Chapter 291. 291. Demolition
After forming an alliance, allies can help each other unconditionally in times of crisis.

However, once the alliance is broken, it means that the social relationship is broken, and the social relationship will be reduced to at least hostile at that time.

The order of personal social relationship from poor to good is: Immortal, Enemy, Hatred, Indifferent, Normal, Friendly, Familiar (ren), Respect, and Worship.

It is not surprising that there are elves in the Sunset Territory. After all, she saved the Elf Princess, and she is the lord of the Sunset Territory, so the social interaction in the territory has reached a friendly relationship, and the personal social interaction has reached the level of 'familiarity'.

But she has almost no negotiations with the mermaids and dragons, so the emergence of social interaction between these two races seems a bit weird.

The emergence of social interaction lies in the increase or decrease of favorability. As long as a certain race has an increase or decrease in favorability for a territory, it will appear in the social list.

If Su You were to explain it, she thinks that the Mermaid Clan socializes because she and Lu Ya have a good impression of each other, and Lu Ya's status in the Mermaid Clan is not low...

If you make friends with someone with a high racial status, it is not surprising that there are social relationships.

But Su You really can't think of the reason for the emergence of dragon social interaction. After all, two days after leaving the maze, Su You read the territory information.

"Is it possible that after leaving the maze, when did the territory come into contact with the dragons?" This is obviously unlikely, but the fact lies here.

Su You sighed, and didn't intend to continue to delve into this problem. Anyway, she would definitely not be able to figure it out for a while, and it would be meaningless to figure it out.

As long as the relationship doesn't decline it's fine.

Then, Su You looked at the population of the territory. She also found that the population of the territory was about to reach the upper limit, so she arranged for Ain to build a house. The population limit has been increased by [-].

"There are still fifteen people left...Forget it, we still won't upgrade." Looking at the number of people in the territory and calculating the time, Su You decided to postpone the upgrade of the territory until after the natural disaster started.

According to the current rate of four or five people or even seven or eight people choosing to join the territory every day, within three days, the territory will definitely meet the conditions of an intermediate village.

But like the difficulty of dark creatures, the difficulty of natural disasters is also related to the level of the territory, so it is understandable that Su You chose not to upgrade.

Today is the No.20 eight days of digitalization. As soon as tomorrow is over, at midnight on the No.30 day, natural disasters will come.

Su You suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and first opened the panel of the "exploration team" to check the situation of Lyle and Duoya... I saw the words "returning" displayed above their names, and the other conditions were also very good After that, she slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that she has returned, as long as there are no accidents on the road, she will definitely be able to reach the territory tomorrow, so she doesn't have to worry about them experiencing natural disasters outside.

Thinking of their coming back soon, Su You was somewhat looking forward to the news they would bring back.

"I hope it's good news." Su You thought as she prepared to return to the City Lord's Mansion to rest.

It is unknown whether there will be any good news tomorrow, but after Su You returned to the City Lord's Mansion, she found a piece of bad news... That was her home (City Lord's Mansion), which was destroyed!dismantle!up!

Broken glass all over the floor, wood chips and porcelain pieces piled up everywhere, furniture covered with scratches, torn into strips of cloth and satin... Seeing this scene that seemed to be after robbers raided, Su You fell into a brief daze Shocked and shocked.

"Oops..." After that, she didn't know what to think of, and walked quickly to the bedroom, with a faint look of anxiety on her face.

But when she pushed open the door of her bedroom, the scene in front of her eyes made her face stiff, and then her blood pressure gradually increased——

I saw that the boxes and books that she had placed neatly and filled with important materials were now all over the floor. There were pieces of tattered paper here and there. The box was solid and was not opened violently, but it was also covered with unknown The famous scratch...

Beside these things, half of a white furry body about the size of a football got stuck under the bed, its round and furry buttocks trembled, and its long tail dangled in the air.

And if she heard correctly, there were some rustling noises under the bed from time to time.

With a cold face, Su You quickly walked to the bed, then bent down and stretched out her hand, and directly grabbed the culprit who caused the disaster of the City Lord's Mansion with her big white tail.

At first, Su You was still wondering if it might not be the one who did it, until after the white sable was pulled out, she saw the half of the board it was still holding in its hands, and the half of the curtain fabric hanging on its head... Well, the evidence is conclusive , there is no chance for sophistry.

'Milk? Suddenly being pulled out from under the bed by Su You, and able to see the light again, Bai Diao was stunned for a few seconds, and then danced excitedly.

Su You looked at the snow-white fur in her hand, and then opened the window... In fact, there was no need to open it, because the glass was already broken, and there was no glass, so Su You directly threw the white mink out of the broken window.

But it was less than one meter high, and there was still a lawn below, and Su You also controlled her strength, so she couldn't fall to Diao's death.

'Mile! ! ! '

Even so, the white sable's cry came from outside the window, but Su You didn't seem to hear it.

She went to the warehouse for a while, and then came back with repair materials. After going back and forth like this, she found that the white mink that she had thrown out somehow sneaked in again, and at this time she was posing pitifully. He squatted beside the bed, looking up at her.

Su You: ...

Su You stared at it for a few seconds, then pretended not to see it, opened the building information panel of the City Lord's Mansion, and repaired the furniture in the room in the same way.

[Wood consumed*5, repair wooden chair...]

[Consumed glass*12, repair windows...]

[Consumed stone *19, repairing the wall...]


It took about ten minutes, and the materials of Suyou's backpack were exhausted. At the same time, the countdown to repair was going on wherever the naked eye could see.

"Heck..." Maybe because he knew he had done something wrong, Bai Diao squatted beside the bed and looked at her, pretending to be wronged pitifully.

At this time, apart from making a whimpering sound from time to time to brush up his sense of existence, the white mink didn't stick to her body excitedly like when he saw Su You before, and then climbed up.

This is probably due to the fear of offending Su You and being thrown out of the window again.

But should I say it or not, although the white sable did the husky's work, but at least he didn't remove the bed, otherwise Su You would have to go outside to find a place to sleep.

 Thanks to [Miamiaya] for the reward.

  Thanks to [Gases Yaya] for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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