Chapter 289 289. Buddhism
In particular, dark-type magicians are the most restrained type of magic besides light-type magic. After all, they are also of the same origin from a certain point of view.


Having said that, the only regret is that this magician's attributes are not very strong in combat, and she is an auxiliary magician.

Moreover, after reading the introduction of this magician, Su You always felt that her identity background seemed to be extremely special, and at the same time, it carried an inexplicable meaning——

【Zen month】

Gender: Female
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 60
Favorite: 20
Talents: Buddhism (95), Magic (80)

Skills: elementary wind magic (bottleneck), advanced Buddhist knowledge

Traits: Faith (has certain beliefs, attaches great importance to beliefs and is paranoid), elemental fission (self-elements are prone to fission, and at the same time can make the released magic produce special effects)
Introduction: [Zen Yue's family has a special belief, so that Zen Yue has been deeply interested in this belief since she was a child.

Coincidentally, the elders in the family discovered that Chanyue loves faith and has a very high talent for faith, so they trained her as the next head of the family.

But the world is impermanent, the Zen family suddenly fell into ruin due to something, and was always hunted down by unknown people, so Chanyue's parents took her to hide everywhere...

Until one day, when they came to a territory, Zenyue was inadvertently triggered an elemental riot by other magicians. After the local magician's guild discovered that she had magical talent, they invited Zenyue to join the magician's guild.

In order to protect her, Zenyue's parents handed her over to the Magicians Guild. After confirming that Zenyue was safe and sound, the two of them left Zenyue. So far, her life and death are unknown, and her whereabouts are unknown.

In order to be able to protect herself, to find her parents, and to avenge her family, Zenyue worked hard to learn magic, and finally, after her magician level reached the bottleneck, she got the opportunity to go out and practice...]


"This magician... is interesting." Su You couldn't help tapping the table of the tavern with her fingers, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

There are many special features of this magician named Zenyue just on the surface, such as her beliefs, such as her life experience.

Faith is Buddhism, which is not a big deal in the modern society where Su You used to live, but... But if the reality is combined with the previous games, then the Sunset Continent is equivalent to Western countries.

And she is from an Eastern country. In other words, Buddhism is more popular in Eastern countries, so corresponding to this world, it should be Chaoyang Continent.

So the question is, why does the belief of an eastern country appear on the western continent in the game?

Moreover, Su You has never heard that there are Buddhist talents and skills in the Sunset Continent... Of course, the digital world cannot be compared with the previous games, after all, they still have many differences.

But a recent incident made Su You unable to bear the connection between these two incidents.

And this event is the 'emergence of stowaways'.

"If Zenyue's family originated before the division of the four continents, then all this can be easily explained..." After all, the Sunset Continent and the Chaoyang Continent were connected at that time, and it was not surprising that knowledge and beliefs were interlinked.

"But if Zenyue's family originated after the division of the four continents..." Then there are two explanations. One is that the Buddhist inheritance left before the division of the continents was accidentally discovered by the Zen family and passed down.

Another possibility is that stowaways appeared after the continent split, and Zenyue's ancestors had stowaways from Chaoyang Continent.

And this stowaway made his home in the Sunset Continent, created the Zen family, and inherited Buddhism...Compared to the former, Su You thinks this possibility is higher.

Otherwise, if this inherited culture from another continent could be discovered and passed down so easily, then Su You wouldn't have no clues in the previous games.

And just after she discovered the stowaway, Zenyue appeared, and there was no problem...

Ha ha!

Go cheating!

"It seems that Zenyue must be recruiting." Su You sighed for the conclusion she came to.

The reason for sighing is simple, Chanyue's identity is destined to be troublesome, but Su You must accept her because she is troublesome.

Because she suspected that it was someone... Maybe it wasn't a person, in short, she suspected that it was deliberately arranged.

Whether it's Chanyue or Lin Chen and Lin Mu, Su You thinks they are all important, but their importance is different from Duoya and the others.

[Do you want to recruit 'Zen Moon'? 】


[The npc is heading to your territory, estimated time:? ? ? 】

Obviously recruiting a magician, Su You frowned, as if she had received a hot potato.

Of course, if she put aside her speculation, Zenyue is still very good. After all, she is a junior magician with [-] talents, and her level has reached the bottleneck, and she will soon become an intermediate magician.

And her traits are not bad, these two traits are actually blue traits, that is, neither good nor bad traits.

The former "belief" will easily make people paranoid and make some paranoid behaviors. At the same time, belief will also make people change for the better.

Although the latter 'elemental fission' sounds mysterious, it is actually a special physique of a magician.

The magic cast by a magician with this physique is more powerful, difficult to avoid, and has more magic forms, just like the difference between an apple and a plate of apple slices or a plate of apple cubes.

Most importantly, elemental fission can also produce 'magic crit'!
But the shortcomings are also obvious. A magician with this physique is likely to cause elemental riots. It is because of the elemental riots that Zenyue was discovered by the Magician Guild.

The simple explanation of the elemental riot is that it will fall into a situation where magic cannot be controlled. In this case, the moves of casting magic are out of control, and the attack target is also out of control, so it is easy to distinguish between the enemy and the friend.

It sounds dangerous, but this kind of physique can be suppressed, and Su You also knows how to suppress it, so it's not a problem.


Because of Zenyue's appearance, Su You suddenly had many special clues. She couldn't wait to recruit the next person, and then seize the time to analyze these clues.

But apart from Zenyue, none of the remaining four had fighters or people with special skills, so Su You simply kept this opportunity of recruitment, and did not choose to waste this opportunity to recruit casually.

Watching the tavern enter the refresh state, Su You returned to the City Lord's Mansion with a small notebook full of words that only she could understand...


 Thanks for the reward of [Where is the heroine without cp].

(End of this chapter)

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