Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 287 Chapter 287 Goodbye Bai Qiu


The reason why luxury hotels can accommodate so many people is because of the special layout, not because of the larger space capacity.

Many sections in a luxury hotel can be moved. To put it bluntly, it looks like a Datong shop, but it is more refined than a Datong shop. This allows people from the same caravan to live together. Handy for other things.

But it is not suitable for ordinary people to live here. After all, everyone is not familiar with it, and they must be on guard when they go out. It is impossible to live in Datongpu.

Although luxury hotels also have single rooms, but the number is small, only ten, and they are usually reserved for people with special status in the caravan, such as Tang Lu, who is the captain.

A luxury hotel can accommodate three to four medium-sized caravans, or one to two large caravans, depending on the number of caravans.

Although the Tianhong caravan was a large caravan, Tang Lu led only one team, and the size of the team was only about the size of a medium-sized caravan, so there were only about fifty people.

But in fact, when large-scale caravans really start to trade important materials, the number of people starts at least three digits, and it is possible to have as many as four to five hundred people.

It's just that this kind of business is rare after all, and basically it will only be dispatched when it knows that there are special products, otherwise this business will not even be able to collect the wages of four to five hundred people at a time.

In most cases, there are still 200 people, and 300 people are rare but not uncommon.

Judging from the current situation of the Sunset Territory, it is still not enough to attract large caravans, but it is still more than enough for small and medium caravans, so there are two stations in the territory, and Su You happened to upgrade one to a large station and the other to a luxury station. hotel.


In addition to the post station, there is another special building worth mentioning, which is obviously the tavern.

The special function of the tavern is recruitment, one of the three at the first level, one of the four at the second level, and two of the five at the third level.

In addition, there will no longer be residents with low talents or junior skill levels in the third-level tavern.

However, some special skills are not included, such as magician, restorer, enchanter, etc. Here, only common skills such as sewing, fishing, planting and blacksmithing are screened.

The third-level tavern not only increases the number of recruits by one, but also has a special function that can reserve a recruitment quota.

To put it simply, if you are not satisfied with two of the five choices for the first time, you can choose one of the five and reserve one recruitment quota. When the next tavern is refreshed, you can choose three of the five.

Of course, if you are still not satisfied, you can still choose two out of five, and save the third recruitment opportunity of three out of five until the next time.

Because of the 'guarantee' mechanism and the 'reserve' mechanism, the refresh time of the third-level tavern has not been reduced, but has been increased to once a week.

The last time the tavern was refreshed was No. 20 days. It is reasonable to say that the tavern will be refreshed in 24 days at the latest, but the reason why Su You has not recruited is that she has to wait for the tavern to be refreshed, upgrade the tavern, and then directly get the chance to choose two out of five .

Because after the tavern is upgraded, if the tavern is in a recruitable state, then the upgraded tavern is also recruitable, and the people waiting to be recruited will also be refreshed.

However, if the tavern is in the refreshment stage when it is upgraded, then after the upgrade, the refreshment time will be reset, and it will take another seven days to recruit.

The skill of this card upgrade time is important and important, and it is not particularly important if it is not important, because it only saves a few days of time.

Although I don't know if it still exists now, Su You still chooses to give it a try. Anyway, she has also seen the group of people who refreshed a few days ago. There is nothing particularly good, and it would be a pity not to recruit.

No.20, the tavern refreshed in four days, Su You was directly upgraded that night, and the third-level tavern needs three full days to upgrade, so it can be refreshed just tonight.

Just when Su You was squatting in the tavern to refresh, and sorting out all the information about digitization that she had collected so far, a guard in the territory suddenly notified her that a large caravan was coming, and the large caravan's The captain said he knew her and wanted to see her.

Su You guessed this caravan almost without much thought... After all, the only big caravan she is familiar with so far is the Tianhong Caravan.

When Su You arrived at the luxury hotel where the so-called big caravan stayed, she saw a very familiar person.

"Lord Su, I haven't seen you for a few days. It can be said that the development of Sunset Territory is getting better and better." Bai Qiu saw Su You, stood up with a smile and walked over to say hello.

"Looking at Captain Bai's appearance, there should be good news, right?" Su You smiled, and didn't respond too much to his compliment.

If there is anything worth Bai Qiu's special trip, it must be about the Cold Wind Valley.

According to Su You's guess, Bai Qiu and Tang Lu talked about the Cold Wind Valley, and Tang Lu must have discussed with the captain and other vice-captains of the Tianhong Caravan after returning home.

Based on the idea that this is not a huge effort, but if the situation is true, they will definitely be able to earn a lot of money, the Tianhong Caravan has no reason not to explore the Cold Wind Valley.

Although it went through a lot of twists and turns, the clues given by Su You were detailed, and they were lucky enough to meet someone from Cold Wind Valley during their search. Return to the sunset territory.

"The current situation is that our caravan is negotiating terms with Coldwind Valley..." Since the terms are still being negotiated, it must be that no agreement has been reached and no herbs have been bought.

Although Bai Qiu didn't go into details, Su You also knew what conditions they were talking about - it must be a monopoly condition!
For example, what did the Tianhong caravan pay and promise, and the exchange condition was that Cold Wind Valley could only sell herbs to the Tianhong caravan.

However, this is obviously impossible. After all, in this way, the Cold Wind Valley will be controlled by the Tianhong Caravan. If the relationship between the two parties can be stable, it will be fine. People are afraid of being starved to death.

The people in Cold Wind Valley are just avoiding the world, not being stupid, so they will naturally understand the truth that all eggs should not be put in one basket.

Therefore, the worst conditions for this monopoly will be restricted to caravans, that is, ordinary people and small caravans that are not in groups can still go to Cold Wind Valley to buy herbs, but medium and large caravans cannot.

If Cold Wind Valley can be smarter and more determined, the Tianhong caravan may continue to make concessions, and of course it may be the other way around, but this is not something Su You has to worry about.

"How long does Captain Bai think it will take to reach an agreement?"

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