Chapter 286 286. Very Greedy

"This temporary craftsman is very easy to recruit. You can settle it with peace of mind, even if all three of them leave." Su You patted Dolly on the shoulder.

What she said was true, as I said before, people only earn fifty or sixty copper coins a day for collecting resources outside, and the lowest priced cloak here is thirty copper coins a piece.

As long as two cloaks are made a day, it can withstand the hard work of the people outside.

What's more, this cloak is very easy to make, one piece in half an hour, and [-] pieces in eight hours of work, and you can easily earn hundreds of copper coins.

That is to say, human beings, this heart is very greedy...

He can only see the interests in front of him, and the interests of others that are higher than his own. How could he know that the work they are doing now is a job that more than a dozen people outside are vying for.

"Don't worry, I won't let all three escape." Dolly, who was still a little nervous, couldn't help laughing when she heard Su You's words.

Since the matter was handed over to Doli, Su You didn't stay here any longer in order not to put pressure on her.

That night, Su You heard that someone was making trouble in the sewing shop, and under Dolly's explanation, everyone knew that there was a man who took high wages, cut corners, and finally tried to threaten another craftsman to learn the craft forcibly matter.

Most people didn't sympathize with this person's experience of being kicked out of the territory. Even if there were some "like-minded people", when they saw Su You's second recruitment announcement, all these emotions in their hearts disappeared.

Good job!

This kind of person who doesn't do business and likes to play tricks should go!
If he doesn't leave, how can he give up his position to others?
This is a job that can earn hundreds of copper coins a day!

You must know that some shop 'apprentices' with primary skills don't have this kind of treatment!

Su You was standing next to a post station, watching everyone's faces change like a magic trick, and various alerts rang in her ears non-stop.

With the lessons learned from the past, Su You screened three first this time, and handed them over to Dolly after the selection, and asked her to screen again.

As for how Dolly was screened, she didn't pay attention. Su You believed that she could handle it well.

In addition, Su You now also intends to recruit another sewing teacher. The skill level is not important, what she values ​​is talent, character and character, and the most important thing is to make Dolly like it.

In this way, it will be good whether it is an apprenticeship or an employee of a sewing shop, and it can help Dolly reduce her burden.

But this is all for the future. Su You has to wait for the first batch of rain gear to be completed before discussing this matter with Dolly. Since she is recruiting people for the sewing shop, she is also looking for apprentices for her. Dolly's idea Nature is the most important thing.



In the next few days, the territory was very stable, and everyone was working hard to make a living.

Data No. 20 In the morning of six days, a hundred pheasants were caught. Immediately afterwards, Su You issued another task of catching live pheasants, but this time the reward was fifteen copper coins for one live pheasant. Compared with the previous twenty copper coins, there are five copper coins less.

Even so, the price is still not lower than hunting other animals to sell meat to make money, just a little less.

In addition, the project of the dam has also come to an end. Although the progress is only 85%, and there is still 15% to be completed, the last 15% is actually the easiest.

Because the foundation has already been laid, and the stone pillars to stabilize the embankment have also been pressed, after the most difficult part is completed, the simplest part does not need to spend too much time.

Although Su You didn't inquire about Ain's project situation, he also knew how to measure it. Every day, he took the initiative to ask Su You to report the project situation of the previous day or the current day, so Su You was very satisfied with him, although he was not completely relieved for the time being.

After learning that the construction could be completed by tomorrow morning at the latest, Su You nodded to him, then turned around and went to the City Lord's Mansion to issue an announcement.

The content of the announcement is very simple, nothing more than a vague hint that something big is about to happen to everyone.

As for what happened, Su You didn't say clearly for the time being, because the time hadn't come yet, but Su You had already started to slowly hint to everyone that these things happened.



Dataization No. 20 is seven days old, today is a special day, because the reputation of Sunset Territory has successfully exceeded [-] today, and the prosperity has also successfully exceeded [-], reaching the standard for upgrading to a [medium-sized village].

The increase in prestige is because the homeless and travelers who came to the sunset territory were very satisfied with the management during this period, so they spread the word, not to mention exaggerated, at least those nearby territories knew about the sunset. existence of territory.

The increase in prosperity is because Su You has rarely been free these few days, and has upgraded all the buildings in the territory without going out.

Now the daily flow of people in the Sunset Territory has reached [-], which means that [-] people will go out (leave) and enter (stay) in the territory every day.

So far, except for some buildings that have not been upgraded, buildings that cannot be upgraded (God Statues), special buildings (City Lord's Mansion, City Heart Fire, Wishing Pool) and rented shops, the levels of other buildings have reached level three.

The floor of the residential building has been increased by one floor, and it has become a small apartment on the third floor (for 6 people). In addition, the interior layout of the newly added floor space has also been adjusted and improved... In short, it is more spacious than before. alright.

The rest of the commercial building is a special watershed in the third level, because when upgrading to the third level, you can choose the future business direction of the building.

As mentioned before, after the blacksmith shop is upgraded, you can choose to upgrade it to become a tool shop/weapon shop/armor shop, etc.

The sewing shop can also choose to sell clothing, armor, decorations, handicrafts and so on.

Of course, this choice is not absolute, it does not have to be chosen after upgrading, but can be chosen after upgrading.

So although Su You upgraded the shop, she still chose to maintain the status quo. The sewing shop is still a sewing shop, and the blacksmith shop is still a blacksmith shop.

The only special thing is the station. After the third level, the direction of the station is divided into two types, one is to become a large station, and the other is to become a luxury hotel.

The role of the large inn is to attract more wandering merchants and special merchants (merchants of other races or mysterious merchants) to visit the territory, and double the number of residents from 48 to 100 at the same time.

The role of luxury hotels is to attract more caravans. The difference from the former is that one is an individual and the other is a team.

The number of residents in a luxury hotel will be more than that of a large station, and the upper limit can accommodate about 150 people!
(End of this chapter)

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