman will also.

To put it bluntly, he is the one who can be replaced casually, and it would not be a pity to replace him.

(End of this chapter)

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