Chapter 290 290. Territory Social
On a new day, the dam was completed, and while Su You gave Ain a bonus, he also gave him the next job—to build five residential houses and upgrade them all to level three.

Although it was just a simple small project, Ain still took it to heart.

After drawing and drawing architectural sketches one by one, he reduced the material consumption by about 10% and the time consumption by 20% without changing the storage space.

The work that originally took three days to complete took only a little more than two days in his hands.

Su You looked at his arrangement for a while, and after confirming that there was no problem, she let him decide.

In addition to the completion of the dam, so far, the preparation of rain gear has also reached a quantity sufficient for the residents of the territory.

The production process was relatively simple, and the cloak, which took the shortest time, produced a total of 55 pieces; the slightly more difficult raincoat and umbrella were [-] pieces and [-] pieces respectively; and the most complicated one, and only one female craftsman could make it. There are only forty umbrella hats that can be made.

Different rain gear is prepared for people with different jobs, so it is not a conflict.

As for the capture of pheasants, although everyone was a little less motivated due to the drop in the unit price of the task, they still caught more than [-] pheasants yesterday, and all of these pheasants were handed over to Sit to raise them.

At the same time, Su You also helped Xi Te recruit two breeding apprentices to share her pressure.

Everything seemed to be well prepared, so Su You issued another announcement, revealing part of the news related to the natural disaster, and at the same time telling everyone about the complete preparations of the territory.

This is done not only for peace of mind, but also to let the residents of the territory know that the territory will not deceive them in order to stabilize the people's hearts.

However, there are also shortcomings. At least many wanderers and travelers who did not join the territory in the territory have already started to pack their bags and prepare to leave the territory.

But there are also many people who think that the setting sun territory is well-arranged and don't want to leave, or they have other thoughts, but it doesn't matter anymore.

On the contrary, after the Tianhong caravan knew about this, they had to leave. After all, although Bai Qiu didn't bring too many people with him on this trip, there were more than a dozen of them, so it's inappropriate to delay them all here.

You must know that natural disasters can't end in three to five days, as short as half a month or as long as several months, they can't afford to delay this time.

What's more, when Bai Qiu came to the Sunset Territory, he had more important things to do, so he met Su You again on the second day when he came to the Sunset Territory.

As if afraid of being perfunctory by Su You again, Bai Qiu can be said to have expressed his purpose directly this time.

"Lord Su naturally knows about Cold Wind Valley, so do you know about Cold Wind Valley's preferences?"

To put it bluntly, Bai Qiu's question was to ask about preferences, but to put it bluntly, he actually wanted to know from her whether there is any weakness in Cold Wind Valley.

Just like how she recruited those people, as long as she grasps the weakness, not only is it easy to recruit people, but she can also gain the upper hand in negotiating certain conditions.

So, does Su You know?
"I can't give an answer to this question, because I also heard about the existence of Cold Wind Valley from a friend of mine, and I don't know about other things. After all, I have never been to Cold Wind Valley." In fact, this sentence Half truths.

It is true that Su You has never been to Cold Wind Valley. She is the lord, and she would send someone there if she wanted herbs. Of course, she would not go by herself.

As for the rest... the excuse of just saying 'I have a friend' is really good anytime.

Su You actually knew the weakness of Cold Wind Valley, but she couldn't say it, because although she hoped they could reach an agreement, she didn't want the Tianhong caravan to monopolize Cold Wind Valley too much. Doing so would not only harm the people in Cold Wind Valley, but also It's also possible that she hurt herself.

"Okay... I'm bothering Lord Su." Because Su You said it decisively and seriously, Bai Qiu couldn't tell whether she was telling the truth or not.

But regardless of whether it was true or not, he already knew that he could not get the information he wanted from Su You, so Bai Qiu led people out of the sunset territory that afternoon.

Bai Qiu's departure didn't affect Su You's life at all. If there was anything to say, it was that before he left, Su You raided a batch of materials in the caravan and continued to build the territory.


After hanging the last decoration on the eaves, Su You casually found a bench and sat down, then opened the information panel of the territory.

【Sunset Territory】

Lord: Su You

Territory level: small village (with a population of 100 and a prosperity of 1000, it can be upgraded to a medium-sized village)

Territory Status: Open Territory (Open Territory can attract everyone to visit)
Territory law and order: 91
Territory social: Elf (friendly, 89/100), mermaid (neutral, 15/100), dragon (neutral, 3/100)

Territory happiness: good
Territory Prosperity: 1242
Territory reputation: 302
Territory population: 85/91
Territory aura: [Blessing of Life Ⅰ] (from the idol Doris)

Territory events:

I: [They are aware of the strength of this place, and the fear of power makes them shrink back. The record of this place will deter them. In a short time, they will no longer bother here because they are afraid of power, but they will never give up. They will only be stronger next time...]

II: [The plants are restless, the beasts are restless, and the whole forest is plunged into an inexplicable gloomy and weird atmosphere. Every night, an inexplicable energy will be emitted from a high tower, and it will be enveloped by this energy The area seems to be affected by some...]

III: [The wind and cloud are about to break, the mountains and rains are coming, the natural disaster is approaching step by step, and the whole area is trembling for the uneasy future.Mountain torrents, tsunamis, scorching heat, severe cold, wind and frost, rain and snow... These are the tests of nature for human beings, and they are also the price that human beings pay for their actions. 】


The current situation in the territory is very good. The security problem that was the most distressing has disappeared after the patrols and guards were set up, and the new "Territory Incident III" is related to natural disasters. It is the same as the previous dark creature attack. Warns of danger.

But soon, Su You discovered a new problem—there were three more people in the Sunset Territory.

"What's going on here?" Su You was a little surprised.

There are two types of social interaction, one is territorial social interaction, which refers to the social relationship between a racial force and the entire territory; the other is personal social interaction, which refers to the favor relationship between herself and other racial forces.

The difference between the two social relationships is actually similar to the residents' favorability and loyalty.

Among them, the territorial social relationship from poor to good is as follows: irreconcilable, hostile, vicious, disgusted, neutral, acquainted, friendly, intimate, and ally.

The last alliance relationship is quite special. It does not mean that the relationship reaches a certain level to be an alliance. An alliance needs to be formed to form an alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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