Limited by the lack of herbs from Cold Wind Valley, without Suyou, there is no magic potion, which can be said to be very restrictive.

What's more, even if it's not for the magic potion, there are thousands of herbs in the Cold Wind Valley, if you leak some, Suyou can make a lot of good things.

So Su You can be said to be the one who most hopes that Tianhong Caravan can reach an agreement with Cold Wind Valley besides Tianhong Caravan.

Bai Qiu pondered for a moment, and then gave a rough time: "At most half a month."

After the words fell, he smiled again and said: "In fact, it is not up to the captain of my team to participate in this kind of thing, but thanks to Lord Tosu, I am also one of the people who contacted Cold Wind Valley, so this As soon as there is news, I can come and inform Lord Su."

After all, he brought the clues of Cold Wind Valley, and with Tang Lu's personality, she is not someone who would take credit, so the Tianhong Caravan would not let Bai Qiu, a 'hero', participate.

As long as the Cold Wind Valley can negotiate, then Bai Qiu's status in the caravan will definitely increase. You must know that the captains of the sub-teams are also divided into levels. He is at best a third-level captain at best, and there are still two levels in the caravan. grade and first grade.

Bai Qiu: "Now that the Cold Wind Valley has been found, I just came to rest for a few days. In order to find the clues of the Cold Wind Valley, I was exhausted during this period..."

Su You looked at Bai Qiu, knowing in her heart that things would definitely not be that simple.

It took three days to return to the Tianhong caravan, four days to find Cold Wind Valley, and to bring news. This is a bit too rushed.

Of course, it is also possible that the Cold Wind Valley is on the way with the Sunset Territory, but it is not possible to come to Su You so urgently, so he must have other purposes.

It's just that Bai Qiu didn't say anything, and Su You couldn't take the initiative to ask. She gave the news and the money. Logically speaking, she just needs to sit and wait for the herbal medicine. It doesn't make sense to do anything else.

"In that case, then I won't bother Captain Bai anymore. In the past few days, Sunset Territory has settled in many foreign shops. If you are interested, Captain Bai can also go and have a look." Regardless of whether there is any other purpose, the visitor is a visitor. As long as they come, there will be consumption, and they will become the creators of the GDP of the territory. Su You naturally welcomes it.

Bai Qiu obviously wanted to say something, but seeing that Su You seemed to have something to do and was about to leave, the words that were already on his lips finally changed their meaning: "Then Lord Su is busy first, I will show you around... …By the way, we also brought some things this time, so don’t hesitate if you need it.”

Su You smiled and said, "Of course."


After leaving the luxury hotel, Su You went to look at the construction progress on Ain's side, then on the newly recruited employees on Sit's side, and on the preparation of rain gear on Dolly's side, and then the whole day was like this It wobbled past.

At about six o'clock in the evening, Su You received two messages from the tavern——

[The tavern has been upgraded and new features have been unlocked, you can check it on the tavern information panel. 】

[The tavern has been refreshed, you can go to the tavern recruitment point to choose the residents you want to recruit. 】

It seems that this trick really works!
Su You, who had already finished dinner, sighed with emotion, then quickly left the restaurant and came to the tavern.

According to the prompt information, Su You first checked the information panel of the tavern. The content on it was the same as before. It was nothing more than showing that npcs with higher talents and higher skill levels would be refreshed.

In addition, the tavern is now able to refresh NPCs of special races (non-human races), but the probability is extremely small, as small as making Meck give up cooking.

There is also the function of recruiting quota reservation, which is also displayed above.

After confirming that the information was consistent with what she remembered, Su You opened the recruitment interface with great anticipation.

The space that originally displayed four boxes has shrunk to five, but you still only need to choose one of them with your mind to view all the information.

In addition, next to the number of available recruits in the upper right corner, there is an additional 'reserved recruiting number'.

The current situation is [Available number of recruits: 2] [Reserved number of recruits: 0 (maximum 1)].

"I hope to have a few combatants... at least it's good to refresh some special skills." Although the sunset seems to be developing quite well now, but the lack of combat power is a hidden danger.

You must know that Su You has recruited a total of nine people from the tavern so far, but only Duoya and Mei Ke have combat power.

Although Vivienne is also a magician and has some special tricks, she is indeed not a combatant.

It is said that 'the neighbor stores grain and I store guns, and the neighbor is my granary'. Although this statement is not pleasant, it is true.

If a territory does not have enough combat power to protect itself, no matter how well run it is, no matter how rich it is, no matter how many treasures it has, it will become someone else's 'warehouse'.

What's more, even if there is no threat from other territories, whether it is dark creatures or some other beast attacks in the future, these will still require combat power.

After reading a few sentences with her eyes closed, Su You opened her eyes and browsed through the information of the five people on the recruitment panel first, then a smile appeared on her face—because she saw a magician.

In terms of combat power, without considering the magic power, the magician is definitely crushing most of the combat professions. It is also true that the probability of the magician refreshing is not high.

Regardless of the fact that the tavern has been refreshed eight times so far (two are recruitment cards), she has already recruited two magicians (Mike, Vivienne), but these eight recruitments have refreshed a total of [-] times. More than thirty people!

Su You was really happy to see the magician on the recruitment panel.

The magician Su You sees now is a magician of the special department. Her name is Zenyue, and she is a magician of the wind department.

Among the magic attributes, the most common magician attributes are nothing more than the five elements of 'gold, wood, water, fire, and earth'.

In addition to these five departments, magicians of other departments are divided into 'speciality' and 'mutation'.

There are many special magics, including but not limited to the light and dark magic mentioned before, as well as healing, wind, electricity, poison and so on.

Then there is the variation magic. The variation magic is a variation based on ordinary magic and special magic, or it is a derivative magic. For example, ice is a variation of water. It is almost a black magic that everyone scolds on the mainland. In fact, it is a variation of dark magic.

Although it is a variation, the two are completely different.

Although black magicians are beaten and scolded on the mainland, everyone still has no prejudice against dark magicians.

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